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.e., along the axis) of the earth, are diffused through its pores, and break out here and thereas springs and fountains, which are swollen into rivers, and return to the Point whence they first flowed forth Thisuniversal motion is incessantly proceeding The waters then, are not generated by the stars and consumed in the heartof the sea; but they flow forth from the centre of the sea into the whole earth, and are diffused through all its poresOn this principle the Sages have constructed conduits and aqueducts since it is well known that water cannot risehigher than the level of its spring or fount If this were not an actual fact, art would vainly found its practicalconclusions upon it; and the natural principle involved is illustrated in the process by means of which wine is drawnout of a cask.It may be objected to our view that if the water of our springs were derived from the sea, it would be salt, and notsweet, as we actually find it to be The answer to this objection lies in the fact that the sea water, in its passagethrough the pores of the earth, gradually deposits all the salt which it contains, and thus wells forth from the groundin a sweet and fresh condition It should, however, be remembered that some of our springs-called mineral or salinesprings-actually do exhibit all the original saltness of the sea water which has not passed through earth calculated toretain its mineral element In some places we also meet with hot springs, which are caused by the passage of thewater through certain spots where large deposits of sulphur have been set afire by the central heat of the earth; everyone who has tasted this water must have observed its sulphureous flavour Something closely analogous happenswhen the water passes through large deposits of iron, or alum! or copper, and acquires their taste Thus the earth IS agreat distilling vessel, formed by the hand of an all wise Creator, on the model of which all Sages have constructedtheir small distilling vessels; and if it pleased God to extinguish the central fire, or to destroy) the cunningmachinery, this universal frame would relapse into chaos.At the end of time, He will kindle the Central Fire into abrighter flame, will cause all the water to evaporate, will calcine the earth-and thus the earth and the water will berendered more subtle and pure, and will form a new and more glorious earth The operations of the earth and thewater are always performed in combination, and are mutually dependent, since they are the two tangible elements, inwhich the other two work invisibly.Fire keeps the earth from being submerged, or dissolved; air keeps the fire frombeing extinguished; water preserves the earth from combustion.This is what the Sages call the equilibrium of theelements, and it illustrates the aid which they render to each other.Fire is closely associated with earth, and air withwater.It will suffice if we remember that elementary water is the sperm and menstruum of the world, and thereceptacle of seed.Concerning Elementary AirThe most noble element of air is inwardly heavy, visible, and fixed, outwardly light, volatile, and invisible.It is hotand moist, Is tempered by fire, and is nobler than earth or water.Air is volatile, but may be fixed, and when fixed,renders all bodies penetrable.Its purest substance has been formed into the vital spirits of animals, that which is lesspure into the circumambient atmosphere, and the grosser residue has remained in the water, and associates with it asfire with its kindred earth.In the air the seed of all things is formed, as it were, in the body of the male, and isprojected by its circulative motion into its sperm, which is water.It contains the vital spirit of all creatures, is the lifeof all, and penetrates and forces its seed upon all, as the man does upon the woman.It nourishes, impregnates,conserves the other elements; and we are taught by daily experience that it is the life not only of minerals, animals,and vegetables, but also of the other elements.We see that water becomes foul and unwholesome without a supplyof fresh air; without it fire is extinguished-as is well known to Alchemists who regulate the temperature of their fireby the supply of air.Air is also that which conserves the pores of the earth.In short, the whole universe is kept freshand sweet by air, and it is the vital element of man, beast, plant, and stone [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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