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.He just wouldhave been pissed when he finally caught up with them.Knowing who sent the code and vixen might have saved him a lot of hassle and frustration, yet hewouldn t be feeling the sated pride he currently experienced.As he had invented and set up much of thesoftware the department used, he knew intimately all the back entrances and trap-doors to use.It would only take him a short amount of time to see where the package had originated, but that was atask for tomorrow.Saving and printing his data, he mentally took his hat off to the woman who could notonly catch his attention so easily, but also had the balls to do so in such a manner.Closing up his site, he double-checked the safety of his gear as well as how slimly he was cutting it to thedeadline.Knowing he would have to speed a bit, Gregor headed out of the building at a fast pace.Entering his Cruiser, he headed to the bar where they would meet.He might end up a few minutes late,but all in all he was nevertheless rather proud of himself for making her deadline.Most other men wouldstill be struggling.Truth be told, if he hadn t taken his break and jerked himself off and then been struck with his epiphany,he might still be typing away furiously.He smiled as he realized in part he owed his success to Lani.If she hadn t blown his mind, as well as hisballs, the release of tension would never have occurred.Still smiling and thinking possessive thoughts of Lani, while simultaneously being intrigued by this newwoman, Gregor parked his Cruiser and headed into the bar.Time to meet the vixen.Chapter Three Lani stood just outside the Green Island Bar and paused to collect her thoughts.She carried her satchelslung casually over her shoulder and packed with a girl s necessities a beamer, some travel food andbottles of vitawater, and a couple changes of clothes.She had no idea how hard or easy it would be totrack down and retrieve Leif, but she always believed in being prepared.She also had a sheaf of papers inside a marked folder covering all the information she could find aboutthe Xylone Amazons and their practices.As another intoxicated man stumbled from the bar, she couldn thelp the wry grin cross her face.If even half the information she had collected turned out to be true,poor Leif would be having the time ofhis life.Eighteen and just blossoming into his sexuality, she had serious doubts that even if she turned uptorescue him the man would willingly come back with her.Amazon tribes had been around literally for hundreds of thousands of years, apparently coming from oneof the sections of old Earth.Centuries ago, after Earth s men and women had begun to travel the galaxy,the planet formerly known as Earth had been pretty much imploded by two major opposing countries.The galaxy had learned a number of important lessons, the two main ones being no planet wasindestructible, and differing political and religious beliefs were a major cause of friction betweeninhabitants.While much of the other planets throughout the galaxy had very far-back ancestry rooted from originalEarth inhabitants, it wasn t something most people cared to admit to or discuss.The Amazonian womenwere fiercely proud of their heritage, and pretty much put all of their  nonconforming traditions down tobeing  from Earth.Considering not a singlecaptive to date had wanted to press charges of any kind other than theoccasional youthful swain desperate to marry or bond with some poor Amazon woman who wasrefusing most planets throughout the galaxy gave the Amazons their free rein.Consisting of women, the tribes had learned to take their men where they could, and use them toimpregnate the younger members.Male children were either returned to the fathers, or raised in theAmazon-led orphanages.Female children were raised to become future Amazons.There appeared, particularly in the last five years, reports on how the masculine children moved up in thebusiness world, obviously not affected in the slightest from being raised in the specialist orphanages, andhow a small number of Amazon women did leave the tribe to further careers elsewhere.Yet for the mostpart the women were perfectly happy to continue as they had for many thousands of years.Of course there were a few more obscure documents on the deviant and dominating sexual practices ofthe Amazons.But even these references were made in glowing terms, very satisfied men boasting of howmany women in one night they were able to perform for and how being the sexualslave of an Amazonwoman turned out to be even better than their horniest dreams.While Lani had no idea if Leif had ever indulged in a submissive fantasy in his life, she was extremelyconfident the Amazons wouldn t want to hurt or injure him, and most likely would pamper him inside aswell as outside the bedroom.Even if she hadn t been going to ask Gregor for his help in rescuing hergodson, she would now need to ask his help, as she thought it likely she would need to bodily carry theyoung man from the tribe. Shaking her head, realizing she had been standing outside daydreaming for nearly five minutes, Lani tooka deep breath and entered the bar.Dim lights hid what she would place a large number of credits on proving to be a step-up-from-a-diveold style tavern [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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