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.The hard moan from above when he wrapped his lipsaround Mitch's cock&The memory jerked to a halt.Mitch had neverreciprocated and fallen to his knees for him.Not once.Gone down on him a time or two in bed to coax him alongwhen he didn't feel like sex, but never that gesture ofhelpless lust and adoration."It's good to see you, too." Diego pulled back andslid into a seat by the window."I guess& I wanted to make84 Finn Angel Martinezsure you're okay.Your last message, it worried me."Mitch laughed and flung himself into the chairbeside him."I was worried about you." He seized Diego'shand to kiss his knuckles."You know how I worry.""Yes." Diego stared at their joined hands, hit by anodd dislocation, everything distant and miniaturized."Mitch, I& ""Sh, don't apologize "I wasn't going to."I've been doing a lot of thinking.Here's the deal.Ihave a new place now, one of those converted lofts, verycool.Lots of space.Lots of light.Let's get you out ofBrooklyn.Move in with me.There'll be less distractions foryou.And if you want to do some charity work, fine.Iunderstand.Help out at one of the shelters or something.Volunteer at the library.I don't mind.Just so long as it's notthis maverick, unsupervised stuff you do now.That's whereyou get into trouble& "The words reached Diego from far away, as if anold movie played in the next room with the sound turnedlow.Some part of him wanted to be angry.After all theharsh words, the agony Mitch had put him through, hethought he could waltz back in like this, as if nothing hadhappened?Most of his attention, though, went to the wall he85 Finn Angel Martinezfelt rising between them, a new course of stones added withevery sentence Mitch spoke.Not the Great Wall, perhaps.Hadrian's Wall.About waist high.He patted Mitch's arm, resisting the urge to strokethe fine, golden hairs."Stop.Please.I can't.I can't move inwith you.I can't start all this up again.""Well, I suppose I could move back if you reallycan't leave the neighborhood." Mitch's brows drewtogether; the smile vanished."No, you're not listening.I love you.I probablyalways will." God help me."But I can't be with youanymore, living with my stomach always in knots, waitingfor the next time you blow up at me.""Diego& ""Christ, please don't cry.You know what that doesto me and I need to get through this.""But I need you, baby," Mitch whispered."I'm nogood on my own.""You need someone; I'd say that's true.But I don'tthink you need me specifically." His chest ached, that ballof black pain Finn had described making itself known."Ihad to see you, I think, to be sure how I feel.And now Iknow.I can't do it anymore.""You've been upset.It's been hard on you.I can seethat.But I don't want you making hasty decisions& "86 Finn Angel Martinez"This isn't hasty.And it hurts like hell.But I thinkit's the best thing for both of us.""How can you say that? You'll never make it onyour own.You can't even scrape up grocery money someweeks." Mitch's eyes narrowed, his voice dropping to anugly snarl."Or did you find someone else? That fast? Afterall that moaning about how you missed me, you hadsomeone on the side all along?""Please don't get bitchy.Please.No, I don't have anew lover.""So I can still see you?" The hand holding Diego'sclutched harder."No.Not a good idea.And neither one of us is sonaïve that we'd think we can 'still be friends'." Diegoreached out to trace a finger along Mitch's jaw."I'm sorry.Iwish& "Mitch moved suddenly, grabbed Diego by the backof the head, and yanked him into a fierce, bruising kiss."Something to remember me by, sweetheart.On those long,lonely nights when you're jacking yourself off 'cause noone else will put up with you."He stared in mortified silence as Mitch stalked out.Of all the&Halfway back to the subway, he realized that for allMitch's talk about reconciliation, he had never apologized.87 Finn Angel MartinezNot for a single thing [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]

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