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.After taking a quick shower, hebegan to get ready for bed.Shortly after stepping out of the shower, he fell into bed and began towonder what the next several days were going to be like.Whatever they would bring, he would makesure that he had enough sleep to face any issue that arose.* * * * Kayla was so tired that she should be yawning, but she was too numb to do so.She d shed too manytears over the man, and she d cursed him several times over.The man was despicable.She d givenherself to him unconditionally, and in the end, he d proved to her that he hadn t cared.It hurt toeven think about it.The last bell for the day rang, and she began to pack up her things.She was gladthat it was the weekend.She needed a break, time to collect himself and get her thoughts together.Gathering up her briefcase and her purse.The only thing she wanted to do was relax.She was goingto go home, get in her spa tub, and consume a gallon of Chunky Monkey.Calling her sisters over tohelp her consume the ice cream sounded like a good idea, but she really just wanted to be alone thisweekend.She walked out of the school and climbed into her vehicle.She drove out of the parkinglot and passed right by James and Jamie.* * * *James watched Kayla pull off.She didn t see them, but they saw her.Jamie slammed the car doorand began to grumble. What did you do to her, Dad? She is different now.James gave her a stern look. First, young lady, we don t slam doors around here.Second, Kayla andI will work this out.Jamie put her seatbelt on, folded her arms across her chest, and glared at him. You had better, Dad.My sisters and I don t want to have to interfere again.He shook his head.His children were going to be the death of him. I will handle this startingtomorrow.Jamie nodded, satisfied with the answer.He had been busy the last two days securing his job.Nowthat he d been successful with that, he could focus on trying to get back in good with Kayla.He hada plan that would include Keirra and Kristen.Fortunately, they had been very understanding whenhe d explained to them what he d done.More understanding than they should have been.Once hepicked the kids up and got them home and situated, he would fill everyone in on his plan.Hopefully,it would work. Chapter Nineteen I am going to have you two arrested for kidnapping.Kristen laughed. Now, do you really think that would happen considering the men that we are inrelationships with? Don t forget that a good friend of mine is a lawyer. Trust us, we didn t forget that, and he is well aware of our plan.He also wishes you luck.Kayla mumbled something unintelligible under her breath then renewed her struggling efforts.Hersisters had burst into her room early this morning, handcuffed, and blindfolded her.She d put up afight in the beginning but saw that it was useless.After realizing that trying to escape wasn t going towork, she d decided to conserve her energy for when she could really use it.She remembered that thought and stopped struggling once more, but it was hard to because thehandcuffs were uncomfortable.She made that fact known. Which one of you did thesehandcuffs?Keirra laughed. If you hadn t put up such a fight, I would have been able to leave them a littlelooser. When I have to the chance to put these things around your wrists, we will see how much you likeit.Keirra was smug when she replied,  Too late.Eric and I use them all the time.She flinched at the horrible thought, and Kristen couldn t contain her laughter.Kayla shuddered.Now she really wanted the handcuffs off and hoped that they would be soon.It seemed like they had been driving forever, but suddenly they rolled to a stop.She tried to listenand gather her bearings, but it was too quiet for her to distinguish anything. Where are we?Keirra was the one to respond, and it was obvious that she was enjoying this torture. You will findout soon enough.The door opened, and she was assisted out.They hustled her to a building quickly, not that sheblamed them.Anyone who saw a woman blindfolded and handcuffed was bound to becomesuspicious.It also offered her the perfect escape.She opened her mouth to scream, but Keirrawarned her before she could. You can scream if you want to, but it won t work.There is no oneelse around. You are lying.She could hear the amusement in Keirra s voice when she replied,  Try it. Just as she started to, she realized that her sisters were no longer leading her.The click of a doorsounded loudly behind her, and she turned in the direction of the sound. Keirra and Kristen, if you two have left me by myself, I am going to kill you.She jumped and did scream as a hand touched her shoulder.It was definitely a man s hand. Who are you?Whoever it was didn t speak.Instead, his hands came up and took the blindfold off.She spunaround and gasped. You are behind this?James was standing there looking as tired as she was feeling, but he still managed to look sexy ashell.She was not going to let that fact weaken her resolve. Take these handcuffs off me now.He shook his head, walked over to the bed, and sat down. Not until you hear me out.She rolled her eyes. No need to.I already know what your plans are, and I am not included inthem.Trust me, you only have to tell me once.He ignored her sarcasm. The plans have changed, and I do want you to be included in them.She sighed heavily, and then she narrowed her eyes as she took in the room.It was set up forseduction.He actually had the nerve to try to seduce her to take him back? He was crazier thanshe d originally thought.When her gaze went back to his, she was furious. James, undo thesehandcuffs now.Instead, he smiled and patted the space beside him. After we talk.She groaned with displeasure.He was going to pay as soon and her hands were free, she wouldmake sure of it. Do you care about me?Her mouth dropped opened and almost dragged the ground.She recovered quickly. If you don tknow the answer to that question, then we don t need to talk.She backed up against the wall and closed her eyes.It took everything she had not to collapse.Shewas exhausted, and all she wanted to do was go home and crawl under the covers so that she couldcry herself to sleep as she had the past few nights.It seemed the only way she was going to be ableto do that was by listening to what James had to say.If that was what it took, that was what shewould do, but she was only going to hear him out.That didn t mean that she had to believe him.Sighing with defeat, she spoke without opening hereyes. Why did you bring me here, James?He responded without hesitation. To talk to you.I want you to know what is going on. One eye opened in disbelief. A little too late for that, don t you think? No, I don t [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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