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.Harcourt in the study.Archer sat behind his desk.Harcourt sat in the wing chair.Both sat quietly.Rigidly.She wondered if they had spoken two words to each otherbefore she came into the room.Seeing her, they both stood, Archer coming round the desk to tower beside her.Harcourt gripped the brim of his bowler in both hands. I received word you weresafe, Miss Whitney, but I feel immensely better now that I ve seen you with my own eyes.Agitation brightened his features. Lord Black told me of your ordeal.I can blame onlymyself.If I had brought you back to Black House immediately, as Lord Black instructed Elena glanced to Archer, hoping he had not taken the man to task over that detail.Hisstony expression gave her no reassurance.Looking back to Harcourt she said,  You must not blame yourself.Like you, when thecasualties from the brewery arrived, I thought it better to stay and assist.I m safe now.She smiled to reassure him. That s what matters.His normally golden skin grew very pale. I m not altogether convinced of that. Why do you say that? Have you ever met a woman by the name of Mary Kelly?Mary Kelly.What a familiar name.She scoured her memory. Yes. The woman she had met at the Ten Bells with Mrs.Scott. I believe I have, if it sthe same girl.I cannot say we shared more than a few words, but someone remarked howwe looked like each other. Elena s smile faded. Why? This morning I received a summons from the police surgeon, asking that I accompanyhim to a crime scene at Miller s Court.Elena experienced a sudden premonition of what he would say. Don t say it.Harcourt nodded. It s true, I m afraid.Last night Mary Kelly was murdered in herbed.Elena gasped,  No.Harcourt continued in a gravelly voice. That s a kind word for what he did to her.I say he because there is no mistaking who committed the crime.She glanced at Archer, and found him standing rigid and emotionless beside his desk. I found this in her room. He pulled an envelope from his hip pocket and held it outto Archer. It s addressed to you, Lord Black. Archer s gaze burned upon the envelope with such intense hatred that Elena feared thecontents would burst into flames in Harcourt s hand before they had a chance to readthem. Don t tell anyone where you obtained the letter, I beg you.I risk my professionalreputation in not turning it over to the authorities, but when I saw what was writteninside, I could do nothing but bring it directly to you. Open it, Archer, Elena urged. Read what it says.Archer seized the envelope and opened its flap. What does it say? she asked.He read in a quiet voice. It seems that like you.I am developing a preference forpretty girls. He closed the letter. There s more vile stuff.I will not read the rest aloud inMiss Whitney s presence.The blood drained from Elena s face, and she quickly seated herself into a nearby chair. He s threatened me again, hasn t he?Just then she startled, seeing a shadow move out of the corner of her eye.And another.Harcourt strode past her to stand before Archer. Your lordship, Miss Whitney is infurther danger.Protect her.I beg you.Do what you must to keep her safe.My God, takeher out of the city if you must.As for me, I must return immediately to the scene of thecrime.With that the doctor took up his hat from the chair and vacated the room.A long, silent moment passed.Elena whispered,  They are here, aren t they?Archer nodded.Selene and Mark materialized from shadow. So you ve heard the latest news from the East End. Mark paced before the fire.Elena whispered,  He killed that girl while I was down in that pit.Selene threw her mantle over the back of the empty chair.Glaring at Archer, sheseethed,  He used your lover against not only you, Archer, but all of us.As a distraction.Elena pushed herself up from her chair. Tell them about the letter, Archer.He wantsme, if only to get to the rest of you.So let him have me.Use me as bait and lure himout. I won t put you in danger. She came closer, placing her hand on his arm. You wouldn t let him hurt me, I knowyou wouldn t.I have every faith in you. Elena, he said quietly. I ve got to ask that you leave us now.I must speak with Markand Selene privately.Elena went stiff.She nodded, her plan obviously rejected.She wanted to stay with him,to be included in everything, no matter how dangerous the outcome.But she couldn t forget what he was, and what she wasn t.Archer watched Elena go.At the door, she paused.Love you.Her shoulders straightened but she didn t look back.Instead, she pulled the tall woodendoor shut behind her.Good girl.He gave his full attention to the twin Guards who awaited him. The wave is upon us.Jack has turned brotoi.Mark crossed his arms over his chest. Let s go get him then, the three of us, together.We won t allow ourselves to be divided again.Selene grasped up her mantle.Archer slowly shook his head. Things have gone too far.This brotoi has made foolsof us, while we ve struggled to find our bearings.I won t take any more chances [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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