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.In that moment she knew she would have agreed to whatever he wanted.To dispel the odd fluttering in the pit of her stomach she asked the first intelligent thing that came into her mind.“I’ve never heard of couples having to be tied together until…until they…well you know…do it.”“It?”The hot flush that crept up her neck mortified her even more than her stuttered comment.“Customs vary from clan to clan but the Sutherland bride stays tied to her husband until they do…it.”Gusty didn’t appreciate Alexander’s teasing sense of humor.His lips twitched as if he was trying to keep from laughing.He turned toward the door, apparently forgetting she was tethered to him.She stumbled after him several feet.Seething over his impossible attitude, she flung the comb she’d been holding, hitting him squarely in the back of the head.He turned around to face her, no longer bothering to hide his laughter.“This topic is not something to laugh about, it is very serious.In case you hadn’t noticed, buster, we completely consummated our union last night after we were handfasted and I don’t take things like that lightly.”“Nor do I, Augusta.And my name is Alexander Sutherland, Wolf of the Highlands not Buster.You will address me properly.My name is known across the land and is one to be respected.I am sure you have heard of it—even in your part of the world.”Gusty could not believe her ears.Talk about arrogant, thinking he could hand out orders and she would jump to obey him.Boy was he in for a rude awakening.“Why would I have heard of you?”“Your father probably cursed my name daily.”“I never knew my father, therefore I wouldn’t know if he cursed your name or not.”“How could you not know your own father?”“I was sent away as a child.My grandparent raised me.Well, they are not really my grandparents but my guardians.Still they cared for me and loved me.”Alexander looked at his wife with skepticism.“I find it difficult to believe Hagan and Maeve did not tell you about your father.Perhaps you were too young to remember him.It is of little consequence.I am who I am.”Gusty had more questions but another knock interrupted any further conversation.Alexander walked the short distance to the door and Gusty followed.He flung it open and her eyes went wide.In the hallway stood an unbelievably huge man and an equally incredibly tiny woman.Alexander towered over Gusty by at least a foot but this white-haired, sun-bronzed giant dwarfed him.The man’s size was even more noticeable due to the diminutive size of the woman beside him, whose head did not even come to Gusty’s shoulder.Gusty found the sweet smile on the woman’s round little face most welcoming, especially in light of the fierce scowl her companion aimed in Gusty’s direction.“It is true then?” He spoke with a heavy Scandinavian accent.“Oh my God!” Gusty gasped.Before her stood proof that reality was more impressive than any story she had ever read about the race of blond giants.She stared up at the man for a long moment and then laughed.“You are a Viking?”“Nay! A Norseman.I do not claim kinship with that murdering horde, lady.”Gusty’s mouth fell open at his words.It seemed she had just insulted the blond Norseman.“Sorry.I meant no offense.”Ignoring her apology, the Norseman looked pointedly at his laird.“She is the one?”“Aye, Davin, it is true.This is my bride, Augusta.Pass the word that any man who even looks at her oddly or shows disrespect will answer to me.”The harsh tone in his voice had Gusty flinching and she looked back and forth between the two big men, sensing some underlying message in Alexander’s words.What kind of followers did Alexander have if he needed to send out such a dire warning? If they were all as unfriendly as this Norseman, dare she leave the safety of her room? She glanced behind her and considered crawling back into bed and maybe never leaving it again.Davin barely glanced at her before he agreed with a nod and a grunt of assent.He then proceeded to ignore her completely.His companion remained silent but had not taken her eyes off Gusty since the door opened.Perhaps being forgotten wasn’t entirely bad.The woman’s smile stayed in place as she listened to the conversation between the men.“Black Bart and his men just arrived at the gate.He sends word he wants to speak with you immediately,” Davin announced.“How many men accompanied him?”“A half dozen, no more.I do not trust the bastard.He never appears unless he is up to no good.Watch your back, Alexander.His Foulness seems in an extraordinarily cheerful mood today.”“Aye you are right.Let him and two of his men inside.The rest will wait beyond the gates [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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