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.Remember, youcan either enjoy it or blow it.I'd advise you to play your cards right and make them happy, male andfemale; you might even do yourselves some good.I understand there's going to be some statebig-wheels there, and they'll expect the right kind of "entertainment," eh? I've got your regular quota of"trip-tonic" here.that is if you want it.It helps.if you know what I mean.""We've decided that we don't need it," Jean said, looking directly into the big woman's ugly face."Yeah.?" Seybor questioned in surprise."Now listen, pussy-cat, you better not douse this show up ifyou know what's good for you.""Don't worry, we're not fools, Seybor," Carla cut her short."We know what's expected of us.andwhat'll happen if we don't 'give our all', so as to speak, eh?"The big matron's eyes narrowed as she leveled them on the attractive Latin girl."You better give your all,Montez, if you know what's good for you.Otherwise, you're going to answer to me.""And I can't think of anything more revolting than that, Seybor," the long-haired brunette replied with asneer."Bitch!" Seybor hissed, venomously."I'll get you yet.wait and see!""Ugh!" Carla made a pretended gagging sound, followed by a nauseated contortion of her pretty face."Better I should eat shit!"The powerful matron's homely face flushed an angry red as she clenched her strong hands into fists in aneffort to control her mounting rage.For a long and tensed moment silence hung heavy in the room, untilJean dared to break it."I-Isn't it about time we left for the Keele house?"The big woman let off a hissing sigh, then nodded her head."Okay., okay, Montez, I'll wait a littlelonger.until you hang yourself.Meantime, on your feet, cunts.it's time for the show to start."* * *Nervously, Carol Heath paced back and forth across the living room of their apartment, occasionallyglancing at her watch, then walking to a mirror to primp at her hair or fidget with the black, cocktail minigarment she had chosen to wear.She felt quite naked actually, never having worn the low-cut dresswithout a bra before, but it seemed in keeping, under the circumstances.By the same token, she haddecided against panties, her panty-hose seemingly sufficient, and the lack of these usual necessitiessnuggling against the softness of her young vagina gave rise to the little heated sensations fermenting inher belly.God, she had no idea what had happened to Jack.She hadn't seen him since they'd exhaustedly climbed into bed that morning, and when she'd awakened late in the afternoon he was gone.His absence hadn'tsurprised her too much; there were things to be taken care of and she'd assumed he was doing that.Butwhen he hadn't returned for dinner, she had begun to wonder, and now it was passed nine, the hour theywere due at the Keeles.God, was it possible that his jealousy had gotten the better of him and he'dsimply walked off.maybe even left her? But.but he wouldn't do that.would he.under thecircumstances.or would he? He'd been very angry with her, she realized, and all because she hadn'tbeen willing to discuss their "party" as they always had in the past.and yes, he was that jealous!But nothing had really changed; she still loved him as much as ever, and she was certain that he lovedher.Max Keele hadn't destroyed that, anymore than she felt sure that Maggie could never steal his lovefrom her.It had simply been the lustful chemistry of it all, and even now she had only to review the wildlylewd events of the night before to start the licentiously tingling sensations racing through her still-excitedyoung body.Damn him, why didn't he come? Again, she glanced at her watch.Angrily, she nibbled at the inner fleshof her upper lip.What if he had walked out on her? What would she do? Damn him.damn him! Well,one thing she knew for certain that she was going to do, and that was go to this Spaxton meeting! Even ifshe had to call a taxi and go by herself! There was too much at stake now to let it all fall through! So.if that's the way he wanted to play it, it was all right with her! To hell with you, Jack Heath! I'm notwaiting another minute.!And she didn't!* * *Maggie Keele walked around the luxurious suite of their bedroom quarters completely naked, withKappy following close behind her.She carried a scotch-soda in her hand and wore her softened, alluringsmile.Dropping onto the expensive, fur-upholstered bench of her vanity, she turned to look at herdressing husband who was glancing out the large window overlooking the large circular drive [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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