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. And what about Gabriel? Can I see him? Winston said he was in London. Mother Blessing brought Gabriel down to London, and then he was lost.Hollis twisted around in his seat to look at Linden. What are you talkingabout? Our Traveler went searching for his father in the First Realm.He s stillalive, but he also hasn t returned. So where s the body? Why don t you have some coffee first. I don t want any goddamn coffee.Where s Gabriel? He s my friend.Linden shrugged his massive shoulders. Go down the hallway&.Hollis left the kitchen and walked down the hallway to a shabby little roomwhere Gabriel lay on a bed.The Traveler s body was limp and unresponsive asif he was trapped within the deepest level of sleep.Sitting on the edge ofthe bed, Hollis touched the Traveler s hand.Although he knew that Gabrielprobably couldn t hear anything, he felt like speaking to him. Hey, Gabe.This is your friend Hollis.Don t worry.I m going to protectyou. Good.That s exactly what we want. Hollis turned around and saw Lindenstanding in the doorway. We ll pay you five hundred pounds a week. I m not a mercenary and don t want to be treated like one.I ll guardGabriel because he s my friend.But first I need to make sure that Vicki s allright.You got that?Hollis had always favored the aggressive approach when someone was trying toorder him around, but now he wasn t so sure.Linden bent down and drew a 9mmsemiautomatic pistol from an ankle holster.Seeing the gun and the coldexpression on the Harlequin s face, Hollis thought he was dead.This bastard isgoing to kill me.Linden reversed the handgun and offered Hollis the grip. Do you know how touse this, Monsieur Wilson? Sure. Hollis took the automatic from Linden and hid it beneath his shirt. Mother Blessing will reach the island tomorrow.She ll talk to MademoiselleFraser and see if she wants to travel to London.I m sure that you ll see theyoung lady in a few days. Thank you. Never thank a Harlequin.I m not doing this because I like you.We needanother fighter and you ve arrived at the right time.Page 145 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlHollis and Winston Abosa walked up Chalk Farm Road.Most of the shops on thestreet were selling different styles of rebellion: black leather motorcyclepants, vampire Gothic dresses, or T-shirts with obscene messages.Punks withlime green hair and pierced eyebrows huddled in little groups, enjoying thestares of the passing citizens.They bought cheese, bread, milk, and coffee, and then Winston took Hollis toan unmarked door between a tattoo parlor and a shop that sold fairy wings.Aroom with a bed and a television was on the second floor.The bathroom andkitchen were down the hall. This is where you ll be staying, Winston said. If you have any questions,I m at the drum shop all day long.After Winston left, Hollis sat on the bed and ate some bread and cheese.Thesmell of curry came from somewhere in the building.Cars honked their hornsout on the road.Back in New York he could find a way out, but now the VastMachine surrounded him.Everything would be all right if he could hold VickiFraser and hear her voice.Her love made him feel stronger.Love increasedyou.It connected you to the Light.Before he went down the hall to take a shower, he stuck a piece of chewinggum in the gap between the floor and the lower edge of the door.The showerstall had mold around the drain, and the water was lukewarm.When he dressedand returned to his room, he noticed that the gum had been pulled in two.Placing the soap and towel on the floor, Hollis reached beneath his shirt andpulled out the automatic.He had never killed before, but now it was going tohappen.He was sure that the Tabula were waiting for him.They would attackthe moment he came through the door.Holding the gun in his right hand, he inserted the key into the doorknob asquietly as possible.One , Hollis counted.Two.Three.He turned the doorknob,raised the gun, and charged into the room.Maya stood alone beside the window.31Early the next morning, Maya climbed up onto the roof of the old horsehospital at the center of the Camden Market.The sick horses and theslaughterhouse had vanished at the end of the Victorian era, and now boutiqueshops selling organic soap and Tibetan prayer rugs occupied the three-storybuilding.No one noticed Maya as she stood next to a creaky weather vane of agalloping horse.She watched Hollis walk through the market and enter the brick tunnel thatled to the catacombs [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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