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.He did not like the idea of his aliens in bed with other people.He wasn’t quite sure when they had become his aliens.Maybe when they had filled him, caressed him, fucked him, but already, after so little time, the feeling was there.“Of course not.”“It is not a sexual act,” Lanth said.“We derive no pleasure fromit.”Jaeger shifted, recalling with perfect clarity the look on thevisitors’ faces as they pumped themselves to orgasm inside of him.“You must,” he whispered.“Or how else would you be able to come?”“Ah…” Lanth leaned forward and dropped a kiss on Jaeger’sopen lips.“The exact right question at the exact right time.It issimple.We help one another.You and Van will escort me, and youand I will escort him.”The implications of his words made Jaeger start.“You want meto be there when you have sex with women? To go to an alien planet and help you…”Lanth nodded, oblivious it seemed, to the look of shock onJaeger’s face.“It is our only chance of success.Without all our mates present the chemical will not activate.You will come with us, little human, and help in our mission, and then we will take you to our true home.”“You will like it there,” Van interjected.“We will make youhappy.”“I can’t,” Jaeger said, the words spilling out of his mouth.Because, all of a sudden, he began to realize the implications of what was happening to him.Talk of alien worlds, of impregnatingfemales…it was like someone had dashed cold water over his face.He was stood, naked, in the control room of an alien ship, with twoaliens who had fucked him senseless over the past several hours.That was bad enough.He could almost excuse that.They hadmade him feel things that he didn’t even know existed.Pleasured him in ways that made Jaeger’s toes curl.But beyond all that was therealization of what was happening so many miles away now.Hispeople were what mattered, not the aliens.Those back in The Cubewere counting on him.Had sent him out to get what they needed.It was his mission that took priority, not Lanth and Van’s.“I can’t,” he repeated.“Because you are nervous,” Lanth said.“Do not worry—”Jaeger stepped back, shrugging his mate’s hand off him.“Notbecause I am nervous,” he said as firmly as he could.“But because I have to go home.”Chapter Eight“Out of the question,” Lanth snapped.Jaeger’s eyes widened at the tone his golden-haired alien wasusing.He’d heard tender, teasing, even loving words over the last few hours, but not angry ones, and the abrupt change startled him.“Excuse me?”“You cannot go home,” Lanth said, gentler now.“You are withus now.You’re ours.We are your home.”“But I belong with my people.”Lanth pinched the bridge of his nose, as if in exasperation.It wassuch a human gesture that Jaeger found himself wondering how theirtwo species could be so alike.He wanted to ask that question, butfeared now was not the time.“Jaeger,” Lanth said slowly.“That is a lie.You felt it when wewere together.You felt it when we were buried inside of you.Youwant this as much as we do.”“But I have responsibilities,” Jaeger insisted.“To your mates.To our mission.”“No.To my people.For my mission.”“This mission of yours, what is it?” Van asked.“Why were youout in the ruins?”Jaeger turned to the tawny alien.His voice was patient, his toneencouraging.It was then that Jaeger understood the dynamics of therelationship around him.Lanth was forceful and quick to act, whereas Van was calmer, more measured.And him? Jaeger shuddered.Hehad no idea where he fit.“You don’t know?” Jaeger asked.“You seem to know everythingelse that happens on the surface.”“We know only what we gleaned from your dreams,” Van said.“The fragments that I picked up as we slept.The mate bond callingacross space.”Realization dawned.“That’s how you knew my name?”Van nodded.“Yes.But why your people leave The Cube?” Heshrugged.“We do not know the reasons for that.We thoughtscavenging.”“Then you thought right.” Jaeger paused for a moment,remembering all the times that his people’s desperate foragers hadheaded off in the four directions.North, South, East and West.Fourchances for success.Four chances to bring back what was needed.But also four chances for failure.He frowned slightly as he rememberedthe last foraging mission, just eight months ago.Not a single forager had returned from that.Accidents maybe, eaten by wild things…or…Jaeger looked up, perhaps they had been taken by the Valdor.Maybethey were living on the planet floating in front of him.Safe.Happy.Well fed.“There are things we need,” Jaeger added, the schematics of their3D food printers coming to mind.And it was then, as he recalled the schematics, not to mention all of the other things The Cube struggled to fix or find, that an idea occurred to him.A way, perhaps, to get what he wanted.To not become one of the failures.“If you help mypeople,” he said quickly.“I will do as you ask.”The two aliens looked at one another, slight frowns on theirfaces.“Help them how?” Lanth asked.“They need food, water, more supplies.The Cube is…” Jaegerhalted as images of his home filled his mind.“It’s old.”“Over a century.”Jaeger nodded.“Exactly.I don’t know about the mechanics orhow everything works.I was assigned to the mines when I wasfourteen.I’ve lived there since.”“And what do you do in these mines?” Van asked [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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