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.Thus if the Sun at birth is inthe weak sign, Cancer, naturally the effect would be to modify the weak con-stitution described in the foregoing signature of the signs; the heat of the[PAGE 113] INTRINSIC NATURE OF THE PLANETSA Collection of Sacred Magick | The Esoteric Library | www.sacred-magick.com Sun would give a more florid complexion to the Cancer person, the generalhealth and recuperative powers would be materially augmented, not to speakof the changes that would be manifested in the disposition, giving more am-bition, hopefulness and buoyancy to the temperament.Suppose, on the otherhand, that the Sun is in Aries when that sign is rising at the birth of aperson, then the fire of the Sun, added to the fire of the sign Aries, willincrease the boldness and the intrepidity of the person to such a degreethat they may become foolhardiness, particularly, if Mars, the ruler of Ar-ies, is also there increasing the warlike tendencies.Those are traits ofcharacter, but the physical body will also suffer from this excessive hear,the blood will race through the veins of such a person like a Niagara ofliquid fire, and fevers will be a frequent experience, as the superabundanceof vitality burns out the physical easement.Were the cold, slow and slug-gish Saturn there instead of the Sun and Mars, he might squelch almost allof the Aries characteristics both mental and physical.If we consider Ariessymbolized by a stove in which a fire is burning, it would make the samedifference whether the hot Mars, or the cold Saturn, were placed there, asit makes a difference whether we pour oil or water into the stove.Similarly, all the other planets produce various results, according to theirintrinsic natures and their various combinations.For the sake of lucidity,and ready reference, let us first set down the word which describes the most[PAGE 114] THE MESSAGE OF THE STARSsalient characteristics of each planet.The Sun.LifeVenus.CoalitionMercury.ReasonThe Moon.FecundationSaturn.ObstructionJupiter.IdealismMars.Dynamic EnergyUranus.AltruismNeptune.DivinityIn the foregoing, the essential natures of the planets have been given;where they are well aspected by another planet these natural characteristicsare enhanced so far as the benefic planets are concerned, but when evillyaspected, the nature of Venus, which is love and rhythm, becomes folly, li-centiousness and sloth; the philosophy, law-abiding tendencies, mercy andlofty aspirations of Jupiter turn into lawlessness, disregard of others, andlow pursuits; the lofty spirituality of the Sun will express itself as justanimals spirits and physical health.In regard to the planets of the lowernature, good aspects of Mars turn the desires toward constructive objects,as well regulated activities, while evil aspects are responsible for the de- structive expression of the desire nature.Saturn, when well aspected,gives mechanical and executive ability capable of directing the desire[PAGE 115] INTRINSIC NATURE OF THE PLANETSnature.It shows the brainy, persevering man able to cope with, and con-quer, material obstacles; the organizer and the promoter; the scientific in-vestigator, who follows material lines.As Jupiter, well aspected, denotesthe high-minded philosopher, the worth law-giver, the sincere and ardentpriest, in fact, all who have high and lofty aspirations, so Saturn, when.evilly aspected, denotes the evil-minded, creed-bound sectarian, the materi-alist, and enemy of society, whether church or state.As Jupiter gives thelofty, expansive and benevolent mind, so Saturn, evilly aspected, gives asarcastic, concrete and narrow tendency.It is wonderful to contemplate how the planetary forces balance eachother so perfectly that universal equilibrium is maintained despite the dis-turbances of the 1700 millions who inhabit the earth alone, not to speak ofother spheres.Every moment of time our actions, individually and collec-tively, interfere with terrestrial equipoise, and were not this instantlyrestored, the earth must leave its orbit, fly off at a tangent and be de-stroyed.Nor are physical disturbances most potent in disturbing or restor-ing balance, it being a fallacy to confound solidity and rigidity withstrength, as most thoroughly explained in our lecture No.19, "The ComingForce." A train has no strength itself, but must be solid because it is op-erated upon by an invisible gas called steam.There is no force in a rigidhammer; but when driven by a column of flexible liquid, like water, backed[PAGE 116] THE MESSAGE OF THE STARSby an elastic cushion of compressed air, the force stored in the air, theforce stored in the air drives the powerful hydraulic ram irresistiblythrough whatever comes before it.Likewise subtle, invisible, stellar raysare the factors which maintain our ponderous planet in its path, andspiritual disturbances generated by mankind are naturally the most subtleforce which interferes with the earth's equipoise.Each planet has its opposite, and therefore every time we radiate thequality of one planet, we call forth a counter current of correspondingforce, and by the action and reaction of those forces in and upon us and ourenvironment we learn the lessons of life.Do we vibrate to the love ray ofVenus, instantly Mars comes to tempt, and tries to turn love to lust, but itdepends upon US whether we remain steadfast in virtue or yield to vice.Dowe court the ideal of Jupiter; do we aim to elevate the standard of churchor state, instantly the Saturnine forces invite to self-aggrandizement andappeal to the passion for power.With US it lies to remain true to theA Collection of Sacred Magick | The Esoteric Library | www.sacred-magick [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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