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.I have no idea why Eugene would tell you what he did.As amatter of fact, I was thinking that the divorce should go through any day now.As far as Iknew, Eugene had taken care of everything.Shelly crossed her arms and pouted.She looked like a spoiled child, uncertain as towhat her next move would be. Shelly, I honestly don t know what s going on either but I intend to find out.I wantthis divorce, too. Yeah, right.Eugene said that you fought this divorce tooth and nail.Well, I m tired ofhim sitting on his ass doing nothing about it.I m taking matters into my own hands and I mtelling you that he doesn t want you.Let him go.Maggie shook her head.This woman was just not getting it. How about I call himright now and we can settle this issue?Shelly s eyes widened with panic. No! Eugene is in court all day.You wouldn t be ableto reach him. 90 Eve VaughnIt became apparent to Maggie that Shelly didn t want Eugene to know about this visit. Look, I haven t got time to argue with you about something you obviously know nothingabout. Why, you -- No.Don t say anything else, Shelly.I would like you to leave. So you re not going to cooperate, are you? Shelly asked stubbornly.Maggie threw her hands up in the air.What the hell had this woman been smoking? It seems I m not the only pathetic person here, Maggie snapped, finally losing her temper. Oh, that s rich, coming from someone like you.You ve been trying to hold on to aman who doesn t want you anymore.I know how you ve used your children all these yearsto blackmail him into staying with you.Eugene told me the truth, and I know how youmanipulated and treated him all these years.Well, listen here, sister, even if you don t signthose papers, Eugene will still get the divorce.We ll just have to wait a little longer and thenwe re going to be married. Shelly smiled triumphantly. And once you re married to him, he ll lose interest in you like he did me, but thenagain it seems as if he s lost interest in you already if he s lying about the divorce papers,Maggie taunted, tired of trying to be civil.Shelly s eyes narrowed to slits. You are just as awful as Eugene said you were.Justbecause you weren t woman enough to hold him doesn t mean I m not.I see you won t bereasonable, so I am leaving.I can t say it s been nice meeting you. Shelly turned on her heeland slammed out of the office, leaving a trail of expensive French perfume behind her.Maggie shook her head, feeling a wave of pity for the other woman.Having beenmarried to Eugene for twenty-three years, she knew Shelly Thompson was in for some veryunhappy times ahead.Now why in the world had Eugene told Shelly that lie? She didn thave a lot of faith in her soon-to-be ex-husband, but she had been sure that he would takecare of the divorce, as he was the one who had initiated the proceedings.What the hell was he up to? Because she had been left with so little money, Maggiehad not been able to afford an attorney, but now that she was working and had built up alittle savings, perhaps it was time to get one to make sure there would actually be a divorce.There was one thing she knew for certain -- she would not allow Eugene to stay a dark cloudin her sky. Blood Brothers: GianMarco s Muse 91Chapter TwelveHe watched her come out of the office and licked his lips in anticipation.She would bea tasty morsel.The thought of sinking his teeth and claws into her flesh made his heartpound.He could almost smell the blood coursing through her veins, but now wasn t thetime.He would wait until she was brought over.Once she became one of them, killing her would be all the sweeter.He smiled as hethought of what it would do to GianMarco Grimaldi to lose another bloodmate.He wouldmake sure to sample this one s sweet cunt juices before he ripped her heart out.Sweet, sweet Maggie -- he had plans for her.He intended to do her exactly as he haddone Bianca.Pure, innocent Bianca.He had gained her trust, making her believe that he wasa friend while GianMarco had gone gallivanting through Florence trying to make a name forhimself as an artist.What a laugh that had been.He remembered the day as if it were yesterday.He had knocked on the door, announcing himself because he knew Bianca had beeninstructed not to open the door for anyone she didn t know.She had been so sweet andtrusting.Bianca had wanted to show him her little son.She was so proud of Giovanni, namedfor his nonno.When she had laid the infant down for his nap, he had had his way with her.She hadstruggled and was quite strong for such a young vampire, but she was no match for him.When Bianca had realized that she could not hope to beat him, she had cried and pleaded forher and her son s lives.He had laughed as he licked the tears that fell from her dark eyes.The fighting had amused him, but the begging disgusted him.Nothing bothered him morethan weakness.He had snatched her tongue out and stuffed it down her throat.He then took pleasurein ripping her heart out.He almost felt guilty about killing the baby but then he d 92 Eve Vaughnremembered whose child it was and the guilt was gone.Now, it seemed after all this timeGianMarco had finally found another bloodmate.She would go the route of Bianca Grimaldi.To this day, GianMarco had not foundBianca s real murderer.Some other vampire had taken the fall for that.He vowed that he would not rest until the Grimaldi brothers and everything theyloved were destroyed.He grinned as he thought of Dante Grimaldi, who still believed he wasresponsible for the death of his own bloodmate.And then there was Niccolo and his poorlost love.Romeo Grimaldi was the only one who had yet to suffer, but he had a specialpunishment for that cocky son of a bitch.It was too bad the incident in the club had backfired.If that stupid cunt hadn t messedthings up, he would have taken them all out that very night.That was fine, though -- he hadwaited this long; he could wait a little longer.As the years had gone by, he had grownstronger and stronger waiting for his time to come.It would be soon.very soon.Now, for the moment at hand, he would have to find a way to get into the good gracesof GianMarco s new love.He liked the slight jiggle to her wide, round bottom.Her smooth,dark skin looked soft, like velvet.Normally, he preferred the creamy alabaster complexion ofan English rose, but every now and then he didn t mind tasting a little chocolate.It was toobad she had gotten involved with a Grimaldi, because now she was going to die.* * * * * Where the hell have you been? I ve been leaving messages on your answeringmachine and I haven t heard from you in weeks! Montana shouted at her friend whenMaggie sat down at the restaurant table. I ordered for us already.I ordered your usual.Chicken Alfredo, right?Maggie nodded, already feeling guilty for not contacting her friend in a while. I m sorry, Montana.GianMarco won t give me a moment s peace [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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