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.This time the sensation wasn t quite sodisconcerting and he found he was able to focus on the long, dark, narrow alley of thetarget range, waiting for the first target to appear.When it came, it was fast.A blur of light out of the corner of his eye that he wouldhave missed if all his senses hadn t been on a hair trigger.Instinctively, Chaz twitchedhis right pinky finger and saw a similar bolt of light skewer the target perfectly.Therewas a silent explosion and then inky blackness once more as he waited for the next oneto appear.22 Broken BoundariesBehind him, he heard a soft murmur of what sounded like approval from Ferronbut he paid no attention.It didn t matter to him if the older cadet approved of him ornot what mattered was getting the targets.Already the smart-metal simulator felt as ifit were part of him and he seemed to know without even thinking about it which set oftriggers to push to shoot in every direction.That was good, but he wanted to get better,wanted to be the best.That was what he was thinking while the next five targets camewhizzing at him from every direction.Be the best, get them all.Be the best, get them all.Itbecame like a mantra in his head until Chaz was the gun he was shooting and his entirebeing was focused on annihilating every single target the simulator threw at him.His concentration was perfect and he was hitting every target, even when Ferronspeeded the simulator up so fast he could hardly see what he was shooting at.Getting it,I m getting it! he thought excitedly.Then, just as he was so in the zone he didn t knowwhere his body ended and the simulator began, a warm pair of arms crept around hiswaist and he felt his new partner s hard chest flush against his back.But that wasn t all.He could also feel Ferron s hot breath on the back of his neck and the bulge of his cockpressing right against his ass.Chaz stiffened in apprehension.What the hell was going on?23 Evangeline AndersonChapter Four Hey! What the hell? Chaz tried to spin around and clock the bastard in his facebut the simulator wouldn t loosen its grip on him.He was stuck trapped. What thefuck d you think you re doing? he demanded, still fighting the unwanted andunexpected embrace. Not what you think I m doing so relax, Newbie. Ferron s voice sounded almostbored, as though he did this kind of thing every day of his life.Remembering the scenein the hallway when Burns had insulted the tall cadet, Chaz thought he probably did. I swear to God, man, if you don t get off me right now  he began but Ferroninterrupted him smoothly. Do you know what will get you killed quicker than anything else when you re outin space? he asked, his breath brushing though the loose curls at the side of Chaz sneck. I know what s gonna get you killed.Get off me, man! Chaz felt ready to panicnow.This son of a bitch Ferron had him and obviously didn t intend to let him go.Worse, the proximity of the other man s lean, muscular form seemed to be doingsomething strange to Chaz s body.Something wrong and unnatural. Boundaries, Ferron continued, as though Chaz wasn t rigid in his armsdemanding to be released. Your personal boundaries are more likely to get you killedthan any of the targets or even the Saudeber ship cluster.Because if you can t let go ofyour boundaries, you can t do your job.How many targets do you think you ve missedsince I put my arms around you? Hell if I know and I don t care either, Chaz growled. And what do personalboundaries have to do with how well I shoot? You ve missed over fifty targets, any one of which could have killed us if we wereout in the deep dark, Ferron informed him. And you need to let go of your personalboundaries because this is the way we re going to be strapped into the cockpit of theNeedle. What? What are you talking about? Chaz had a vague recollection of Gaiustelling him that the Needle was tight quarters inside but no one had said anythingabout having another guy draped all over him the entire time he was in space.Ferron sighed in his ear, causing a cool shiver to run up the back of Chaz s spine. I m talking about the way the Needle is designed, he said patiently. There s a neuralnet that encloses both of us and enables our reflexes to coordinate perfectly.So whileI m steering the ship, you re shooting at what I see and when you re shooting, I m24 Broken Boundariessteering away from the possible danger that you see.We re almost like one man ortwo men in the same skin. A Needleman shares his life with his wife but his skin with his partner, Chazmurmured, remembering the weird saying Gaius had told him the day before.Now itmade a horrible kind of sense [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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