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.Their roars of pleasure mingled and were muffled when Chase grasped Caz shead, holding him still while he gently but thoroughly plundered his mouth with lipsand teeth and tongue.Reluctant to let go, he moved back slightly and found Caz staringat him, his expression unsure and questioning.Chase felt a smile tug at his lips while he blinked at tears that refused to stopstinging his eyes.Leaning forward, he kissed the warm satiny skin of Caz s chest, thespot directly over his heart. Heart mate.You almost killed me there.Caz grinned. You re young, you can handle it. You re almost right.We can handle it.Together. Together, Caz agreed. Kate Steele Bond of the Maleri 3: Between Love and Law - 43 -Exchanging another long, stirring kiss, they settled in each other s arms talkingquietly, touching intimately, and finally drifting off to sleep. Epilogue Does anybody know why Chase called this meeting? Eric Ashton asked thecompany at large.Silent shakes of several heads and succinct denials were his answer. I m sure he has a good reason, Jamie Richards said, shyly speaking up for thefirst time in the gathered group.His hand found that of his mate and slipped into thesure, comforting grasp.Despian Rulf gave his mate a reassuring smile. Chase will have a good reason.He s not one for wasting anyone s time. Eric didn t mean to question Chase s motivation, Sethian Dennon spoke up,defending his mate. We re all just curious.Chase isn t exactly the kind to initiate aparty. That s true, Grey Dennon agreed.Col Oldarie laughed. Everyone be patient.If I m not mistaken, here s Chasenow. I ll get it, his mate, Matt, offered, heading for the door.All eyes were zeroed in on them when the door opened, and Matt stepped backto admit Chase and the tall, blond man at his side.Urging Matt to lead the way, Chaseand his companion followed and waited for Matt to seat himself next to Col. Everyone s here I see, Chase observed, solemnly looking from man to man. Yeah, so what s going on? Geral Pardais asked impatiently.His mate, Sam,pinched his thigh causing him to jump. Give the man a chance to explain, Sam scolded, drawing a laugh from thosegathered. Kate Steele Bond of the Maleri 3: Between Love and Law - 45 - Thank you, Sam, Chase acknowledged. I ll come straight to the point.Remember the other night when I said I d let you know?There were thoughtful nods all around.He turned to the man at his side. My mate, Cazius Rey.His words were greeted with an explosion of well wishes, laughter, andexpressions of pleased surprise.He and Caz were surrounded and congratulated.Drinks were passed around and toasts made.An impromptu party was soon underway.Various members of the party began preparing food in Col and Matthew s well stockedkitchen under the watchful eyes and sometimes interfering hands of well meaningmates.Col was finally able to exchange a private word with Chase. I can t tell you howhappy and relieved I am. Relieved? Chase questioned.Col nodded. You d withdrawn from us, Chase.I d begun to worry about you.Chase acknowledged his words with a nod and a sigh. I let my responsibilitiesrule my life.I didn t leave any room for fun or friends or laughter. And now? You see that man across the room? Yeah. He gave me his heart and set me free.How could I not be happy?Col smiled, his gaze finding his own mate. We re of like minds, my friend. Of course, Chase answered with a smile of his own. We re Maleri.Brothers.Chase s gaze returned to Caz, and Col could feel the slight overspill of emotion Chasesought to keep under control. Would you excuse me, Col? Of course, Col agreed and watched Chase cross the room to Caz.Chase slipped an arm around his waist.Caz leaned in, whispered something inhis ear, and a wild surge of desire slammed into every man in the room.There was totalshocked silence for a moment until Col started to laugh. Kate Steele Bond of the Maleri 3: Between Love and Law - 46 - Caz, maybe you should take Chase home and help him practice keeping hisshields up.Although it probably won t be as easy as getting his pants down.Laughter rang out and the tension receded as Chase was good naturedly teased. Thanks a lot, brother. Anytime, Chase, anytime.Welcome back, Col offered with a grin.Chase just shook his head and let his gaze return to Caz. You gonna make goodon that promise? You know I will, reabbah, Caz replied, smiling while sheer blue-green colorshimmered on his skin when the light caught his face at just the right angle. But canwe stay for awhile? I like your friends.Chase nodded. I d like that too, he said and realized it was true.He had hisfriends, his brothers, and most importantly, the mate of his heart.He was content. Bond of the Maleri 4: Giddyup?Zebian Bakar is a geek.For a Maleri with empathic powers, his people skillssuck.Research is his talent and in that capacity he s sent to Earth to observe thetechniques of the modern day rancher for a backwater planet with great potential.Jace Fremont, part owner and foreman of Free Plains Ranch, can t believe thegreenhorn his partners have saddled him with.The man doesn t know jack about cattle,horses or any damn thing beyond what he finds at the end of his nose on a computerscreen.Still& there s something about the man that sets Jace s cock atingle.Will a biteof greenhorn be more than he can chew? Kate SteeleWhat is it they say? Watch out for the quiet ones? Kate Steele has found thatwriting is the ideal way to release all those wild inner urges and she s just gettingstarted. I m aging in reverse.With the help of lots of plastic surgery and vitamins Ifully expect to have my own male harem by the time I hit 90. For now she s settling forthe quiet life in rural Indiana with family and pets.Guilty pleasure: Singing in the car. With the volume loud enough I sound just like Celine Dion! You can contact Kate andsing along at katesteele27@yahoo.com or visit her website at www.katesteele.com [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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