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.And fast. What s that? You remind me I m your man too. His voice was firm and brooked no argument.But that was okay, she didn t have a single problem with his request. I think I can do that. Then show me.The challenge in his gaze spurred her on.More than anything she wanted to pick up the gauntlet he dthrown down.She really did, but there was one problem. I don t want to dirty up your shirt. Yvonneglanced at her hands, which were covered with dough and flour. Get me dirty, because I damn sure plan on getting you dirty. Before she could respond, Danielpulled her into his embrace.Acting quickly, she raised her arms to avoid mucking up his shirt, then leanedinto him and offered her lips to his.It was an offer he didn t refuse.Daniel covered her mouth with a hunger that rivaled the mostferocious of beasts.Closing her eyes, she surrendered to the power of his kiss.Although the morning swww.samhainpublishing.com 51 Lena Matthewsescapade had left her physically sated, it was nowhere near as satisfying as being pressed up against aliving, breathing man.And it in no way held a candle to the way Daniel s lips felt pressed against hers.Yvonne drank in the sweetness of his kiss as he coiled his tongue against hers and pulled her closer.She submitted to his forceful will, following his lead as he did his damnedest to remind her she had twomen, not one.And while she stood like an idiot, hands raised to the sky, breasts to his chest, Daniel tooksweet advantage of her, using the freedom she gave him to familiarize himself with her ass.His touch, so possessive and firm it made her weak in the knees and damp between her thighs,reheated her sex as if the orgasm she d had earlier was a faint glimmer in the past.Shirt be damned.She needed to touch him.Yvonne dropped her hands and slipped them under his arms to caress the muscular length of his back.She dug her nails into the thin material of his shirt, her passion as unchecked as his own.Just when shethought she couldn t take a second more of his heart-stopping loving, Daniel pulled back and took in a deepbreath.From the wild look in his eyes she could tell he was as desperate for her as she was for him, whichmeant to her it was definitely time to slow down.Yvonne let out a shaky laugh and took a step back, needing a little breathing room to gather herthoughts in order.She ran her tongue over her swollen lips and tried to speak even though she could hardlybreathe. Happy now? Nowhere close. Daniel grabbed hold of her hips and lifted her, setting Yvonne on the counter nextto the dough she d been kneading.He pushed his way between her thighs and pulled her covered sex overthe thick evidence of his arousal. But that s easily fixed.Before she could reply, he captured her lips with his once more.Daniel s hands moved boldly overher body, down her sides and under her shirt to cup her breasts through the lace confines of her bra.Hekneaded her heavy mounds much in the same way she d done her dough, caressing and squeezing hertender flesh until she thought she d go mad with pleasure.His wicked kiss was like a drug for her soul, stealing away everything but the barest of reason fromher mind.If it weren t for the sound of the shop phone ringing, Yvonne would have been content to give into the promise of his touch.But the shrilling noise brought her back from the brink seconds before she didsomething entirely stupid, such as dropping to her knees before him and taking him into her mouth.With a groan of regret she turned her head and broke their kiss. We have to& stop.Daniel didn t let something as simple as the lack of her lips stop him from driving her crazy.Instead,he merely brushed his lips against the sensitive column of her neck as he spoke. No, we don t. Daniel. But even to her it didn t seem like a plea for him to stop, and Yvonne knew if she couldn tfool herself, there was no way in hell she could trick him.That left only one other option.To give in, buteven then there had to be rules. Let s go&  she trembled as he teased her neck with his lips, & somewhere else and say hello properly.52 www.samhainpublishing.com The Better to Eat You With What s wrong with here?The way his mouth felt against her skin was almost worth staying exactly where they were, but therewere other things to consider than her own libido, although it was getting harder and harder to rememberwhat they were. Anyone can walk in, she said, once she could command her brain to function again. And I care why? You may not, but I do. Less and less than she did the second before, but still, it was a bad idea forthem to continue on the counter, no matter how good it felt. I bet I can change your mind. No bet. Yvonne moved her hands between them and pressed weakly against his chest. Please,Daniel.Let s go to my office.Your car.The alley. Somewhere.Anywhere she wouldn t have to worryabout holding back her moans or risk the wrath of the health department.To her surprise and dismay, Daniel pulled back and stared at her. On one condition. Anything. Her quick agreement surprised even her. You do exactly what I say.That sounded extremely dangerous yet unbelievably exciting all at the same time. Deal.That was just what he wanted to hear.When he d found out about her morning phone call withEzekiel, he had to admit he became a little jealous.He knew when they started this thing there would beinstances each of them would have their own time with her.Still, he couldn t help but be happy to knowshe wanted to be with him enough to forget about her business for a while. Good. Daniel moved back a bit. Lead the way. To where? Your office. It was a small room, off the kitchen, but she had a desk he d been eyeing for a whilenow.For a split second Yvonne glanced behind her at the door leading to the front of the store.Her actiondidn t go unnoticed. Changing your mind already? Daniel stepped toward her. Because I m more than willing tocontinue. No. To his amusement, she pushed against his chest, moving him back a few steps, then hopped tothe floor. My office is fine.He couldn t have agreed more, although he was a man of his word and if need be he would be finecontinuing right there on her worktable.In fact, the idea was extremely intriguing to him [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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