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.'Well, what're you looking at? Neversaw a campfire before?''Thou bid me eat with my master!'Rod scowled.'Is that some major miracle? Here, give a drag of that ale-skin, willyou? That road gets dusty.'Tom nodded, eyes still fixed on Rod's and held out the skin.Rod took a swig,looked up, and frowned.'What's the matter? Never saw a man take a drink? Whatam I, some alien monster?'Tom's mouth closed; his eyes turned dark and brooding.Then he grinned,laughed, and sat down on a rock.'Nay, master, nay.Thou'rt a rare good man, andthat only.Nay, only that!'Rod frowned.'Why, what's so rare about me?'Tom threw two cakes of hardtack into the frying pan and looked up, grinning.'Inthis country, master, a gentleman does not take food with his servant.''Oh, that!' Rod waved the objection away.'It's just you and me out here on theroad, Big Tom.I don't have to put up with that nonsense.''Aye,' Big Tom chuckled.'A most wonderous rare man, as I said.''And a fool, eh?' Rod served up two slices of ham on wooden saucers.'Guess weeat with our knives, Tom.Dig in.'They ate in silence, Rod scowling at his plate, Tom leaning back and looking outover the countryside.They were at the head of a small valley, filled now with the morning mist, a trapfor small sunbeams.The sun lurked over the hedges, and the mist was golden.Tom grinned as he chewed and jerked his thumb toward the valley.''Tis the endof the rainbow, master.''Hm?' Rod jerked his head up.He smiled sourly; it was, after all, more of a pot ofgold than he'd had any right to expect.Tom gave a rumbling belch and picked at his teeth with his dagger.'A goldenaaTTnnssFFffooDDrrPPmmYYeeYYrrBB22.BBAAClick here to buyClick here to buywwmmwwoowwcc.AAYYBBYYBB r rmist, master, and mayhap golden girls within it.'Rod swallowed quickly and objected.'Oh, no! No tomcatting on the side of thistrip, Big Tom! We've got to get down to the South and get down there fast!''Eh, master!' Tom wailed in shocked protest, 'what harm another hour or four,eh? Besides' - he sat forward and poked Rod in the ribs, grinning - 'I'll wagerthou'lt outdo me.What lasses may not a warlock have, mm?.Eh, what's thematter?'Rod wheezed and pounded his chest.'Just a piece of hardtack having anargument with my gullet.Tom, for the umpteenth penultimate unprintable time,I am not a warlock!''Oh, aye, master, to be sure!' Big Tom said with a broad-lipped grin.'And thoumayst be certain thou'rt as poor a liar as thou art an executioner.'Rod frowned.'I haven't killed a man the whole time I've been here!''Aye, and that is my meaning.''Oh.' Rod turned and looked out over the fields.Well, you might as well add loverto that list of things I'm not good at, Tom.'The big man sat forward, frowning, searching Rod's face.'In truth, I think hedoth mean it!''Be sure that I doth.'Tom sat back, studying his master and tossing his dagger, catching it alternatelyby the hilt and the point.'Aye, thou speakest aright of thy knowledge.' He satforward, looking into Rod's eyes.'And therefore shall I dare to advise thee.'Rod grinned and gave him a hollow laugh.'All right, advise me.Tell me how it'sdone.''Nay.' Tom held up a palm.'That much I am sure that you knowest.But it is thesefarm girls against which I must caution thee, master.''Oh?''Aye.They are-' Tom's face broke into a grin.'Oh, they are excellent, master,though simple.But' - he frowned again -'never give them a trace of hope.'Rod frowned too, 'Why not?'''Twill be thy undoing.Thou mayst love them well, master, once - but once only.aaTTnnssFFffooDDrrPPmmYYeeYYrrBB22.BBAAClick here to buyClick here to buywwmmwwoowwcc.AAYYBBYYBB r rThen must thou leave them, right quickly, and never look back.''Why? I'll be turned into a pillar of salt?''Nay, thou'lt be turned into a husband.For once given the merest shred of hope,master, these farm girls will stick tighter than leeches, and thou'lt never be rid ofthem.'Rod snorted.'I should have a chance to worry about it! Come on, drink up yourcoffee and mount up.'They doused the fire and packed up, and rode down into the red-gold mist.They had gone perhaps three hundred yards when a longdrawn alto voice hailedthem.Rod looked up, tensed and wary [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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