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.Since then, the Commission has held regular meetings with representatives of trade unions, academic institutions, employers' organisations (including small businesses) and non-governmental organisations (Internet: trade-info.cec.eu.int/civil_soc).Further market access negotiations on services are expected to bring considerable market opportunities for business as well as benefits to consumers worldwide.In this respect, the EU does not seek general deregulation or privatisation of markets in sectors where principles of public interest are at stake, such as healthcare and education, or where the public authorities have a historic involvement, like energy or postal services.The EU is also committed to maintaining its right to cultural diversity in negotiations.Audiovisual services are essential purveyors of culture and are therefore unlike other commercial services.Trade negotiations cannot be allowed to create standardised cultural products; rather, they should help them to be traded in a way that respects their diversity.Overall, the Doha development agenda takes the World Trade Organisation into a new era.Not only will it continue improving conditions for worldwide trade and investment, but it will now be able to play a much fuller role in promoting economic growth, job creation and the fight against poverty.Better world governance and the promotion of sustainable development are the ambitious backdrop to the agenda.The EU will actively pursue its work on this agenda by tabling proposals on all aspects of the negotiations and acting as a broker among different players, particularly between developed and developing countries.It will maintain close contacts with a wide range of ministers and seek to reshape trade policy so that it serves the interests of the majority of WTO members, namely the developing countries.Further readingMore details about all the issues in this booklet can be found on the following European Commission trade policy web site:comm/tradeFor information on other aspects of the European Union's relations with the rest of the world:europa.eu.int/comm/world1918 [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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