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.A neolion, here, at a crime scene, and when I spotted him he bolted.“An act of a guilty conscious?” Draskin asked.Nohar turned.He hadn't noted the big human's approach.“Not evidence I suppose, but if we could get him you could see if he had trace evidence under his claws or on him.An ultraviolet light would illuminate any blood spatter on his fur or clothing,” Nohar said.“True,” Draskin said.“Your pretty good at this.I thought you were another amateur,” he said, glancing at Magnum.“Training,” Nohar growled.“If we had a suspect we could sweat him,” O'shee said from his crouch.“Only one problem, Neo's don't sweat,” Nohar sighed.Chapter 7The next morning Nohar found not only Magnum, but also a tired Draskin and O'shee waiting in the lobby.The three humans nodded and Draskin announced loudly that he was going out to breakfast.They found a diner around the corner.The human proprietor wasn't too enthused about seating Nohar, but Draskin flashed his badge and she relented without a word.She did however later mutter about how she'd better get a big tip out of this.Draskin and O'shee ordered omelets.Magnum ordered fruit.Nohar ordered sausage and bacon, a pile of it.He sat back, uncomfortable in the booth but aware something was up.Silently O'shee put a 2 centimeter thick manila folder onto the Formica table and pushed it over to them.Draskin didn't look, just commented about the local little league's chances of winning the continental finals.Nohar took the hint, ignoring Magnum's snort.He flipped the folder around and then sent a mental command to his implants to record.He flipped through it rapidly, not really paying attention to details, just hitting the high points.When he was finished with every page, including the rather gruesome crime scene photos and sketches he passed it to Magnum.Suddenly he wasn't very hungry though.“Missing persons aren't in that,” he muttered.“You kidding me? We've got enough unsolved as it is,” Draskin muttered.“Yeah well, I think they should be included.And the accidents should be re-opened,” Nohar said.“Oh you do eh?” Draskin asked.Nohar pulled up his laptop and plugged his implant in again.He dumped the scan, watching it flutter into the file, and then hit his correlating script.It would cross reference everything in the report with what he already had.But he pulled up the accident reports anyway.“If they are dead, where are the bodies?” Draskin demanded.Magnum muttered a curse as he got to the crime scene photos.He gulped, turning a bit pale.Draskin looked at him briefly.“Hey, you asked for it,” he said.“Remember when we led you out to the tunnel?” Nohar asked.“Yeah?” Draskin asked, turning to him.“How many of those bodies are in the missing persons report?” Nohar asked.“Um.”“Good question actually,” O'shee said.“Yeah.”“Still, not many bodies there,” Draskin said.“Unless he ate them all,” O'shee said softly.Draskin flinched.“Think about it, if he turned total cannibal, he wouldn't go to a restaurant or store.He'd be completely off grid.Some of the people were robbed, but the later vics weren't.That fits.”“Right.But there are way too many people gone to fill one larder you know,” Draskin said.“So, we look for an overflow,” Nohar said.“One we missed,” he said as the food arrived.Magnum took one look and turned green.He pushed his plate away.“Not me,” he muttered, hand going to his head.He didn't even want his coffee anymore either, nearly knocking it over.*.*.*.*.Outside the diner, Draskin adjusted his belt and waist line and looked over to a still green Magnum.“Wus,” he growled.“Yeah well.” Magnum shrugged.“Yeah well, nothing.You just saw the pics.You didn't get to see most of that in person,” he growled.“Did you look into the water deaths?” Nohar asked.“Water.”“The flume,” Nohar said.“22 deaths there in under a year? When there have been only 2 in a century? Seriously.guys, come on now,” he said spreading his hands.His right arm jerked a little.He grimaced but got it under control.“Yeah,” O'shee said, eying the arm warily.“I see what you mean.Something's definitely off there,” he said, looking at his partner.“Yeah,” Draskin admitted.“That's screwy, one or two I can figure, but 22?”“That's just the ones we know about,” Magnum said.“We counted a lot more crosses in that area.We told you guys and the game wardens at the tunnel [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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