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.“Try to swallow it.It’s just the coke.Back drip.” He explained.“Lovely.”“Want some more?”“Yes.”Of course I did.I didn’t want this feeling to ever end.Grey and I sat, almost completely by ourselves now as the others dispersed, some to go dance, some to get drinks.I leaned comfortably against him as we shared another mirror or two.His arm rested loosely around my waist, his hand warm.He smelt so good.“Do we have to get you back anytime … curfew or anything?” He asked, his voice a deep rumble in my ear.I lit my eightieth some odd smoke and blew it out in a laugh.“Hardly.My mom works nights, my dad’s away on business.They’ll never notice that I’m gone.”“Well, maybe I’ll just keep you, then.”“Sounds good to me.” I agreed.I was content to sit now, with Grey beside me, but nothing could stop the uncontrollable chatter that poured from my lips.From our lips.Thankfully, Grey had done his share of cocaine too, and we talked, and talked, our words not coming fast enough for the thoughts that drove them.We talked about work and the pain in the ass customers.About Charlie and how she was surprisingly likeable.I told him about my sister and her dick fiancé—how much my parents sucked.He let me blather on and on and listened intently the entire time.After expounding on Marcy’s upcoming wedding, even describing the prissy dresses to him in finite detail, I figured it was time for me to stop talking.“So, anyway … um, tell me about your band being signed.How did it happen? What does it mean?” I leaned forward and took a drink; my mouth was bitterly dry.“Well,” he chuckled at my ignorance, “basically, we’ve a contract with a record company.They put out the CD and set up a tour and do the marketing and everything.We just sit back, and make music.” He grinned widely.“Which is really the best part.”“How do you do it? I mean, how do you write the songs?”“Mostly me and Alex write them.The melodies just come to me.Sometimes, I’ll wake up in the middle of the night, and I just have it, and have to get it down.Alex helps a ton, he can think of wicked parts for guitars and layering and stuff.”“That’s amazing.”“I write the lyrics too.Sometimes it’s hard, but most the time they just write themselves, like certain melodies were made for certain words, certain moods.”“Wait.” I put my drink down and stared at Grey, baffled.“So, not only do you write the music and play the music and sing the songs, you write the lyrics too? How is that possible?”“I don’t know.” He shrugged humbly.“It’s just, easy for me.A lot of the time I can say things in songs that I can’t say otherwise.Like an outlet, I guess.”“Wow.How long have you been playing?”“Music had always been it for me, even when I was little.I started playing when I was … um … seven I think.It’s only been guitar for me, ever, and if you think I’m crazy, Zack can play every instrument we have on stage and he’s really, really good.A natural.I think he can even play the saxophone and shit.”“You guys are impressive.I can’t even carry a tune and here you all are, writing your own music, singing, making your own lyrics ….” A sudden idea occurred to me.I smiled in amusement.“If you’re so good, write me a song right now.” I suggested.“Make me some lyrics.”“Right now?” Grey laughed.“No, no.I need music and a situation.”“Okay … I can do that.Write it to the tune of … Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star, and make it about ….” I looked down at my cigarette.“Smoking.”“A song about smoking.To the tune of Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star?” He looked at me incredulously, but humoured me, and began humming to himself.He broke into a smile.“How does that shit even go?”I laughed, thoroughly enjoying myself.Grey worked away for a moment, frowning in concentration as I watched him and smoked.He mumbled words aloud as he tried to place them into the song.“Okay, okay, I think I’ve got it.” He chuckled and cleared his throat.“Here goes.Smoking, smoking cigarette, how much better can it get? First I suck, then I blow, it gives me a healthy glow.Smoking, smoking cigarette, how much better can it get?”I burst out laughing, clapping my hands for his impromptu performance.Grey laughed with me, his face reddening slightly.“What’d you think?” He asked.“I think … that was … the dirtiest song … I’ve ever heard ….” I admitted between fits of laughter.Grey went over the words again in his head, and a smile broke over his face as he realized the implication.“I didn’t have much time.” He explained.“I did the best with what I had.”“No, you did great.You did great.I just don’t think I’ll ever look at a cigarette the same way.”“Me either.” He grinned.“No.” I shook my head seriously, clearing the laughter from my throat.“I mean it.I think that you are very talented.Soon, you’ll be so famous that you won’t remember the rest of us.”“I doubt that.” Grey chuckled.“Some of you are pretty unforgettable.” He looked at me when he said that, his blue eyes still twinkling with mirth, his lips curved handsomely.I gave him a glorious smile.“Oh yeah?” My voice was a whisper.He nodded, and I felt his hand on my hip, hard and firm as he slowly pulled me closer towards him.My poor heart beat like a hummingbird’s wings.With his other hand, dark and tan and warm, Grey tilted my chin up, pulling my face towards his until the inevitable moment—slow in coming—that our lips finally touched.The kiss jolted me.The parts of me previously coke-numb were suddenly on fire.His lips pressed against mine, softly at first, then with growing intensity.He tasted amazing.I twisted in his arms so I was facing him, my hands lifted to the back of his neck, my fingers twirled in his hair.We kissed.We kissed as we had talked—compulsively, thoroughly, irrepressibly.I pressed myself against him, delighting in the warmth of his hands on my back, my waist … stroking my arms, my neck … tangling in my hair ….His kiss was better than coke.“Tell me, Mackenzie,” he breathed, a few heavy moments later.I didn’t answer, but opened my eyes to acknowledge him.His gaze fell to my lips.“Who was it that made you sad earlier?” He kissed me.I frowned.I couldn’t remember … it didn’t matter.“I don’t know.It doesn’t matter … I’m not sad anymore.” I whispered.I could feel Grey’s lips smile against mine [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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