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.This wonderful invention let the owner warm the car up several times during theevening and again first thing in the morning.This way the car s battery stayed charged, the oilkept flowing easily, and the car started right up for the owner every time.And this made thecar so much happier.That story conveys the indirect message that owning a remote car starting device isbeneficial, but it does so through the fantasy of a car being  real ; having feelings, being able tothink, etc.This use of the Inanimate Object approach makes the story amusing, surreal, andemotional, while indirectly sending your message.Again, this technique would be used as onepart of a three tier Organized Multiple Story, with Encrypted Instructions and Post-HypnoticInstructions used to induce and build emotion.The Removed Process technique involves simply describing the motions one would haveto go through to achieve the outcome you are going after.This approach specifically avoidsusing people or objects as examples and only describes processes, manners, and courses of actionfor doing a certain  thing in a certain way.It s nearly impossible to construct a story withoutreferring to people, places or things (nouns), so you will have to include them in your RemovedProcess Stories, just don t make them the focus of the story.Here s an example: & And sitting in the waiting room, awaiting the doctor s call, there was this news report aboutthis weather we ve been having& so incredibly cold& and beginning right now to just feel thatpiercing cold walking outside.Unable to open the car door because it froze& ears feeling like a46_______________________________________________________________Bill O Connell COVERT HYPNOSIS________________________________________________________________thousand sharp needles were sticking them& it hurts to breathe it is so bitter cold.Can youimagine how that pain feels? Wanting to avoid this terrible bitter cold.Not wanting to feel thisbiting sub-zero chill.Just wanting to be warm now! So the report continues and talks about theability to avoid the pain of the cold at least some of the time through a device that let s youremotely start and warm up your car through a hand-held control.You don t even have to gooutside in that bitter cold until the car is warm! This is the kind of thing that you just wantNOW.The show explained that many people are saying that you just have to have this now,feeling an uncontrollable urge to go buy this device today& Reread the story above and try to locate the  Removed Process suggestions includedinside.- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Now let s read the story again with the covert processes underlined: & And sitting in the waiting room, awaiting the doctor s call, there was this news report aboutthis weather we ve been having& so incredibly cold& and beginning right now to just feel thatpiercing cold walking outside.Unable to open the car door because it froze& ears feeling like athousand sharp needles were sticking them& it hurts to breathe it is so bitter cold.Can youimagine how that pain feels? Wanting to avoid this terrible bitter cold.Not wanting to feel thisbiting sub-zero chill.Just wanting to be warm now! So the report continues and talks about theability to avoid the pain of the cold at least some of the time through a device that let s youremotely start and warm up your car through a hand-held control.You don t even have to gooutside in that bitter cold until the car is warm! This is the kind of thing that you just wantNOW.The show explained that many people are saying that you just have to have this now,feeling an uncontrollable urge to go buy this device today& Removed Process Instructions are simply descriptions of how you want the subject to feeland actions you want them to take.They become more powerful when you combine them withEncrypted Instructions, which will be discussed at length in an upcoming chapter [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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