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.Decide what you are really saying; then go back and buildyour essay around that idea." A big danger is trying to cram in everything you ve learned.It s tempting to include good ideas or quotations that seemrelated to your subject but actually distract from your mainpoint.Look at the Order of Your PointsIf you see that you ve made the same point in two places or ifyour paper seems choppy, you probably need to reorganize." Make a list of your points in the order you wrote them." Now play with the order so that each one logically leads tothe next." Get rid of points that aren t related, or tie them into otherpoints." At each step, help your reader to see your logic.Give the Reader the PictureMake sure the reader really sees what you mean." If you are telling a story, put in the strong details thatconvey what the experience was like.84sil3319X_pt2_059-106.qxd 10/27/06 9:11 AM Page 85HOWTOWORK ONA SECONDDRAFT 85" If you are arguing for a position, fully explain your reasonsand lay out the evidence." If you are expressing an opinion, tell specifically what gaveyou that idea.Look for Strong Parts and Weak Parts" Add to what s strong.When revising, writers tend to focuson the weak spots.Instead, start by looking for the goodparts in your paper.Underline or highlight them, and writemore about them." Fix up what s weak.Look at the parts that are giving youtrouble.Do you really need them? Are they in the rightplace? If you got tangled up trying to say something thatyou consider important, stop and ask yourself, What is itI m trying to say, after all? Then say it to yourself in plainEnglish and write it down that way.Read Aloud to Yourself or to a Friend" Read your paper aloud to hear what s strong and whatdrags." When you read your paper to a friend, notice what you addas you read what information or explanations you feelcompelled to put in.Jot down these additions and put theminto the paper." Ask your friend to tell you what came through.All youwant is what he or she heard not whether it s good, nothow to change it.Then let your friend ask you questions.However, don t let your friend take over and tell you whatto write.Get Help at the Writing Center or Learning CenterYour college writing center or learning center is staffed byprofessionals trained to assist you with your writing.Bringyour paper, and a tutor will give you constructive advice.Youalso may be able to get help online.sil3319X_pt2_059-106.qxd 10/27/06 9:11 AM Page 8686 HOW TO WORK ON A SECOND DRAFTFinal Touches" Look again at the proportions of your paper.Are some ofthe paragraphs too short and choppy? Is there one that isoverly long?" Look at your introduction and conclusion.Experiment withthe first and last sentences of your paper by writing the ideathree or four different ways with very different wordingthen choose the best." Write a title that catches the reader s attention andannounces your specific subject.sil3319X_pt2_059-106.qxd 10/27/06 9:11 AM Page 87SHORTCUTS FOR WORDHere are some tips to save time when you are using MicrosoftWord, the most commonly used word processing program.Some of these tips also work in other programs.SETTING UP THE DOCUMENTTo insert the current date Insert Menu > Date and TimeTo add page numbers Insert Menu > Page NumbersTo add a header to each View Menu > Header andpage Footer; type your header intothe boxTo align your header on Ctrl + Rthe rightTo avoid numbering your File Menu > Page Setup >first page Layout; click different headerfor first pageTo center your title Ctrl + ETo set the margins for the File Menu > Page Setup >whole document or for Marginsjust a selectionTo single-space Ctrl + 1To double-space Ctrl + 2To customize your toolbar Right-click on a blank sectionof the toolbar; click customizeTo set paragraph Format Menu > Paragraph >indentations Indents and Spacing >Indentations > Left >+0.52 2Special > first lineTo set a hanging indent for Format Menu > Paragraph >a works cited or reference Indents and Spacing > Specialpage > Hanging By > 0.52 287sil3319X_pt2_059-106.qxd 10/27/06 9:11 AM Page 8888 SHORTCUTS FOR WORDUsing the Ruler (at the top of the page)The upper marker on the left of the ruler sets the left margin forthe first line of each paragraph; the lower marker sets the leftmargin for the second and any following lines.1To set paragraph Click and slide the upperindentations marker to the half-inch point,leaving the lower marker at1the left marginTo form a hanging indent Click and slide the lowerfor a works cited or marker to the half-inch point,reference page leaving the upper marker atthe left margin1A mouseclick at any point on the ruler can set a tab (markedwith a little L).Using AutoCorrect (set this up before you type)To automatically correct Tools Menu > AutoCorrect;errors you usually make check Replace text as youtype ; then modify the list thatfollowsTo insert a specific word or Tools Menu > AutoCorrect;phrase whenever you type check Replace text as youits abbreviation type ; then type in theabbreviation and the wordto replace it for example Replace ppx withPeloponnesianWarning: Be careful to use a unique abbreviation (such as onewith an x); asking AutoCorrect to replace war with WorldWar II throughout your paper would create a disaster.You mayalso find it helpful to keep a list of your abbreviations.sil3319X_pt2_059-106.qxd 10/27/06 9:11 AM Page 89SHORTCUTS FOR WORD 89TYPING AND EDITINGTo hide the red wavy lines Tools Menu > Options >(Spelling) or the green Spelling and Grammar >wavy lines (Grammar) Hide.errorsTo add to your custom Tools Menu > AutoCorrect >dictionary ExceptionsTo locate all instances of an Edit Menu > Find (or Ctrl + F);error and replace it with type the word or phrase youthe word or words you want to change; then click onspecify Replace and type the word orphrase you preferTo check for repetition of Edit Menu > Find (or Ctrl + F);points or overuse of type the word or phrase youcertain words want to seeTo prevent unwanted text Format Menu > Font > Fontcolor (for example, with color; select black instead ofWeb addresses) automatic colorTo edit hyperlinks Right-click and select theoption such as RemoveHyperlink (to return a Webaddress to regular font)To mark changes as you Ctrl + Shift + EreviseWorking with GraphicsTo wrap text around Right-click on the graphic;inserted graphics Format picture > LayoutTo adjust the size of the Click on the borderlines andtext box dragTo adjust the position of Drag it, or press Ctrl + one ofthe highlighted image the arrow keyssil3319X_pt2_059-106.qxd 10/27/06 9:11 AM Page 9090 SHORTCUTS FOR WORDUSING KEYBOARD SHORTCUTSYou probably already use a few keyboard shortcuts such asCtrl + S to save or Ctrl + P to print.Check keys under theHelp menu to find other two- or three-key combinations, suchas those for foreign accents
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