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.When his father was assassinated, Clete was in the United States (and newlypromoted to major in the U.S.Marine Corps), where he was being trained toassume duties as cover for his OSS activities as the Assistant Naval Attacheof the U.S.Embassy in Buenos Aires.His father's death changed the OSS's plans for him.As far as the Argentineswere concerned, the Argentine-born Cle-tus Howell Frade was an Argentinecitizen.And under Argentine law, on his father's death he had become soleheir to the Frade fortune, one of the largest in Argentina.Both of thesethings could be put to use by the OSS.He had returned to Argentina under cover of a son come home to bury his fatherand claim his inheritance.On the day he placed his father's body in the Fradefamily tomb in the Recoleta cemetery, Dorotea Mallin had coolly informed himthat as a result of one of their (actually infrequent) liaisons, she wascarrying his child.Welner knew most of the details of Clete's involvement in the coup d'etat inno small part because el Coronel had written Outline Blue, its operationsorder.The success of Outline Blue had installed General Arturo Rawson in thePink House as President, and General Pedro Ramfrez as Minister of Defense.During the coup, Clete had flown Rawson (in an Argentine Army Piper Cub) fromthe revolution's headquarters at Campo de Mayo, the military base on theoutskirts of Buenos Aires, to observe the progress of the two columns ofrevolutionary troops advancing on the Pink House.Meanwhile, the Lockheed transport had been kept ready at Campo de Mayo'sairfield.If the coup d'etat had failed, Clete would have flown the leaders ofthe revolution to safety in Uruguay.The priest also knew that Clete had been involved in two more OSS operationssince his return to Argentina.But despite his normally excellent sources ofinformation he knew very little about these, except that the first had dealtwith a second replenishment ship the Germans had sent into the River Plate,and that the second had something to do with the transfer of Nazi money intoArgentina.Wondering idly what Dorotea Mallin de Frade would do with the shrine to herhusband once she was legally installed in El Patr6n's apartment, Welner took aPage 66 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmllast look around the room and returned to the sitting room to replenish hisglass.A moment later, Cletus Frade emerged from the bedroom, wearing only a cleanpair of khaki trousers, fresh from his shower.He helped himself to a glass ofwine."I don't like that sonofabitch, Padre," he said.Welner had no doubt that the sonofabitch was el Coronel Juan Domingo Peron."He was your father's best friend," he argued.That's not entirely true, he thought.Not only because I believe that I wasJorge Frade's best friend, but also because Peron and Jorge Frade had grownapart as they had grown older.The two men, he knew, had been very close whenthey were cadets at the Military Academy, and Perdn had been best man atJorge's wedding, and was Cletus Frade's godfather.It is really difficult for men of vastly different means Peron has only hisArmy pay to remain friends.But not only that: Although publicly, Jorge loyally dismissed the rumorsconcerning Peron's personal life as outrageous, I think he knew they weretrue."Best friend?" Clete challenged sarcastically."I find that very hard tobelieve." "He's your godfather," Welner said."He's a goddamned Nazi, and you know it." "I don't know that, and neither doyou," Welner argued."He's toeing the Nazi party line," Clete said." 'El Coronel was killed bybandits.' He knows goddamned well the Germans ordered him killed." The priestshrugged.There was no point in arguing about that.Clete chuckled bitterly."And he's a dirty old man," he said."Who likeslittle girls.And don't tell me I don't know that.I was in the house onLibertador when he brought one in.She was fourteen.Maybe younger." "Judgenot, lest ye be judged." "I don't want that sonofabitch at my wedding," Cletesaid."I get back to my original irrefutable argument, Cletus: This is not Texas.Things are different here.If you are wise, you will learn to understand that,and make the necessary adjustments." Welner was very much afraid the argumentwas about to get out of hand tlete was his father's son, just ashardheaded when Enrico came into the room."You're sorry, but the tubing split, right?" Clete challenged."The line is back on the car, Senor Clete, and the oil pressure is nowcorrect," Enrico said."El Padre here has invited el Coronel Peron to my wedding," Clete responded."I suppose you think that's a good idea, too?" "Of course, Senor Clete,"Enrico said, making it clear the question surprised him."He was your father'sfriend.He is your godfather." "Jesus!" Clete said, and shook his head inresignation.But from the tone of Clete's voice, Welner concluded that the issue of JuanDomingo Peron had been defused.He was relieved.Cletus Frade would haveenough trouble in Argentina without insulting Peron.Page 67 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html"I don't trust that oil line," Clete went on."After lunch, we'll take it fora ride." "Si, Senor," Enrico said, "I will bring it to the house." He noddedhis head respectfully to the priest and left the room.THREE Don Cletus Howell Frade, el patron of Estancia San Pedro y San Pablo andits 84,205 (more or less) hectares, sat at the head of a table elegantly setfor six in a gazebo in the formal English gardens in front of the main house.At the foot of the table sat his grandfather, Cletus Marcus Howell, a tall,pale, slender, and sharp-featured septuagenarian wearing a gray pin-stripedsuit.Howell was Chairman of the Board of Howell Petroleum, and of HowellPetroleum (Venezuela).Everyone thought of him, more or less fondly, as "theOld Man." Father Welner was sitting to Cletus's right.Martha WilliamsonHowell sat across from him, while Martha's daughters, Marjorie, nineteen, andElizabeth (Beth), twentyone, dressed very much like their mother, sat oppositeeach other [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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