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.”“But—”“Lynn.I’m all right.And I’m used to handling things on my own.”Lynn looked at her friend’s pale, set face and wondered about Danielle’s husband.Where was the man? Would Danielle try to reach him, now that their child was missing?Lynn wanted to ask.But she feared that such questions would only dredge up more misery.“You’ll call me.If there’s anything…?”“You know I will.”Lynn got into her Blazer and went home.The snow had stopped by then, leaving a few inches of crystalline whiteness layering the yards of the houses she passed, and piled along the curbs in muddy mounds.At home she found Ross’s Mercedes parked in front of the house—and Trish’s little compact waiting in the driveway.She discovered them both sitting in the living room.Neither looked overjoyed at the presence of the other.Trish announced sourly, “He said you were expecting him.So I went ahead and let him in.” She stood.“Where were you?”“At the McCallums’ house.With Danielle.”“Danielle.That poor woman.How is she?”“She’s holding up incredibly well.Considering.”“Thank the Lord for small favors,” Trish declared.She cast a sideways glance at Ross, then spoke to Lynn again.“Walk me to the door?”“Trish.You don’t have to leave.”Trish only waved a hand at that remark.Lynn followed her to the entrance hall, where Trish leaned close and spoke in a whisper, for Lynn’s ears alone.“You’re still in love with him.I know that.And you know what? I think he’s just crazy over you.I think you better take him back.”Lynn made a face at her sister and pitched her voice equally low.“A few days ago, you said you hated him.”Trish shrugged and leaned close again.“He’s not my favorite person in the world, I admit it.But hey.If you love him, well, you’re my sis and I want you to have him.”Lynn wished it could be that simple.Trish seemed to think that it was.“Sometimes, Lynnie, the best way to get what you want is to just go ahead and go after it, you know?”It was Lynn’s turn to shrug.She touched her sister’s shoulder fondly.“I was so grateful today, that you were there.”Now Trish was grinning.“Kept my head pretty good, didn’t I?”“You were terrific.”“That poor little Sara.Lord, I hope she’s all right.How’s Mrs.Parchly?”“She’ll get through it.We all will.Somehow.”“Amen to that.” Trish pulled open the door and paused on the threshold, where she whispered some more.“I mean it.You want that man, you take him.He’s a goner.I can see it when he looks at you.” Her green eyes gleamed.“And he does have all that nice money, you know.Now, I’m not saying a girl should marry a man for his money.But all in all, I personally would rather be rich.”“Get out of here.”With a wink and a chuckle, Trish went on her way.Lynn took a minute, standing there in the front hall, to gather her nerve.Then she marched back into the living room, where Ross was waiting.He’d left his seat at the end of the sofa and wandered over to the old upright piano in the corner.He was studying the cluster of family photographs arranged in a variety of ornate frames on the high-backed lid.Lynn drew to a halt several feet from him.He turned to her, and she saw the yearning in his eyes.Her heart rose.Yes, she thought.Say it, Ross.Oh, please, say the words….But then he only gestured at the photographs.“Your father was a handsome man.”She contained her disappointment and answered him in kind.“Yes.And a good man, too.”“Blue eyes.Like yours.”“That’s right.”“This piano…?”“My mother’s.”“Do you play?”“Not as well as my mother did, but I have been known to pound out a tune or two now and then.”A silence fell.He seemed not to know what to say next.So she went ahead and challenged, “What is it, Ross? Why are you here?”He answered too quickly.“I was worried about you.”“Well, I’m just fine.You can see that.”He looked doubtful—or maybe it was only that he didn’t want to believe her.If he believed her, then to his mind he’d have no reason to linger.“You’ve returned my shoe—or at least, I know where it is now.” On the floor of her classroom.Where she’d dropped it when she threw herself into his arms.“And I’ve just told you, for about the tenth time, that I am fine.There’s no real reason for you to stay.Unless you want to stay.”He took a long time to reply.And when he did, his voice was harsh and low.“Damn it.You know what I want.”“Well, then, why don’t you just reach out and take it?”He closed his eyes, turned his head away.“Ross.Please…” She took a step toward him.“No,” he said.“You can do better than someone like me.”“Oh, Ross.If you’ll only—”He silenced her by raising his hand.“I’d better go now.”“I’m not asking you to go.”But he wasn’t listening.He muttered, “Good night, Lynn [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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