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. It isnot good to be interrupted suddenly.He cast a final, wary glance along the deserted strip of highway, steppedneatly across the rail, and started down the bank.In a moment they had rejoined their three companions, and a moment after thatFroech began the ritual.Generated by ABC Amber LIT Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abclit.htmlIt was really not very complicated, Alec discovered, certainly not as complexas the one he had witnessed earlier in Nuada s tent, though why that was hecouldn t say.The young Faery simply sat down in the middle of a circle comprised of thelinked hands of the rest of the company, cupped the stone in his two hands,and closed his eyes.His breath stilled.Suddenly the only sound was the quick whisper of a night breeze among thetrees; then that too was gone and Alec fancied he could almost hear the tinkleof the moonlight itself as it fell glittering upon the oak leaves.No one moved.And then Froech opened his eyes again and shook his head as if to clear it. What d you see? Liz asked eagerly.Froech turned distant dark eyes toward her. Nothing useful, I fear, hewhispered slowly. It was all unclear: running, and more running, and aconfusion of fright and pain.Oh, there was landscape, but nothing toremember: trees and grass, trees and grass, and yet more trees and grass.AndI could not tell what was now and what was memory.I think, he added slowly, I think Ailill is close to madness.And for that reason, I doubt he hasanything to do with the missing boy. But that can t be! Liz almost shouted, leaping up, fists clenched hard ather sides. It s all wrong!There s water involved, and a woman I m sure of it.We re on the wrong track;we re bound to be!This is turning into a wild-goose chase!Alec stood up beside her, took her arms firmly in his hands. No, Liz, theremay not be any direct connection, he told her softly, wishing he believed hisown words more fervently. But there s no way all this stuff could be going onin Faerie and none of it be related.I mean, think for a minute: none of uscan breathe underwater except maybe Froech, so it doesn t make sense for us tolook for David there, anyway.On the other hand, we ve already located thePage 101 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlCrazy Deer s trail.And I still think if we find Ailill, we ll find Davy.p.159 The boy is right, Nuada said decisively. And now, I think, we have nochoice but to followWindmaster s trail and see where it may lead us.We know where he was half amortal day ago.There is only so much farther he could have gone in theintervening time.Froech, if Firearrow tracks as well as Ihave heard, I think you must ride vanguard.Froech nodded as he rose to his feet and started for the silver stallion thatnosed unconcernedly among the weeds at the edge of the clearing. My horse cantrack as well as any hound, in this World, or another.Wind or rain or water,none will keep him from his goal once I have set it. I hope your boast is not in vain, replied Nuada. Let us travel, then.For several minutes the night resounded with the clatter of spears beinggathered (Liz held hers white-knuckled, grim as a Valkyrie, Alec thought), ofdaggers and knives being adjusted; and finally with the muffled grunts andgroans of sore bodies once more resuming their mounts.Throughout it all Gary said nothing.Nor did he say anything when Cormac oncemore gave him a hand-up behind him.But Alec, who was watching him closelyfrom his place behind Regan, noticed that his eyes sparkled with a strange,fierce joy, as if he were finding this new worldview not a threat but aGenerated by ABC Amber LIT Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abclit.htmlrevelation. Would that I shared your delight in this adventure, Cormac sighed, as heurged their mount in line behind Nuada s. But alas, I have no good feelingabout it.Froech was already on his way out of the clearing, his horse keeping its noseclose to the ground in what seemed to Alec an appallingly unhorselike posture. He has found it, Nuada called, and as Regan s Snowwhisper followed Bessiedownslope, the forest closed around them.If I never see another laurel bush, it ll be too soon, Liz thought sleepily toherself, as Bessie thrust through yet another thicket of the thick, shinyleaves.And if I never ride another horse again, that ll be too soon as well [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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