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. Damn, Michael, you are one hot man. Shut up and kiss me.Michael took charge.Josh had never been so completelydominated and found the experience to be much more satisfying thanhe d ever expected.He d never been pinned on his back and ridden likethat before.Now the two of them lay together, spent.Michael brokeloose and rolled onto his back beside him in the bed. Which way to thebathroom?Josh pointed him in the right direction and thought about howgorgeous Michael looked as he padded naked on bare feet to thebathroom.They had barely touched the tip of the iceberg as far as Joshwas concerned.When Michael returned with a wet washcloth and atowel, Josh was thinking about all the things he still wanted to do withhim in bed. Here ya go, Michael said, tossing the washcloth to Josh. Ithought you might need this.While Josh cleaned himself up, Michael sorted through theclothes on the floor in search of his jeans.Josh watched him dress,admiring the muscular physique and wishing he wouldn t leave. You can stay if you want. I wish I could, but I have to open the B&B early tomorrow.Better get home.Josh got up and slid into his jeans to walk Michael to the door.Hewas disappointed he had to leave but understood.Work came first. 70 Michael RupuredMichael tucked his T-shirt into his jeans. Thanks for asking meup.I had a nice time. You re more than welcome.I had a great time.Hope we can doit again& soon.Michael smiled, kissed him on the cheek, and opened the door tothe hall and the elevators. You re sweet.That would be nice.Takecare!He watched as Michael got on the elevator, then closed the door.On the way back to bed, he realized they hadn t exchanged phonenumbers.Oh, well, Michael knew where he lived.He d hear from himagain. UNTIL THANKSGIVING 71" 16 "JOSH slept soundly for the first time since moving to Washington.Whether from exhaustion, the alcohol, or the stellar sex with Michael,he didn t know.He sat up, stretched, reached for a cigarette, and thenpicked up the phone to call Linda.Linda answered on the second ring.Before she could say hello,Josh chirped,  Good morning, sunshine! How s the most beautifulwoman in the world this morning?Linda laughed. Fine as frog hair and glad to hear from you.Yousound awfully chipper.Josh blew a smoke ring and smiled. I actually got some sleep lastnight first time since I got here. Glad to hear it.Did you get one of those white-noise machines? No.Better.I got laid. Oh? Yeah.Mr.Right. Dammit! I thought it would take another two weeks.Looks likeMom wins the mani-pedi.So who is he? Remember Thad, the relocation guy I told you about? Yeah.The handsome redhead with the black-framed glasses? Atleast I got that part right.Josh shook his head,  No.He has a much older partner, Philip.They hosted a welcome-to-DC party for me. So you and Mr.Right met at the party?Josh blew another smoke ring. Sorta, but I barely remember him.There must have been thirty guys there too many for me to really 72 Michael Rupuredkeep up with.Greg, another guy at the party, called to invite me outwith a couple of his friends for drinks yesterday after work. So Greg is Mr.Right? No, if you ll just give me a minute, I ll tell you.Warmed up, Josh blew a smoke ring, then tried to blow a secondone through the middle of it, without success. I think maybe Greg waswith Ed another guy in the group.Ed followed me to the bathroomand tried to make out with me. Geez, you gay men are something else.Sounds like the makingsfor a good soap opera.So who is Mr.Right?Josh stubbed the cigarette out in the ashtray. Their friend.Heruns a small bed-and-breakfast just outside the District in Maryland.Alittle cocky maybe, but I d be cocky too if I looked like him.He s sohot.I can t wait to see him again. I can understand why.When is your next date?Josh stroked his mustache and stared at the ceiling. We don texactly have one. Oh.I see.Are you going to call him today?Josh paused to study a hairline crack in the ceiling. I don t havehis phone number. You don t? Well, maybe he ll call you.Josh decided not to mention that Michael didn t have his phonenumber. We had a great time.I m sure he will.After talking with Linda, Josh lay back down on the bed andthought about what he was going to do with his weekend.It would begreat to go out with Michael again.Maybe he could get his numberfrom Thad.But something about calling him for Michael s numberdidn t feel right.He needed to go shopping.Besides a white-noise machine andmaybe some clothes more in line with his newly discovered look, heneeded to pick up some condoms.The thought of using a condom hadnever entered his head the night before.Engaging in unprotected sex with someone he barely knew was aproblem.The last time he d been single, nobody had even heard of HIV UNTIL THANKSGIVING 73and AIDS.Because he and Ben were in an allegedly monogamousrelationship, Josh ignored the safe-sex messages, thinking he hadnothing to worry about.Things were very different now he d have todo better.He hoped having condoms on hand would help him toremember to use one instead of risking his life with more unprotectedsex.Josh couldn t get Michael out of his head.He was, hands-down,the sexiest man Josh had ever seen, naked or dressed.But that wasn tall.Michael s total control over him had been a real turn-on.Joshthought of a hundred things he wanted to do the next time they werenaked together.Being inside Michael had been fantastic, but what hereally wanted was to be taken by the muscular man.He ignored the hard-on thoughts of Michael had produced andheaded for the shower.As he dressed after, Thad s card fell out of hisshirt pocket.Seeing it as an omen, Josh decided to give him a call tothank him for the party.Thad sounded really glad to hear from him.Josh said,  I need todo some shopping today and wondered if you could tell me where togo.I m looking for a white-noise machine and some clothes. You definitely want to go to Crystal City.The Metro stops rightat the mall.They have a Nordstrom, Macy s, and a ton of nice shops.Ifyou like, I d be happy to go with you we could grab lunch whilewe re out, and this time I m picking up the tab. 74 Michael Rupured" 17 "THAD was waiting for him at the top of the escalator.Josh couldn thelp noticing how good he looked; it was something about the glasseshe wore.The thick black frames stood in stark contrast to his reddish-blond hair and porcelain complexion.A train pulled into the station just as they arrived at the platform.They stepped aboard and settled into seats next to each other.Though itwas only his third time on the Metro, Josh felt like an old pro.Helooked up at the map and saw they needed to change to a Yellow Linetrain at the Gallery Place/China Town station to get to Crystal City.Once he was clear on where they were going, Josh turned toThad,  Thanks again for the party.I really had a nice time.It was sokind of you to introduce me to all your friends. I m glad you enjoyed it.In truth, most of the guys are Philip sfriends.He knows everyone in DC.Have you heard from Greg Tucker?I gave him your number the other day hope you don t mind.Mind? Josh had been thrilled. Yeah, he called and asked me tojoin him and some other friends from the party at the Fireplace fordrinks after work yesterday [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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