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.The touch of your hand on me, the way you kiss me.Oh I felt the gotta-come-now-or-I’mgoing-to-die thing too.Why do you think I wanted more? Certainly wasn’t your ramblings about true love, ’cause that had me never wanting to go near you again.”Well wasn’t that like a boost to his ego and a slap in the face at the same time? Concentrating on the first and ignoring the second, seeing Liam’s confession for what it was, Marc grinned.“So do you want to feel that again?” he asked, deciding sex was definitely going to be his best resource when it came to changing Liam’s mind.At the darkened look in Liam’s eyes, Marc felt an answering need in his own body, but this time he knew he’d have some control over it.He pushed Liam to lie back down on his side and then leaned in to kiss him while not so surreptitiously pushing his sweatpants the rest of the way off.When Liam opened his mouth, Marc swept his tongue inside, but quickly drew back as he tasted something bitter and salty on Liam’s tongue.“Is that what I taste like?” he asked, screwing up his nose.“You’ve never tasted your own cum?”Marc shook his head, realizing how dumb he looked, but Liam just grinned.“If I’d known that, I would have kept you some.”“Thanks, but I’ll pass.That’s not something I’m going to like.” Something darkened Liam’s eyes, but Marc didn’t catch what it was.Discounting it, he leaned in and kissed Liam again, accepting the flavor on Liam’s tongue for what it was.That was just something else he was going to have to get used to.He shifted his weight a little until they were both on their sides and facing each other.“You’ve got too many clothes on,” Marc commented, sliding his hand up the back of Liam’s T-shirt, surprised Liam hadn’t stripped them both naked before he’d dumped him on the lounge.“Yeah, sorry.I guess I got too carried away.” The dark look in his eyes got darker, and Marc suddenly realized Liam was upset.“And I meant to go slower this time.” “Slower?”“I was going to kiss you more, touch you more.” The smile Liam gave him was slightly apologetic, but Marc quickly shook his head to appease him, thinking that was what Liam was worried about.“If you’d done any more, I probably wouldn’t have lasted the two seconds I did.”Liam shook his head.“No, I could have made it better for you.”“It gets better?” Marc asked, teasing.He smiled, hoping Liam would smile with him.What he got was a downcast mouth and Liam putting a couple of inches between them.Marc hauled him back and kissed him again, knowing Liam liked the way he kissed.He didn’t want Liam upset, not over that.He smoothed his hand back under Liam’s T-shirt, encountering warm, soft skin.He spread his fingers, loving the texture, the strength, even as he marveled at how not more than a few days ago he would never had dared do this.He grinned, then pushed Liam back while pulling on the soft cotton of Liam’s top to get it off him.One thing about having a man as a lover, there were no awkward pieces of clothing to remove, and Marc suspected there wouldn’t be many times when Liam said he wasn’t in the mood.Liam’s frown had him grinning even more, especially when the T-shirt got tangled in Liam’s arms.Sitting up, Marc pulled his own shirt off, then bent to claim Liam’s mouth again.A hand on his chest stopped him.“You don’t have to do this, Marc.”It was Marc’s turn to frown.“Do what?”“Anything.You don’t have to do anything if you don’t want to.I told you that.” “Who said I don’t want to?”Liam’s dark brown eyes held his.“You did.”Steadying himself with one hand on Liam’s chest and the other on the back of the leather lounge, Marc shook his head, quickly understanding what was now wrong.“No I didn’t.I said…” He stopped and compressed his lips.Arguing with Liam wasn’t going to help.Convincing him was.“I want you, Liam.In every way a man wants a man.I may not be very good at doing anything yet, but I’m not backing out.”He could almost see Liam wanting to ask him if he was sure, then Liam smiled— one long, slow, sexy smile which had Marc smiling back.He slowly leaned down and brought his mouth to Liam’s, and then he kissed him hard and with all the desire, hunger and lust he could drum up, which was a lot.Liam moaned under the onslaught, and Marc only let up when he knew Liam wasn’t going to question his sincerity again.Softening the kiss, he nibbled on Liam’s full bottom lip, then deciding it was time, he explored Liam’s body to the full.He leisurely stroked his tongue across the rough stubble of Liam’s jaw, then down to the sensitive hollow behind his ear.Liam moaned again, and Marc gently bit on Liam’s neck.He liked this; he liked how Liam responded to him.It made him feel more able and less like someone who didn’t know what he was doing.Emboldened, he followed a path to Liam’s shoulder, tasting the salty essence of sweat and the light tangy flavor of citrus bodywash before kissing down Liam’s tanned chest and encountering a light smattering of dark hair.Not something he was used to, but the texture against his tongue and lips only served to heighten his awareness of Liam as a man and emphasize how exotic this experience with him was.When his tongue swirled over the edge of a nipple, Marc remembered how Liam had latched on to his and the way Liam had responded when he’d licked him the other night, and he wondered if that was because Liam liked his own nipples sucked.As an experiment he ran his tongue fully over Liam’s right nipple.Liam groaned, the sound low and sexy, so Marc did it again and glanced up at Liam’s face.Liam was watching him, his eyes filled with lust and want and need.Marc hoped to God he’d be able to give Liam what he wanted.Marc kissed the outer edge of the hardened nipple, then paused for a second before bringing his whole mouth over the tip, and when he felt Liam tense, he sucked on it, hard.Liam squirmed beneath him, then cried out as Marc reached for the other nipple with his fingers and pinched lightly.Marc grinned and made a mental note to himself: Liam liked nipple action.Releasing one prize and aiming for another, Marc started down Liam’s stomach.Liam’s abs turned rigid as Marc settled light kisses over moist skin.He swirled his tongue in the little dip of Liam’s belly button and reached for the fastening on Liam’s jeans.They parted easily, Liam’s erection pressing hard against the taut material.Without pause he slid both hands down the sides of Liam’s hips and pulled off his jeans.Liam wore no underwear, and for some reason that seemed to make Liam even sexier.He’d seen Liam’s cock before but not this close.Close up he was able to appreciate the length and thickness.Shit, Liam had to be at least an inch longer than him and a good half an inch thicker.A dark vein pulsed along the underside, and even as he watched, he could have sworn Liam’s cock grew a little more.He glanced up at Liam, who was once again watching him.There was still need in those eyes, but there was a challenge in them as well.Marc licked his lips and took a deep breath.There was no question of him not doing this; he just wasn’t sure how.“Take it slowly and don’t suck too hard [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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