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.Itwas like the head of a serpent, having a serpent's mouth, fangs, eyes, and crown.I also foundanother like a fortified citadel with towers, and yet a third, which was like a mountain.Naturalobjects also make impressions on these stones in spite of their hardness.I came across a flint in thesame place whereon appeared the impress of a wolf or lion in alto relievo on the surface, lookinglike the work of a skilled artist.Sometimes faces or limbs of other animals appear, also stars andletters are visible, so far is Nature from idleness.There are, moreover, opaque flints.1.Metallic, white, Marieburg, combined with white Mica.2.Found in the river of Treves, containing white fluors within it, and tinged with the hue ofAmethyst.3.Containing a kind of Clay or Chalk.4.Like Polished Horn. 5.Honey-coloured.6.Like Purple Jasper.7.Black with a White Cross.8.Black with many White Lines.9.A Small Stone about the size of a Nut, marked with innumerable lines.10.A variety from Misnia, having lines like an amphitheatre.11.Another from the same place --- Cynocephalous Flints, large and small.12.Cheese-like.13.Like a Dutch Cheese, divided down the middle.The surface is of the colour of Cheese; in themiddle there are solid Fluors.14.A poor quality, native in Persia.15.Of chestnut colour, round, having the appearance of a Calf's Liver.16.White, from which Glass is manufactured.SILICES PELLUCIDI --- Transparent Flints: ---1.White Transparent Flint.2.Honey-coloured Transparent Flint.3.Sand-coloured Transparent Flint.SILO --- Earth.SILIPIT --- Copper.SILIQUA --- A Pod or Husk; a weight of Five Grains.SIMMITIUM --- Ceruse.SIMILITUDINES --- Similitudes, heavenly Figures which correspond with things that are visible.SIMUS --- A kind of Clay.SINAPISIS --- An Armenian Bolus.SINOIVIA --- A Fatty Substance surrounding the joints of the Body.SINOPIS --- Minium from the City of Sinope. SINOPIDA --- Sinople.SIPHONS --- Pumps.SIPHINCULUS ORICHALCUS --- A Brazen Fire-engine.SIRA --- Orpiment.SIRICON DE PLUMBO --- Burnt Recrement, or Cinders, of Lead.SIRONES --- Scabby, Irritant Pimples, generally appearing on the hands.SIRINGAE --- Lime.SIRZA, ESCHARA --- An Edge, or Parapet, of Walls.SITULA --- Pails or Water-cans.SMARAGDUS --- The Emerald.It holds the third place among Gems, and does so for manyreasons, among others because of its pleasing negative colour.It has a Green Tint which surpassesevery Herb and Leaf.It is the only Gem which completely absorbs the ocular rays.It refreshes thesight when this has been obscured by looking at other objects.Pliny and Solinus distinguish twelvespecies.1.The Scythian Stone, moat excellent of all, the least subject to imperfections, and the hardest, fornothing can cause a flaw in it.It is said to be guarded by Griffins.2.The Bactrian, deposited in fissures and seams of rocks by the Etesian winds.They are also foundon the sea-shore when the sand has been disturbed by the wind.3.The Egyptian, mined on the Hills and Rocks of the Thebaid.4.Cyprian, Variegated and Bluish Grey.5.Attic, more brilliant than others at a distance.Found also in SilverMines.6.Ethiopian, of which there are several varieties.7.Medicinal --- Very Green, found in Silver Mines.8.Carchedonius --- Called also Chalcedony and Smaragdites.9.A Species from Tanos.10.A Flinty Species.11.Laconian Flinty.12.Chalcosmaragdus --- From Cyprian Copper Veins.There are also false specimens.Sometimeswe find a Stone which is half Emerald and half jasper.It is in course of transformation.Emeralds are also made from Crystal by washing in undiluted Acid Wine and soaking in Green Oil.There arecertain genera of Emeralds which are found in our own Copper Mines.Albertus states that theStone exists in Scotland and Britain ; it is produced in Veins of Copper, and sometimes inSubmarine Rocks.There are, moreover, dull or blind Emeralds, and others of an opaque quality.Some are clouded ; others have capillary markings, and various flaws and blemishes.The mostexcellent quality does not alter either in light or shade.The virtue of the Emerald is to counteractpoison.They say that if a venomous animal should look at it, it will become blinded.The gem alsoacts as a preservative against epilepsy ; it cures leprosy, strengthens sight and memory, checkscopulation, during which act it will break, if worn at the time on the finger.The old astronomersdedicated the Emerald to Mercury.Chrysoprase, which has golden spots, and Prase, whichsometimes has red and white spots, are said to be the mother or palace of the Emerald.But Plinyand Solinus regard Chrysoprase as a species of Beryl.SMIRIUS or SANDARCITAS --- The Smyris Stone.Extremely hard and rough.Called by theGermans Emery.The makers of rings, and other artificers, split Stones by concussion against it.Dioscorides enumerates several of its useful qualities.It is a good dentrifice, and heals ulceratedgums.SOL --- The Sun, i.e., Gold; Sonir is another name.It also stands for a day.Lastly, it is the Sun inman, an invisible fiery influence from the celestial Sun, nourishing the innate fire of man.SOLARIUM --- A Gallery.SOLATER --- Quicksilver.SOLEAE ---- Sandals.SOLELASAR --- Alkali.SOLUTUM --- Dissolved.SOLUTIO DIAKRISIS --- The first part of Practical Chemistry, whereby the bonds of coagulatedsubstances are dissolved and attenuated.There are several distinct species, but among artists theterm is applied more commonly to one process.Sometimes each particular species takes the genericname.Solution is of two kinds: Melting or Liquation, and Segregation or Separation, otherwise,Calcination and Dissolution.SOLSEQUIUM --- Sulphur.SOMNIA --- Dreams; Operations taking place during sleep, and proceeding from the stars.SOPHIA --- Golden Wisdom, whether on account of its Flowers or its Virtues.The noblest of oursolidified substances.It is most common among the Illyrians and Liburnians.If a leaf of it be eaten,it causes contraction of the lips.It may be bruised and torn, yet it will reconstruct itself.It aboundsin the most excellent sweetness and balm.SORORES --- Sister and Brother, Sun and Moon.SORTILEGIUM --- A Prophecy of Spirits [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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