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.It was all just business, to one degree or another.Tolook at the man, surely no one detected the secret lusts that lurked inside him.But sitting next to him, Caleb didn t miss the slowly growing bulge in his crotch and behind his dull eyes that fire justwaiting for the chance to consume Caleb, sear his heart& burn out his soul.When they touched down in Raleigh, North Carolina, Brock had a Lincoln Town Car waitingfor them.It looked to Caleb like a small limousine driver and all.The hotel they were driven to wasmuch classier than the motel he and Dane had stayed in.But at this moment, Caleb would ve givenanything to be back in that room with Dane, rather than checking into an expensive suite with BrockCoulson.Things of hell were often disguised as the luxuries of life.Caleb wasn t surprised to find the suite consisted of one king-sized bed.When Brock caughthim standing in the doorway to the bedroom, staring at the bed, he stepped up behind him and slid hishand down into Caleb s crotch, gripping his cock through his expensive slacks. Can t wait to fuckyou on that bed. His hot breath puffed against Caleb s ear and his crotch hardened against his ass.Caleb didn t reply.Brock pulled his hand away. Let s get this meeting over with. He grippedCaleb s chin and turned his face, kissing his mouth hard. I want your ass.Chapter NineNothing I Wouldn t DoThe kid had yet to ask him about the condition of his face, or perhaps he didn t want the gorydetails.Nick didn t want to tell them.He couldn t help but wonder if next time it would be worsemuch worse.Jacob had stopped it this time, but he wasn t here now.How soon before they cameback for another round? And what if they set their eyes on Christian? So why did you kick a cop in the nuts? Nick and Christian walked the perimeter of the yardfence.Nick never really shifted his attention from the other inmates, always watching from the corner of his eye.He d discovered the perils of letting down his guard.The young man stared at the ground as they walked. He wasn t just a cop. He said. He wasmy stepdad.And a total fag.He started messing with me when I was in my early teens.When I tried tofight him, he would beat the piss out of me, and fuck me anyway.Nick looked at him.How could there still be so much innocence in his eyes after such anordeal. I m sorry. He murmured, his gut twisting.What the fuck was wrong with humanity? Hiseyes lingered on the boy.It made no sense to him how someone could hurt such an angelic creature. The last time he tried to get at me, Christian said quietly,  I made him regret it. By kicking him in the balls? No. he murmured and looked at Nick. By shooting him in the balls.Nick stopped walking. Did you&. Kill him? Christian shook his head slowly. No.But I d wanted to.There was nothing Iwanted more than for him to just die.And he would ve bled out if my stepbrother hadn t come homeand found him. He sniffed then cleared his throat. After they took him away to the hospital, mystepbrother held the gun to my head and threatened to kill me.Instead of pulling the trigger, though, hepistol whipped me almost to death.Nick s throat tightened. He didn t know what his dad was doing to you? He knew. Christian shrugged. The guy did it to him too.But he grew up with it.It startedmuch earlier for him.I guess he just thought it was how it was supposed to be.He didn t fight it, orhate his dad.He actually seemed to have an unnatural affection for the man& as if his dad fucking himwas a show of love or something. That s messed up. Nick whispered.His hopes that this beautiful boy might swing his waywere dashed amidst talk of his stepdad.Not only was the boy surely straight, his expression a totalfag gave light to his complete aversion to homosexuality.And could he blame the kid? His firstencounter with it was one of violence.Just admitting to the boy now that he was gay would likely putup a wall between them, and Nick didn t want that.Maybe there could never be anything intimate between them, but he liked the kid s company and wanted them to be friends.As soon as they returned to their cell a short while later, Nick was immediately called out fora visit.Caleb was the only one on the outside who visited him, and he had just been here.Why would he come back so soon?* * * *When Brock and Caleb entered the large visiting area, Nick was already waiting at the table.Brock raised an eyebrow and murmured,  Looks like he isn t getting along with the locals. Therewas a hint of amusement in the man s tone that grated against Caleb s nerves with rusty blades.Nick stood up slowly, a frown of uncertainty pinching his brow. Caleb? he stepped awayfrom the table and hugged him tight. What s going on?Stepping back, Caleb cleared his throat of the strain of tears as he took in the devastation ofhis brother s face. This is Brock Coulson. He said. He s an attorney, from New York.Brock reached out, a change coming over him that successfully concealed his true nature. It snice to meet you, Nick. They shook hands. It s& nice to meet you too. Nick murmured, still confused as he looked at Caleb. I don tunderstand.How& are you paying the legal fees?Brock motioned for Nick to sit down, then took a seat across the table from him.Caleb satnext to Nick, wanting distance from Brock. Caleb and I have come to an arrangement concerning thefee.So you don t need to be concerned about that. He set his briefcase on the table and opened it,taking out a simple notepad, the same one he d scribbled on while Caleb had been giving him thedetails of Nick s case. Caleb has explained the events that led to your arrest and conviction, and my firm will haveall the files within a day or so for me to go over. He met Nick s eyes head on, unwavering, offeringnot so much as a hint that his and Caleb s arrangement consisted of his cock in the ass of Nick s little brother. But I need to hear it from you directly. He smiled and it actually appeared genuine. After,of course, you officially take me on as your attorney. Uh&  Nick rubbed the back of his neck and glanced at Caleb, then looked at Brock. Yes,I ll take you on.I mean, if&  he looked at Caleb again. If everything is worked out concerning thefees. I assure you. Brock s smile widened. It is.* * * * I see you re going to grace us with your presence today. Nolan Emery gave Samuel a drylook from behind his desk. Figured I should make an appearance. Samuel returned as dryly.A slight smirk grabbed thecorner of his mouth. Knew you would miss me if I didn t.Nolan chuffed and shifted his attention back to documents before him. Is that a new case? Samuel took the chair across the desk from Emery. Yes. The man murmured without looking up.Samuel shrugged. So where do we start? What are the details? He realized he soundedmore eager than he felt.But he needed something to occupy his thoughts until Caleb returned home.Just sitting around and thinking about him would drive him mad. Vehicular manslaughter. Nolen spoke low, without emotion. Six year old child was killed [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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