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.That INSTINCT THING worked me over--almost a taunt.The Wino Will-o-the-Wisp: strangler/mutilator/stumblebum slayer.No hard candidates--I woke up.THAT INSTINCT big:The Kafesjians _knew_ who trashed their pad--if I framed some geek they'd fuck things up.Generated by ABC Amber LIT Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abclit.htmlSweaty sheets/sweaty files/that rap sheet I glommed late:George Sidney Ainge, aka "Georgie." White male, DOB 11/28/22.Pimp convictions '48, '53-fourteen months County time total.Gun sale rousts '56, '7, '8--no convictions.Last known address 1219 S.Dunsmuir, L.A.Vehicle: '51 Caddy Eldo, QUR 288.Touch to Glenda: "Georgie Ainge will slap you around just a little bit more than a smidgin."I shaved, showered, dressed.Glenda smiled, saying stall things for now.o o oThe Bureau, an Exley memo waiting: "Kafesjian/459--report in full." 8:00, no daywatch men in yet--no potential Georgie Ainge skinny.Coffee--overdue.Some DA called--that botched bookie raid--I shitted him lawyer to lawyer.Junior walking: up the side stairs, furtive.I whistled--long and shrill.He walked over.I shut the door, shut my voice in: "Never hang up on me or get cute like that again.One more time and I'm submitting a transfer request that will ruin you in the Bureau so fast--""Dave--""Dave shit.Stemmons, you fucking toe the line.You obey my orders, you do what I tell you to do._Now_, did you check the stationhouse files for paper on Lucille Kafesjian?""N-no listings, I ch-checked all around"--nervous, hinky.Change-up: "Have you been hotdogging queers in Fern Dell Park?""W-what?""Some quiff said Ad Vice was operating the park, which we both know is bullshit.I repeat, were you--"Hands up--placating me."Okay, okay, guilty.I owed a favor to this old student of mine at the Academy.He's working Hollywood Vice and he's swamped, the squad boss has him detached to that wino-killing job.I just made a few collars and let him do the booking.Look, I'm sorry if I didn't go by the rules.""_Learn the fucking rules_.""Sure, Dave, sorry."Shaky, sweaty--I gave him a handkerchief."Have you heard of a pimp named Georgie Ainge? He sells guns on the side."Head bobs, eager to please."I heard he's a rape-o.Some squadroom guy told me he likes gigs whereGenerated by ABC Amber LIT Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abclit.htmlhe gets to hurt women.""Wipe your goddamn face, you're sweating up my floor."Junior quick-drawed--the gun bobbed at _me_.Quick--slap him--my law school ring drew blood.White knuckles on his piece.Brains--he pointed it down."Stay angry, tough guy.We've got an outside job, and I want you pissed."o o oSeparate cars, let him stew with half the picture: good guy/bad guy, no arrest.Stay pissed: I've got a moonlight gig going, a fake kidnap might deep-six it.Junior--"Sure, Dave, sure"--eager beaver.I got there first--a mock chateau--four floors, maybe ten units per.A '51 Eldo at the curb-a match to the Ainge rap sheet.I checked the mail slots: G.Ainge, 104.Junior's Ford hit the curb--two wheels on the sidewalk.I beelined down the hail.Junior caught up.I winked; he winked--half twitch.I pushed the buzzer.The door opened a crack.Ear tug--cue the bad guy.Junior: "LAPD, open up!"--wrong--I signaled kick it in.The door swung wide.Right there: a fat Iowlife, arms raised.Old tracks--hold for the "I'm Clean" pitch."I'm clean, Officers.I got me a nice little job, and I got me Nalline test results that prove I don't geez no more.I'm still on County probation, and my P0 knows I switched from horse to Silver Satin."I smiled."We're sure you're clean, Mr.Ainge.May we come in?"Ainge stood aside; Junior closed the door.The flop: Murphy bed, wine bottles tossed helter-skelter.TV, magazines: _Hush-Hush_, girlie stuff.Junior: "Kiss the wall, shitbird."Ainge spread out.I scoped a _Hush-Hush_ cover: Marie "the Body" McDonald, fake kidnap supreme.Georgie ate wallpaper; Junior frisked him slow.Page two: some boyfriend drove Marie to Palm Springs and stashed her in an old mining shack.A ransom demand--her agent called the FBI.Satire: stage your own publicity kidnap, five easy steps.Junior dropped Ainge--a kidney shot--not bad.Generated by ABC Amber LIT Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abclit.htmlGeorgie sucked wind.I skimmed the mags--bondage smut--women gagged and harnessed.Junior kicked Ainge prone.A blonde looked sort of like Glenda.Out loud: "'Lesson number one: call Hedda Hopper in advance.Lesson number two: don't hire kidnappers from Central Casting.Lesson number three: don't pay your publicist with marked ransom money.' Whose idea, Georgie? You or Touch Vecchio?"No answer.I flashed two fingers: GO FULL.Junior slammed kidney shots; Georgie Ainge drooled bile.Kneel down close."Tell us about it.It's not going to happen, but tell us anyway [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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