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.Mars is associated with desire or the fulfillment of desire, especially sexual desire; and so, onthe feminine side, is Venus, which is the desired one for a man, while Mars plays this part fora woman.If something is desired, physically or mentally, Mars is the energy that goes after it;but with Mars this tends to be impulsive rather than sustained, the latter implying a quality weassociate with Saturn.If the impulse is blocked or frustrated, Mars energy can turn to anger,which in a sense means turned against oneself or inverted.A large concentration of directedMars energy spells passion, whether in the sense of desire or anger.If Venus represents Eros, and the desired maiden for a man, or the ideal feminine, clearly shestands for the anima, or his own soul, or contrasexual counterpart.Mars, as the other term ofthe syzygy, then must play the same role for woman, and represent the animus.The onlywriter we know of having suggested this is Alice O.Howell in her book Jungian Symbolismin Astrology; it is entirely logical and, moreover, is born out by astrology in practice.In Greek 100myth Ares spends an adulterous night with Aphrodite.Venus and Mars are both directlyconcerned with emotional energy, and feeling, the function of the soul; and no other planets fitthese archetypes; while without these archetypes, we have no other personifiable psychiccomponents to fit these two planets.They are the planets of relating - precisely the area inwhich anima and animus most conspicuously function; while the Moon, as Jung says, is not arelating principle, and neither is Saturn, the only other candidate for animus."All is fair inlove or war".Ishtar, the Babylonian Aphrodite, is a war and love goddess; she "made brotherswho are on good terms quarrel among themselves, and friends forget friendship" (Larousse) -a characteristic negative anima effect.Athene was another warlike anima goddess, who playsa leading part in the Odyssey.The confrontation in myth between Athene and Ares reflects theuniversal pattern of stereotyped dog-fight between anima and animus which characterisesarguments between partners of opposite sex.It is not uncommon under neurotic conditions fora man or woman to be possessed by these unconscious archetypes, to the extent of showing asplit personality, or Jekyl and Hyde effect.In such a case the anima or animus becomes verynegative, generally to compensate a one-sided and self-destructive conscious attitude, andbecomes contaminated with the shadow, the inferior and repressed contents of the personalunconscious.When Venus or Mars in the horoscope of a man or woman respectively are inthe element corresponding to the inferior function, and/or have difficult aspects, especially toSaturn, one can infer with confidence that there is an anima or animus complex playing animportant part in the person's psychology, and on the war-path in relationships.Athene, besides being a warrior able to overcome Ares in battle, was also goddess of the artsof peace, of embellishment and prudent intelligence, showing her affinity with Venus.Likewise the Roman Mars functioned originally as an agricultural god, and the god ofgenerative force, and god of spring, as does the astrological Mars.Mars and Aries as theprinciples of the first house in the horoscope stand for the opening upsurge of energy, forinitiative, courage, joie-de-vivre, for the overcoming of obstacles and the asserting ofindividual enterprise as a newly emerged entity or independent organism.When outsidedangers are encountered, this energy is turned to self-defense.Mars is related to the adrenalglands which govern external motion, fight and flight reactions.The opposite face of desire isfear, anger or repulsion, and the body is mobilised to react to a threat in an appropriatemanner.With the psychological complications involved in human development such energiesand reactions become easily misapplied, and turned into such things as quarrelsomeness,jealousy - with difficult aspects from Mars to the Sun or Moon - or sheer "egoism" - the lawof the jungle, and of Darwin.For this reason Mars is often equated with ego which, as apsychological concept, belongs to Saturn.When Mars in the horoscope comes up againstSaturn we have the principle of applied energy up against the principle of resistance andinertia.This pattern naturally is dangerous.It represents a psychological blockage which canmanifest, as in any over-heated system, in outbreaks of over-concentrated energy on thepsychological or material level, often as "accidents" and violence.Mars of course impliesheat, the result of the application of energy, and redness.Mars in itself has no relation toconsciousness or the conscious ego, but it has to do with self-assertion and self-protection onthe purely instinctual and biological levels.It is the principle most obviously characteristic ofthe predatory animals and their weaponry.REFERENCES - Chapter Five 1011.Jung: Alchemical Studies p.222.2.Jung: The Archetypes & the Collective Unconscious p.179.3.Wolfgang Dabereiner: Seminare - Das Gleichnis des Elefanten, Band 1.`(Mxnchen Rhythmenlehre.Verlag Dabereiner.1990)4.We are thinking here of Dabereiner's quite original interpretation of the fourquadrants of the horoscope and their significance in understanding the nature of reality.5.Jung: Mysterium Conjunctionis par.304.6.Jung: Alchemical Studies par.225.7.Jung: Archetypes p.1168.8.Ibid p.158.9.Ibid p.159.10.Ibid p.161 footnote.11.Ibid p.168.12.Ibid p.169.13.Ibid p.17014.Jung: Alchemical Studies p.227.15.Ibid p.217.16Ibid p.233.17.Jung: Myst.Conj.p.287.18.Ibid p.97.19.Ibid p.98.20.Ibid p.110.21.Ibid p.108.22.Joseph Campbell in The Power of Myth.23.Jung: Symbols of Transformation p.177.24.Ibid p.323.25.Jung: Psychology & Alchemy p.84.26.Ibid p.106.27.Ibid p.343.28.Jung Archetypespp.276/277.29 [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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