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.filled with memories.The banister under her hand was worn smooth by thepolishing of countless hands; but the halls, the rooms, were empty and silentnow.Only Miroe, the last of his line, alone.Alone even among the Winters whoworked for him here.She sensed the bond of trust and respect that seemed toexist between them, a stronger bond than she would have expected between ownerand workers, natives and off worlder But there was always an intangible fieldof reserve surrounding him, keeping him separate, self-contained.She felt it,sometimes, striking sparks against her own.She entered the room she had always taken, threw her bag and her helmet downon the rumpled bed, watched them sink into the comforters.The wooden-framedbed itself was as hard as a board--was a board, for all she knew--but she hadnever lam awake here for half the night, praying for sleep while her eyesburned a hole through her lids in the dark.She unfastened her coat, took it off, started toward the massive wardrobe withit.Stopped, as her gaze landed on the eye-stunning chartreuse flightsuitlying in a heap on the wardrobe's floor.She hung her coat on a hookmechanically, picked up the jump suit and held it against herself.Held it atarm's length again, studying the contours.Then, slowly, she took her coatback and hung the flightsuit in its place.She went back to the bed, looked again at the rumpled covers;picked up the brush lying on a stool at bedside, fingered the strands of long,fair hair.She put it down again.She stood silently, suddenly in her mindseeing a small, solitary, curly-haired child, in threadbare underpants andsandals, who crouched to watch silvery wogs flit in a dying pool.The sunlightpoured over her like hot honey, suffocating all sound, and the stone-studded,blistered moraine of the dry riverbed stretched away forever.Jerusha took back her helmet and her bag from the bed, and went quickly downthe stairs."Jerusha?" Miroe straightened away from the low planked table near the fire,frowning his lack of comprehension."I thought you were--""You didn't tell me you had--other guests." The word took on meanings shehadn't intended."I won't stay."His face changed, like the face of a man who had just been caught in aterrible oversight.Her own face seemed to have froZen to death.He said quietly, "Aren't you ever off duty?""Your morals are no all--concern of mine, even on duty.""What?" Another expression entirely."You mean-Is that what you thought?" HisPage 156 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlrelief burst out in deep laughter."I thought you were looking for smugglers!"Her mouth opened."Jerusha." He picked his way across the cluttered room to her."Ye gods, Ididn't mean it like that.It isn't what you think; she's only a friend.Not aromance.She's young enough to be my daughter.She's out on a boat right now."Jerusha looked away, down, "I didn't want to--intrude."He cleared his throat."I'm not a plastic effigy, gods know--" He picked up aflabby, faded cushion, put it down."I didn't expect you were." She knew she was saying it badly."I.you said once that I wasn't a stupid man.But in all this time, all thevisits you've made here, I never realized." his hand rose to touch her ina way he had never touched her, ".that you wanted something more.""I didn't want you to." Didn't want to admit it, even to myself.She tried to move, tried to step away from his hand, tried, tried-tremblinglike a wild bird.He took his hand away."Is there someone else? In the city, back on yourworld, another--""No," her face burning."Never.""Never?" He held a long breath."Never?.No one has ever touched you likethis--" along the nape of her neck, her earlobe, the line of her jaw "--orlike this--" tracing the seal of her tunic down over her breast "--or donethis--" slowly surrounding her with his arms, tightening her against him untilshe felt the lines of his body melt into hers, and his mouth was on her mouthlike nectar.Murmuring, "Yes.now." as his kiss released her.She found his lipsagain, demanding."Beg your pardon, sir!"Jerusha gasped, breaking his hold in reflex; saw the ancient cook with backturned to them in the doorway."What is it?" Miroe's voice was frayed around the edges."Midday, sir.Midday meal is ready.but it'll keep until you are, sir."Jerusha heard the knowing smile as the cook shuffled back into the pantry.Miroe sighed heavily, his face trying to smile and frown but only managing tolook aggrieved.He reached for her hand, but she slipped it through hisfingers before they closed.He looked at her, she saw his surprise."You asked the question eloquently." Her own smile wavered with the static ofher emotions."But you should have asked it another time, Miroe." She shookher head, pressing her hands to her lips for a moment."It's too close to theend for me now.or not close enough.""I understand." He nodded, suddenly noncommital; as though the moment that hadjust been between them, the moment she had waited so long for, meant nothingto him.Disappointment and sudden shame pinched her chest.Is that all it would havemeant to you? "I'd better be getting back to the city." So you can tell yourWinter doxies how you almost had the Commander ofPolice for lunch."You don't have to go.We can--pretend it didn't happen.""Maybe you can.But I can't pretend, any more.Reality is too loud." Shepulled on her coat, began a crooked course to the door."Jerusha.Will you be all right?" The concern caught at her.She stopped, turned back, under control."Yes.Even a day outsideCarbuncle is like a transfusion.Maybe.will I see you again, at theFestival--before the final departure?" She hated herself for asking when hewould not."No, I don't think so.I think this is one Festival I want to miss.And I'mnot leaving Tiamat; this is my home.""Of course." She felt an artificial smile starting again, like a muscle cramp."Well, maybe I'll--call, before I go." Go to pieces, go to hell.Page 157 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html"I'll walk you out." "Don't bother." She shook her head, settled her helmeton, pulling the strap down under her chin."No need." She opened the dark,iron hinged door and went out, putting it between them as quickly as shecould.She was halfway down the hill when she heard him calling her name.She looked back to see him come running down the slope after her.She stopped,her hands making awkward fists inside her gloves."Yes?""There's a storm coming.""No there isn't.I checked the weather bulletin before I leftCarbuncle.""The hell with the forecasts; if those bastards would get off their simulatorsand look up at the sky--" He swept a hand from horizon to zenith."It'll behere by daybreak tomorrow."She looked up, seeing nothing but scattered clouds, a pallid double sundoghaloing the eclipsing Twins."Don't worry.I'll be home by dark.""It's not you I'm worried about." His eyes were still on the northwardhorizon."Oh." She felt her face lose all expression."The girl who's staying here, she's up the coast in a small boat.She's not due back before late tomorrow." He faced her grimly."I've fished her out of the sea half-frozen once already.I might not be solucky again.I'll never reach her in time, unless--"She nodded."All right, Miroe.Let's go find her."He hesitated."I--don't know how to ask you for this kind of favor; I have noright to ask you.But--""It's all right.It's my duty to help.""No.I'm trying to ask you to be--off duty, when you do this.To-forget that you ever met whoever you meet." He smiled, or grimaced."Yousee.I trust you far too much, too." He began to rub his arms; she realized hehad come after her without a coat [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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