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., with period.Möbius strip (or band).A piece of paper or other material twisted insuch a way as to form a continuous surface; named after its dis-coverer, German mathematician August Möbius (1790 1868).Mobutu Sese Seko.(1930 1997) President of Zaire (1965 1997); bornJoseph-Desiré Mobuto.Moby-Dick.(Note hyphen.) Novel by Herman Melville (1851).Thefull title on publication was Moby-Dick; or, the Whale.moccasin.modem is short for modulator/demodulator. Modigliani, Amedeo / mongooses 229ýÿModigliani, Amedeo.(1884 1920) Italian artist.modus operandi.(Lat.) The way of doing something.modus vivendi.(Lat.) Way of life, or a kind of truce pending the set-tlement of a dispute.Mogadishu.Capital of Somalia.Mohave, Mojave.The first is the spelling for the Native Americantribe and mountains in Arizona; the second is the spelling ofthe desert.Mohorovi%0Å„ić discontinuity.Boundary between Earth s crust and man-tle, named for the Croatian geophysicist Andrija Mohorovi%0Å„ić(1857 1936).Mojave Desert, but Mohave for the Native American tribe and moun-tains in Arizona.Moldova.Not Moldavia.Eastern European republic, formerly calledBessarabia, formerly part of Soviet Union; capital Chi_inu.Thepeople and language are Moldovan.Molière.(1622 1673) French playwright; born Jean-Baptiste Po-quelin.mollycoddle.Molly Maguires.Secret society active in Pennsylvania in nineteenthcentury.molt.Not moult.molybdenum.Chemical element; symbol Mo.Mombasa.Seaport and resort in Kenya.Mona Lisa.Painting by Leonardo da Vinci, also called La Gioconda.Mönchen-Gladbach, Germany.Mondrian, Piet.(1872 1944) Dutch abstract painter; born Pieter Cor-nelis Mondriaan.Monégasque for a person or thing from Monaco.Not Mona-.moneyed, not monied, for someone with wealth.mongooses is the plural of mongoose.(The word is of Indian originand has no relation to the English goose.) 230 moniker / moosemoniker (not monicker) for a name or nickname.Monnet, Jean.(1888 1979) French statesman; but Claude Monet forthe artist.Monongahela.River in West Virginia and Pennsylvania.mononucleosis is the American term for the illness known in Britainand elsewhere as glandular fever, a consideration that should beborne in mind if writing for an international audience.Monserrat, Spain, but Montserrat, Leeward Islands.monsieur, pl.messieurs.Montagnard.French for  mountain dweller, it is the name given tothe radical faction during the French Revolution because of theelevated position of their seats in the National Convention.Theterm is also applied to some Southeast Asian hill tribes.Montaigne, Michel (Eyquem) de.(1533 1592) French philosopher andessayist.Mont Blanc.Alpine mountain.But Montblanc for the pen.Montenegro, Republic of.Formerly part of Yugoslavia; capital Pod-gorica.Monterey for the city and bay in California and towns in Indiana,Massachusetts, Tennessee, and Virginia, but Monterrey for thecity in Mexico and town in Colorado.Montesquieu, Charles-Louis de Secondat, Baron de La Brède et de.(1689 1755) French philosopher and jurist.Montessori.System of teaching developed by Maria Montessori(1870 1952), Italian doctor and educator.Monteverdi, Claudio Giovanni Antonio.(1567 1643) Italian composer.Montevideo.Capital of Uruguay.Montparnasse, Paris.Montpelier for the capital of Vermont, but Montpellier, France.Mont-Saint-Michel, France (hyphens).Montserrat, Leeward Islands, but Monserrat, Spain.moose.Pl.same. More, Sir Thomas (also St.Thomas) / Mossad 231ýÿMore, Sir Thomas (also St.Thomas).(1478 1535) English statesmanand author.morganatic marriage.One between a noble and a commoner inwhich the commoner and his or her descendants enjoy no priv-ileges of inheritance.Morgan le Fay.Sister of King Arthur.Morgenthau, Henry, Jr.(1891 1967) American statesman, secretary ofthe treasury (1934 1945).moribund does not mean sluggish or declining; it means dying, onthe point of death.To be moribund is to be critically, indeed ir-reversibly, ill.Morison, Samuel Eliot.(1887 1976) American historian.Mormon Church.Officially the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-daySaints.Morocco, Morrocan.Morris, Gouverneur.(1752 1816) American statesman, signatory ofU.S.Constitution.Morrison, Toni.(1931 ) American novelist, awarded Nobel Prize inLiterature in 1993.mortar, in the context of weaponry, is the launching device, not theexplosive projectiles.It is generally better, and sometimes neces-sary, to write that troops fired mortar rounds (or bombs orshells, etc.) rather than simply that they fired mortars.Morte d Arthur, Le.Not La.Fifteenth-century prose narrative byThomas Malory relating the legend of King Arthur.mortise lock.Moselle for the river and wine; in German, Mosel.Moser-Pröll, Annemarie.(1953 ) Austrian skier.Moskva.Russian for Moscow.Moslem is an accepted variant, but Muslim is generally preferred.mosquitoes.Mossad.Israeli secret service. 232 most / Muhammad (or Mohammed)most.Unless you are striving for an air of folksiness, most as an ad-verb should be confined to signifying the topmost degree ( themost delicious cake ) or as a synonym for very ( Your offer ismost welcome ).As an alternative for almost or nearly ( Hewould eat most anything ) it is generally not welcome in seriouswriting.Mother s Day.mot juste.(Fr.) The right word.motto, pl.mottoes.mountebank.A charlatan.Mourning Becomes Electra.Play by Eugene O Neill (1931).moussaka.mousy (pref.), mousey (alt.).Mozambique, but Mozambican.mozzarella.Mpumalanga.South African province, formerly Eastern Transvaal.MRSA.Short for methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, a typeof bacterial infection.MS is the abbreviation for manuscript; pl.MSS (capitalized butwithout periods).MT is the postal abbreviation of Montana; the traditional abbrevi-ation is Mont., with period.Mubarak, (Muhammad) Hosni (Said).(1928 ) Egyptian president (1981 ).mucous, mucus, mucosa.The first is the adjectival form, the secondthe noun form.Thus, mucus is the substance secreted by the mu-cous membranes.A more formal name for the latter is mucosa.Mueller, Lisel.(1924 ) German-born American poet.Muenster/Munster.Either is correct for the cheese from Alsace.Seealso munster, münster.muezzin.In Islam, an official who calls the faithful to prayer.mufti.Plain clothes worn by a person who usually wears a uniform.Muhammad (or Mohammed).(c.570 632) Founder of Islam. Mühlhausen / musk-ox 233ýÿMühlhausen, Germany.mujahideen is the most common spelling in English for Islamicguerrilla fighters, but there are many alternative spellings, in-cluding mujahidin, mujahedin, and mujahedeen.Mukhabarat.Iraqi secret police.mukluk, muktuk.The first is a kind of boot; the second is whale blub-ber as food.mulatto, pl.mulattos.mullah.Muslim teacher.mulligatawny soup.Mumbai.Indian city formerly known as Bombay.Munch, Edvard.(1863 1944) Norwegian artist.Munster, Münster.The first is a province of Ireland comprising sixcountries: Clare, Cork, Kerry, Limerick, Tipperary, and Water-ford.The second is a city in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany.Murchison River, Australia; Murchison Falls, Uganda.Murfreesboro, battle of.(1863) U.S.Civil War; sometimes called thebattle of Stones River.murmur.Murphy s Law.If anything can go wrong, it will.Muscovite for a person from Moscow.The name comes from the an-cient principality of Muscovy.Muses.The nine daughters of Zeus and Mnemosyne who presidedover the arts: Calliope (eloquence and epic poetry), Clio (his-tory), Erato (elegiac poetry), Euterpe (music), Melpomene(tragedy), Polyhymnia (lyric poetry), Terpsichore (dancing),Thalia (comedy), and Urania (astronomy).Musharraf, Pervez.(1943 ) President of Pakistan (1999 ). Music hath charms to soothe a savage breast is the correct quotationfrom the Congreve play The Mourning Bride.Not  the savagebreast or  a savage beast [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]

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