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.bThe labile psychopath is included in the Schedule for Affective Disorders and Schizophreniaas labile personality, which is in many ways similar to irritable cyclothymia in Kretschmer ssystem.cThe sensitive type in Schneider s schema does not have an equivalent on Axis II, but it is usedunder the concept of rejection sensitivity in the definition of atypical depression in DSM-IV.Actually Kretschmer used it as the personality of the self-referential   old-maid psychosis  ;thus, it belongs to the psychoticism cluster.However, there is a great deal of data, beyond thescope of this chapter, to suggest that it is a transnosologic personality occurring in paranoid,obsessive compulsive, social phobic, panic, bulimic, dysmorphophobic, and depressivedisorders.dProposed for further study in the Appendix B of the DSM-IV.rated version was needed to facilitate work by both groups of professionals.This led to the Semi-Structured Affective Temperament Interview (TEMPS-A) [31], whose short version is reproduced in Appendix 1, which has beentranslated into 10 languages: Italian, French, Portuguese, Greek, German,Danish, Hungarian, Turkish, Arabic and Japanese.We believe that thisinstrument will facilitate cross-talk between different systems of conceptua-lizing personality with the temperament perspective. EPILOGUE.RENAISSANCE OF ANCIENT CONCEPT OF TEMPERAMENT _______ 495An unresolved issue in the classification of personality and temperament isthe position of the cluster of anxious types [67,68].The TEMPS-A measuresonly one of these, the anxious-worrying type [67].Whether there existdistinct types of emotional reactivity along anxious and depressive lines is,according to Tyrer, to be answered in the negative [69].Ultimately  neuroticism  may engulf most of the types described in this book, withthe exception of the psychotic cluster and the affectionless antisocial.On theother hand, the Cloninger [70] and von Zerssen [71] systems are in theircomplexity unwieldy for practice but elegant in theory.The Five-Factorpersonality model [72], elegant too in theoretical and psychometric structure,presently appears more cogent for non-clinical populations.Kagan s work[73], though relevant to affective disorders, has curiously ignored theemerging literature on temperament reviewed in this chapter.Finally,terminological issues [74] as to what are   temperament  ,   character  ,  personality  , and   personality disorder  , continue to pose conceptual andmethodological problems for the emerging field of personology [75].In a more general vein, there may well not be one system that would meetall needs e.g.practical diagnosis, definition of genetic endophenotypes, orutility in describing both normal and clinical subjects.The field ofpersonology reflects the complexity of human nature.It is a fascinatingemerging science, and the different perspectives described in this monographreflect the different phenomenologic skills and measurement technologiesrequired by this field.REFERENCES1.Kretschmer E.(1936) Physique and Character.Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner, London.2.Eysenck, H.E.(1987) The definition of personality disorders and the criteriaappropriate for their description.J.Person.Disord., 1: 211 219.3.American Psychiatric Association (1994) Diagnostic and Statistical Manual ofMental Disorders, 4th edn.American Psychiatric Association, Washington.4.World Health Organization (1992) The ICD-10 Classification of Mental andBehavioral Disorders.World Health Organization, Geneva.5.Kraepelin E.(1921) Manic-depressive Insanity and Paranoia.Livingstone, Edin-burgh.6.Akiskal H.S., Cassano G.B.(Eds) (1997) Dysthymia and the Spectrum of ChronicDepressions.Guilford, New York.7.Akiskal H.S.(2002) The bipolar spectrum the shaping of a new paradigm.Curr.Psychiatry Rep., 4: 1 3.8.Akiskal H.S.(1996) The temperamental foundations of mood disorders.InInterpersonal Factors in the Origin and Course of Affective Disorders (Ed.C.H.Mundt), pp.3 30.Gaskell, London.9.Kendler K.S., Neale M.C., Kessler R.C., Heath A.C., Eaves L [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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