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."Not with all that bad publicity!" Generated by ABC Amber LIT Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abclit.htmlHeller reached for the money."I PROMISE TO BE DOUBLY RESPONSIBLE FOR YOU!" shouted Izzy.And he ran withspeed for the telex room, probably to get away before Heller thought of anything else.Well, I ruminated, they were still in business.But they owed a million and a half and IRS had a waywith it, being run as it was to keep Rockecenter rich and everybody else poor, especially potentialcompetition.Hadn't I heard that in 1905, Rockecenter's great-grandfather had been the one whofinanced and pushed and hammered Congress to amend the Constitution and put income tax into law?And when it happened in 1911, that the family fortune was so organized that only it survived when thoseof all competitors were swept away? Cunning people, the Rockecenters, no matter that the current scionwas insane.Here was IRS working for them still.Izzy didn't have a prayer of getting hold of a million anda half! A half he might make.But a million and a half, never.Not with just arbitrage, not with all hiscurrent expenses.Not even Izzy.It was a relief.For Izzy's Chryster Motor Corporation would have been a potential competitor ofRockecenter interests.Izzy might pull the wool over Heller's eyes.But he couldn't fool me.He hadobviously bought old, rickety, mostly defunct Chryster to build and install Heller's carburetors! One morecrazy Izzy dream gone to pot.But it was the media thing that really intrigued me.Rockecenter had that down, too.And Heller? He really had no idea of what was happening to him or who was doing it.During therescue of Izzy, his hands had gotten pretty dirty on the Observation Platform and there he stood lookingclosely at the soot.He just had no idea at all of the really important things that were going on!Chapter 9About nine forty-five, Heller's day was given another jolt.He had been listening to speeded-up Generated by ABC Amber LIT Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abclit.htmlItalian-language tapes he had probably gotten from the language school down the hall and was just doinga replay of how to pronounce numerous Italian saints when Bang-Bang came bursting in."Right away, right now, Babe ordered you brought in.Come on!"Heller said, "Santa Margherita.""Do you no good to pray.She sounded quite put out.(Bleeped) mad, in fact.Come along."Heller got into a white sheepskin coat, buckled its belt and put on a white leather cap with earmuffs.Pulling on white gauntlets he followed Bang-Bang.They went down the elevator and over to the 34th Street Observatory entrance which Bang-Bangusually used due to the large taxi stand there, apparently.It was Heller's usual route out when he had totake a cab.He started to signal one."Hell, no," said Bang-Bang, pointing to the old orange cab."I'm driving you!""Won't that take you out of your parole jurisdiction?" said Heller, but he got in.Bang-Bang two-wheeled the cab into a screaming U-turn and rocketed it westward.He was bashingother traffic out of his way and felt comfortable enough now to talk, evidently.He yelled back, "Babeain't in Jersey today.The family just acquired the old Punard Steamship Line through a merger with ourLuverback Line.And Babe cleaned house of their lords and sirs and ex-Royal Navy captains, the onesthat put the Punard Line on the bottom.She always okays top brass.So she's over here today passingon the hiring of new ones.""She say what she wanted?" said Heller."No.She just said to fetch you.Hell, she ought to be happy as a lark today.The family controls theunions and with this last merger of shipping companies, she now controls all seaborne carriers in Generated by ABC Amber LIT Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abclit.htmlAmerica.There ain't a single U.S.port she couldn't close down so fast it would make even the fish blink.You wouldn't think anybody could run a little rum-running fleet up to such a point but she has.Organizedcrime made it in spite of hell [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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