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.It is equally possible to emphasize the object of the sentence by moving it tothe end:Lo vedr domani all aeroporto mio padre.I will see my father tomorrow at the airport.(literally: Him I will see tomorrow at the airport my father.)Split sentenceIn Italianas is also possible to split the sentence, using a phrasein Englishitwith essere, to emphasize the person or object in question, while the rest of thesentence stays in the same position.Emphasizing the subject of the action:Sei tu che mi chiami?Is it you who is calling me? 464 APPENDIX IV Luca che ci ha aiutato a fare il trasloco.It was Luca who helped us move.(Compare the last example with the non-emphatic Luca ci ha aiutato a faretrasloco.)Emphasizing the object of the action: lei che ho visto con mio marito.It was she that I saw with my husband. Naomi che sono andata a trovare a Genova.It was Naomi that I went to see in Genoa.(Compare this with the non-emphatic Sono andata a trovare Naomi aGenova.) IndexNote: the references are to sections, not to pagesa: intensifying the meaning of thepreposition 4.1, 4.3.2 adjective 10.4combined with article 4.2 position of noun+adjective 1.4.5,with noun 4.3.2 Appendix IVwith pronoun 18.4.1, 18.4.34 superlative form 1.4.78, 10.4, 17.5.1with verb infinitive 4.4 2expressing manner 37.3.2 used as adverb 6.2.2expressing place at 37.2.4 used to address people in lettersexpressing place to 37.2.2 (gentile, egregio, etc.) 41.3expressing purpose 33.2 used to describe people 10.2expressing time 4.3.2 used to describe things 10.3abbastanza 3.4.4, 10.4.1, 17.5.4, 28.3.2 admiration 25.3.2abbreviations in business correspondence adverbs 641.2.4, 41.2.7, 41.3 forming adverbs 6.2accents to indicate stress Appendix I -mente 6.2.1in truncated words (citt etc.) adjective used as adverb 6.2.2Appendix I adverbial phrases 6.2.3on open/closed vowels Appendix I simple adverbs 6.2.4active voice of verbs 2.1.7 ci, vi, ne indicating place 6.2.5tables of regular active conjugations 2.comparative forms 6.3, 17.22.1 superlative forms 6.3, 17.5.6adjectives 1.4, 9.3 see also manner, place, timesee also demonstrative, indefinite, advising 24.1, 24.3, 24.4interrogative, possessives asking for advice 24.5patterns ending in -o/-a and in -e 1.4.2 affatto 16.2.1exceptions to patterns 1.4.3 agreement and disagreement 27.2see also bello, buono, grande al (alla, alle, ai, etc.):invariable 1.4.4 a combined with definite article 4.2agreement with nouns 1.5 alcuni, alcune see indefiniteschanging meaning according to altro 3.9.3position 1.4.5 amazement 25.2, 25.6.1comparative form 1.4.6, 17.2.12 andarediminishing the strength of the irregular formsadjective 10.5, 17.5.3 present 2.3.3465 466 INDEXfuture 2.3.4 used as auxiliary 2.1.56conditional 2.3.12 aver bisogno di 23.3.2present subjunctive 2.3.17 aver voglia di 23.2.2andare a& 4.4 aver paura di 26.3.12, 26.3.4come va? 20.1 expressing availability 11.5.1, 11.7,me ne vado/vattene 3.4.4, 6.2 used with ci (ci ho, ce l hai?) 3.4.5mi va, non mi va to express like/dislike 23.2.3, 28.2.3, 28.3.3basta 25.4.6, 35.4used in passive construction (meaningbelief 27, 27.1.2`must be') 2.1.7, 19.2.3bello:anger 25.4.8forms when before the noun 1.4.5, 3.8.1annoyance 25.4.6superlative form 1.4.8antipathy 25.4.9in compliments 25.3.1anxiety 26.3.3in describing 10.3.3apologies 20.7in exclamations 20.6scusito attractattention 42.2.1bene 6.2.4appena `as soon as' 36.4.3comparative form 6.3appreciation 25.3.3as intensifier 10.4.1approval 25.3.3in compliments 25.3.3articles 1.3in exclamations 20.6definite il, la, lo, l , i, le, gli 1.3.3benino, benone 6.2.4, 37.3.4definite article combined withbere:prepositions (al, dalla, negli., etc.) 4.irregular forms 2.3.34, 2.3.12, 2.3.192bisogna 23.3.1specifying known person/object 9.2.1bisognowith geographical names 1.3.4aver bisogno di 23.3.2with professions, using fare 8.3.3c bisogno di 23.3.3indefinite un, una, uno, un 1.3.2boredom 25.2, 25.4.7omission with professions, usingbuono:essere 8.3.3forms 1.4.5partitive del, della, dello, dell , dei,comparative form 1.4.6delle, degli 1.3.2superlative forms 1.4.78use of partitive to express `some, any'use of buono of definite or indefinite article 1.3.4camminare (with auxiliary avere) 2.1.6aspect see verbs, aspect-care, -gare (verbs ending in -) 2.3.3auxiliary verbs 2.1.56causare 34.5avere or essere 2.1.6causes and reasons 34, 5.3.2, 15.3.3, 15.4,with passive 19.2.1343.3availability 11.1, 11.7, 11.10(reason for telephoning)avere 2.2.3using imperfect to express causes 2.3.6,all forms 2.2.413.6.5, 34.8irregular formsc , ci sono 3.4.5, 6.2.5future 2.3.4expressing existence, availability 11.1,simple past 2.3.811.2conditional 2.3.12+ne 11.2.1, on telephone 43.34subjunctive 2.3.17expressing presence 11.4imperative 2.3.23 INDEX 467expressing quantity 11.7 time 36.1, 36.3.2, 36.4.2, 36.4.3expressing absence 11.10 -co, -go see nouns`some' 11.6 colours 1.4.4, 10.3.1`someone or something' 11.8 combining messages 30with location, time, frequency 11.9 coordinated clauses 30.2cercare: coordinating conjunctions 5.2forms 2.3.3 subordinate clauses 30.3cercare di& 4.4 subordinating conjunctions 5.3, 30.5certainty and uncertainty 29, 31.4, 32.2 sequence of tenses Appendix III, 30.4use of indicative or subjunctive to 30.6express 2.3.14 come adverb (interrogative `how?') 6.2.4,certo/incerto 29.3, 29.4 8.3.1, 10.6, 10.7, 15.3.3, 20.1, 34.7,che conjunction 5.3.1 Appendix IVcombining messages 30.5, Appendix adverb (exclamative `how!') 25.3.1,III Appendix IVinterrogative che.? 3.6, 15.3.1 as soon as 36.2relative pronoun 2.3.28, 3.5.1, 9.5 preposition (`as/like') 4.5, 37.3.6, 43.2reporting speech 31 (in spelling)in comparisons (`than') 17.3.36 come (cont [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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