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." Trent wrapped his arm around Clay and settled into the sleeping bag.Within minutes he wasasleep.Clay listened to Trent's soft breathing.He knew he should sleep, too.Tomorrow would be another long, hard day.Despite hisexhaustion, sleep wouldn't come.His mind remained wide awake, focused on the man beside him.Trent was big and gruff, yet sweet and tender, strong but vulnerable at the same time.He was everything Clay had everwanted and nothing he could have.Guys like Trent didn't choose guys like him for relationships.For hot flings, sure, but notfor a house with a white picket fence.When it came time for Trent to settle down he'd probably marry some nice, prettywoman he could introduce to his law enforcement buddies, not a silly little party boy he'd have to hide from everyone heknew.Clay could keep telling himself not to fall for the man, but he had to be honest with himself.He'd already fallen.How couldhe not?His romantic heart wanted to start imagining a future for them, with a house and a dog and maybe a baby someday.Claywasn't about to let himself go down that road.This time, he was going to face the harsh reality before he started acting like afool.In less than a week, he and Trent would go their separate ways, back to their lives.Trent wasn't going to fall in lovewith Clay and beg him to come back to wherever the hell Trent lived.They would probably never speak to each other againafter their two week "adventure" was over.What they had was a fling.A short, hot vacation fling.Clay would be wise toremember that and enjoy the time they had together without wishing for more.Too bad that was easier said than done.* * * *The next two days were a repeat of the first day on the shortcut, only more difficult.The creek turned out to be both widerand deeper than they had expected, making crossing it a miserable experience.By the time they reached the other side, Claywas soaked from the chest down, he'd scraped his leg on a rock, and his arms were tired from holding his backpack over hishead.His sleepless night caught up to him, leaving him lethargic and listless.Trent seemed concerned, but other than making jokesto try to cheer Clay up he didn't say anything about Clay's sudden mood change.That, more than anything else, motivatedClay to focus on not letting his confusion and unhappiness show.He had plenty of practice at putting on a false front to hidehis feelings.At any rate, forcing himself to act more cheerful actually made him feel better.They reached a good spot for camping that night early enough for a fire, and hot food improved Clay's mood quite a bit.Sodid a quick scrub using water Trent brought up from a tiny spring and heated by the fire.When they finally crawled into bed that night, Clay felt good enough to tease Trent with his mouth until Trent pushed himdown onto his stomach and fucked him.Afterward he fell asleep, totally worn out.The tenth day proved to be the hottest one they'd had.The thick, humid air pressed down on Clay, making it difficult tostruggle over the rough terrain.Breathing felt harder than usual.Even Trent seemed to be having a rough time.They had tohelp each other for once, instead of Trent helping Clay.Still, they were doing pretty well time-wise.Trent looked at the map during one of their breaks.He nudged Clay and pointedat the paper."Look how close we are.If we really push it, we could make it to camp tonight."The thought of sleeping in a bed, even a crappy bunk bed, was appealing.The thought of a shower was even more so.Clayforced himself to get up from the log he'd been sitting on."Let's do it."They were pushing on again, faster now with their destination so close, when Clay heard a sharp, "Fuck!" He whirled around to find Trent on his butt on the ground, clutching at his ankle, his face a mask of pain.Clay hurried to Trent's side and knelt next to him."What happened? Are you okay?"Trent made a visible effort to school his expression."I must have stepped into a soft spot.The ground collapsed under myfoot and I turned my ankle.""Let me see." Clay reached for Trent's boot.Trent waved him off."I'm fine.Let's keep going." He stood, started to walk, and hissed.He tried to keep up his tough-guyexpression, but Clay wasn't fooled.Clay sighed."You're not fine.Please sit down and let me look at it." When Trent started to protest, Clay gave him his bestbig-eyed pleading look.The look had worked on pretty much every guy he'd tried it on, at least in the short-term.Theeffectiveness seemed to wane once guys got to know him.Apparently Trent was not an exception.He sat and put his leg out.Clay knelt beside him again and unlaced his boot, careful not to push on the ankle too much.Despite his care, Trent wincedseveral times before he was finished and able to get the boot off.He set it aside and peeled Trent's sock down.The skin herevealed was already beginning to swell, which wasn't a good sign."There's no way you're going to be able to keep goingtonight."Trent shook his head."We're almost there.If we wait, who knows how many other guys will get there before we do?"A few days before, Clay might have been upset by that idea.He shrugged."So what? I've already proven what I came here toprove.Winning is not important right now.You are."Trent seemed to consider that for a moment."What do we do now? I don't want to use the emergency locator.""I don't either." Clay might not care if he beat everyone, but he wanted them to finish.He chewed his lip and traced a fingerover the swollen side of Trent's ankle."If we go a little bit out of our way, there's a creek close to here.We don't have anyice, but I bet the creek's cold.Then we can wrap your ankle and see if it's any better tomorrow morning."It was probably a testament to how he was feeling that Trent didn't bother to argue."Okay."* * * *They improvised a splint from one of Trent's T-shirts and two sticks.Clay made Trent put an arm around him for support andkeep his weight off his hurt leg.Twenty minutes later they were at the creek.Clay took off the splint and helped Trent position his foot in the cold water.Trent yelped at the cold but didn't complain.Instead, he offered a weak smile."Hard to believe the water's so damned cold when it's hot as Hades still."Clay gave Trent his most reassuring smile in return."It's probably spring-fed or something [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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