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.Even modern systems of educationare discarding the whole idea of discipline.They are trying to findout the psychology of the child and why he is going in such andsuch a way; they are watching him, helping him.Now, look at the process of discipline.What happens?Discipline is, surely, a process of compulsion, of repression.Is itnot? I want to do something and I say, `I must, because I want toget there' or `That is bad'.Do I understand anything by condemning it? And when I condemn a thing, do I look at it, do Igo into it? I have not seen it.So, it is the sluggish mind that beginsto discipline, without understanding what it is all about; and I amsure all religious rules have been laid down for the lazy.It is somuch easier to follow than to investigate, than to enquire, than tounderstand.The more you are disciplined, the less your heart isopen.Do you know all these things, Sirs? How can an empty heartunderstand something which is beyond the influence of the mind?The problem of discipline is really very complex.The politicalparties use discipline in order to achieve a particular result, in orderto make the individual conform to the ideal pattern of a futuresociety, and for which we are only too willing to be come slavesbecause that promises something marvellous.So a mind that isseeking a reward, an end, forces itself to conform to that end whichis always a projection of a clever mind, of a superior mind, a morecunning mind.A disciplined mind can never understand what it isto be peaceful.How can a mind which is enclosed by regulationsand restrictions, see anything beyond?If you look at this process of discipline, you will observe thatdesire is at the back of it, the desire to be strong, the desire toachieve a result, the desire to become something, the desire to bepowerful, to become more and not less.This constant urge ofdesire is at work, this urge to conform, to discipline, to suppress, toisolate.You may suppress, you may discipline.But the consciouscannot control and shape the unconscious mind.If you try to shapeyour unconscious mind, it is what you call discipline.Is it not? Themore you suppress, the more you put the lid on your mind, themore the unconscious revolts till ultimately the mind either ends up neurotically or does a crazy thing.So what is important in this question is not whether I condemndiscipline or you approve of it, but to see how to awaken theintegrated intelligence, not departmentalized intelligence, butintegrated intelligence, which brings its own understanding, andtherefore avoids certain things naturally, automatically and freely.It is the intelligence that will guide, not discipline.Sir, this is reallya very important and complex question.If we would really go intoit, if we watch ourselves and understand the whole process ofdiscipline, we will find that we are not really disciplined at all.Areyou disciplined in your lives? Or are you merely suppressing thevarious cravings, resisting various forms of temptations? If youshould resist through discipline, those temptations and thosedemands are still there.Are they not hidden deep down but stillthere, waiting for an opening to burst out? Have you not noticed asyou grow older, that those feelings that are suppressed, are comingout again? So you cannot play tricks with your unconscious; it willpay you back thousandfold.You have to understand this whole process, not that you are allfor discipline, and I am against it.I assert that discipline will leadyou nowhere; on the contrary, it is a blind process, unintelligentand thoughtless.But to awaken intelligence is quite a differentproblem.You cannot cultivate intelligence.Intelligence whenawakened, brings its own mode of operation; it regulates its ownlife, observes various forms of tempta- tions, inclinations, reactionsand goes into it; it understands, not superficially but in anintegrated, comprehensive manner.To do that, the mind must beconstantly alert, watchful [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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