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.He groanedas he wrapped his hands around Vaughn s thick arms. Because you are. Your mate?Vaughn nodded. Fate gave you to me, and I plan on keeping myvampire hunter.Connor blushed as he smacked at Vaughn s chest. Don t remindme.Now shut up and fuck me. Vaughn s Vampire Hunter 49Vaughn grazed his cock over Connor s prostate, making his shaftcome back to life.He swung his legs up, locking them aroundVaughn s thick waist as his lover began to move inside of him.Connor gasped as Vaughn s chest slid across his.The feeling ofbare skin colliding had his head reeling.His cock was smashedbetween their bodies, giving Connor a sensual rub-off.He pulledVaughn s head down, his lips covering the other man s hungrily.Vaughn s tongue teased his, exploring Connor s mouth as heshuddered. You taste so damn good, farm boy.Connor rolled his eyes. You have the strangest names for me.Vaughn smiled as he snapped his hips harder, driving his cockdeeper as Connor forgot their conversation and cried out. Come for me again, baby.Connor knew he could fill that request.Vaughn could probablymake him come a few more times tonight.He ran his hands over soft,mocha-brown skin, tweaking Vaughn s dark nipples as his loverpounded into his ass. Come for me, Vaughn begged, and Connor knew the man wasclose.He snaked a hand between them, curling his fingers around hiscock and giving it a few good tugs before he shouted out his releaseonce again.Vaughn went wild after that.He reared back, almost twistingConnor in half as his pelvis smacked into Connor s ass.His eyes grewwide when Vaughn threw his head back, his fangs gleaming as heroared.Something deep inside Connor snapped as he tilted his head to theside. Bite me! he begged loudly over Vaughn s shout.Vaughn came down on Connor, his fangs sinking deeply intoConnor s neck as Vaughn drew in deep gulps of blood.Connor s body exploded in a fiery sensation as he had a thirdorgasm as the long drafts from his neck were sending him back over 50 Lynn Hagenthe edge.He could feel Vaughn s teeth embedded in his skin as hislover s hips snapped at a fast rate of speed.When Vaughn extracted his teeth, licking the pinpricks closed,Connor was shocked.The vampire hadn t drained him.He had onlytaken a small amount.Connor threw his arms around Vaughn s neck,knowing in his heart that he would never let the man go. Sleep, Vaughn said as he lay back down next to Connor andpulled him into his arms.Connor didn t have the energy to argue.Hecurled into Vaughn s side, nuzzling his chest as he fell fast asleep. Vaughn s Vampire Hunter 51Chapter Five Did you know there s a website for vampire hunters? Vaughnasked Christo the next evening as everyone sat around the table inChristian s office. Where the hell have you been hiding? There are hundreds ofthem.That was news to Vaughn.He didn t think the humans knewabout them. About vampire hunters? About vampires, period.Damn, where the hell had Vaughn been all this time? He had noclue.It probably would have helped if he got onto a computer once ina while.The most high-tech thing Vaughn had was his cell phone. Then why in hell do we bother scrubbing humans minds when theyleave the club? Because, Christian said as he sat back,  humans guess at ourexistence, it s all smoke and mirrors, nothing substantial, and we wantto keep it that way.They pin the unexplainable on us, the things theydon t have answers to or can t solve. That s stupid, Vaughn replied. That damn vampire websitefilled my mate s head with all sorts of bullshit.He thought he had tostab me through the heart when he saw Emilio coming from one ofthe back rooms licking his fangs.Everyone at that table gaped at him. Seriously? Isla asked. He saw my fangs and tried to stake me with Christian s letteropener and was searching his office for garlic. Vaughn twisted hislips in annoyance when the entire room broke out in laughter.It wasn t that funny. 52 Lynn Hagen Your farm boy tried to stake you? Nija asked incredulously. Really? Is this meeting over? Vaughn asked as he glanced toward theprince.Too bad the prince couldn t answer him.The man was laughingtoo hard.Vaughn sat back, wondering why he had said anything inthe first place. Sorry, Christian said as he cleared his throat and then waited foreveryone in the room to gather their composure. I called this meetingbecause Dante came to me with some disturbing news. What, there s a mass market on letter openers? Christo held hishand up, laughing until he turned a funny shade of red.Vaughn grunted. No, Christian continued, but Vaughn could see the gaiety inChristian s eyes.The prince made a second attempt at clearing histhroat.The room quieted. The problem is twofold.First, he hascaught wind that some vampires aren t too happy that Brandon killedtheir brethren. But the assholes were killing other vampires, Christo argued. How could they be pissed at Brandon? Nobody said they were intelligent, Christian offered. Men withpower or greed guiding them never think rationally. So what s the second problem? Vaughn asked.Christian sighed. It is no longer a secret that I am the originalvampire. The prince glanced around the room at each and every manbefore he continued. What I am about to tell you stays in this room.Vaughn wasn t sure he wanted to hear this.Anytime someone saidthat, bad shit happened.Nobody ever gave up a good secret.Not inhis experience. The elders felt the need to wake the ancient ones.They think thatit s time the two ruled the vampire world. Vaughn s Vampire Hunter 53Vaughn was stunned.The ancient ones were whispered about, butno one had actually seen them.They were becoming more of a myththan real as the years passed by. Do they really exist?Christian nodded solemnly. They do.But the elders are not theones who should wake them.Ceri and Rhys will only listen to oneperson, reason with only one. And who is that? Emilio asked. Their brother.Vaughn hated when the prince spoke cryptically.Why couldn tthe guy just come out and say who it was? It was like trying to pullteeth from a lion.Impossible. And who is their brother?Christian sat back, looking older than he had five minutes ago.There were worry lines around his eyes, and he looked exhausted. Me.A pin could be heard dropping in the room right about now. Theyare my younger brothers.They are twins, and they are ruthless.Theydamn near wiped out the population at their highest reign of power.Ihad to put them both into a deep sleep.They nearly went rogue fromthe killings.My brothers are too powerful to be rogue.Until I can finda way to curb their lust for wiping out the scum of the earth, theyshould not be awakened. But that s half the planet. Yes, it is, Vaughn.Now do you see my dilemma? My attempt atuniting the covens didn t go as planned.It seems the rift is too greatbetween covens.Each and every one of them feels they are superior tothe others.Until I can come up with a solution, the number in roguevampires will continue to increase [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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