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.It was easy enough getting in the building, despite the outsidedoors locking after dark.Everyone was either on their way to get doors locking after dark.Everyone was either on their way to getdrunk or already there, so no one noticed or cared who dodgedinside when the door opened.I don t know how I ended up in front of her door so quickly,but I knew I hadn t used teleportation only because I d ended upoutside her door.I would have put myself dead center in her roomif I d employed any supernatural powers, no question about it.My heart was in my throat; I finally got what people meantwhen they said that, and it wasn t a figurative use of the expression.I was certain if I reached a finger past my tongue, I d find a beatingorgan blocking my esophagus.I rapped on the door, but in the silence it echoed through theempty hall like I was pounding on it.Soft footsteps padded towards the door, and my senses wereon such high alert I could sense the air being disturbed as a formcut through it.I was so focused on these minute details, I didn tprocess that the person twisting the doorknob open was not the process that the person twisting the doorknob open was not theone I d come searching for.Opening the door a sliver width and a half, Julia s nuclear greeneye popped through the space.I took an involuntary step back,which was rude I knew, but it was better than lunging back like I dwanted to do when that unsettling eye latched onto me. You, she said, heaving the door open the rest of the way.Typical Julia greeting: succinct, sharp, and psychotic. Me, I answered back cryptically.She nodded once, like I d just given her an answer to a silentquestion. Is that a good or bad thing? I asked, not even about to guesswhat she was thinking. Depends, she answered, lifting a shoulder as she turned andheaded towards the back of the room.Taking her not slamming the door on my face as an invitation tocome in, I took a few steps inside, but since this was a dorm room come in, I took a few steps inside, but since this was a dorm roomwe were talking about, I was already halfway inside when Julia shead got lost behind a mini-fridge. You want a sparkling water?she asked, already pitching one my way. Eh, sure, I said, snatching the green bottle somersaultingthrough the air. Thanks?Tilting the bottle she was holding at me in acknowledgement,she took a chug. And here I thought I was the goth, she said, surveying me toe tohead before taking another swig. You look like you ve been deadfor the past hundred years.I came close to spewing the sip of water I d just taken.Despiteknowing Julia was attempting to be amusing, the trueness of herstatement wasn t lost on me.Knowing her, I could tell her everylast nitty gritty detail of my world and she d shrug an unimpressedshoulder and get back to sacrificing small animals or brewing vex potions or whatever else she did on a Friday night. Keep the compliments coming, I mumbled, twisting the capback on the water of nasty bubbly origins. You re a misogynist pig, she said, like it was on the tip of hertongue, relieving me of the disgrace-to-water bottle. Now that actually hurts.Why would you say that? I asked,making myself comfortable on the edge of Emma s bed.I wasn tsure what the antonym of misogyny was, but that s what I was.Iwas possibly the most devote lover of woman out there. Because if you cared anything for Emma s peace of mind, youwouldn t be here right now, she answered, leaning into the mini-fridge and appraising me with those nutty eyes. I just needed to know if she was all right, I admitted,transparency coming naturally in Julia s presence, or maybe shewas a bonafied witch and was forcing me to spill my guts.Not thatI d come across an actual witch in my existence, but as a being of supernatural quality, it seemed hypocritical to believe Immortalshad the market cornered on all things paranormal. I don t think all right are words I d ever use to describeEmma s state of being, she said, talking into her bottle [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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