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.Some Jews are purged in Russia, but they are purged by Jews andfor personal reasons, not because they are Jews.There are bound to be quarrelsbetween individual Jews in struggles for power and disagreements betweengroups as to the best means of attaining the aim at different times.But they areall working to the same end of world domination by Jewry.The Jews areremarkably cunning at throwing dust into Gentile eyes.65 15THE U N I T E D N A T I O N SLike the League of Nations, the United Nations has been created by theJews as a step to World Government as are all the other supranationalorganisations such as N.A.T.O., European Union, S.E.A.T.O., etc.One of themain arguments being used to frighten the Western peoples into giving upsovereignty to supranational organisations is the threat of the horrors of atomicwarfare, which are painted in lurid terms by fellow-travelling " scientists " likeBertrand Russell and broadcast with the full blast of all the publicity under Jewcontrol.The writer has heard of no such propaganda being broadcast to thepeople under Communist tyranny.The colours of the United Nations flag are pale blue and white, the same asthose of the new State of Israel.All, or nearly all the key positions in the U.N.O.are held by Jews or fellow-travellers and they always have been.The U.N.O.Charter was drawn up by the Jew, Leo Pasvolsky, special assistant Secretary ofState, U.S.A., and the Secretary-General of the San Francisco Conference whichbrought this Jew-planned "U.N.O." into being, was Alger Hiss.Although thelatter was a Gentile he owed his political career entirely to the influence of theRed New Deal Jew, Justice Felix Frankfurter, and he has been proved to be aspy for Soviet Russia.Incidentally, Fuchs and Pontecorvo were Jews.U.N.O.only seems to function in any unanimous sense when a Jewishinterest is at stake.For example, both America and Russia voted for admittingIsrael to U.N.O, although she was well to the bottom of the waiting list and hadjust been brought into existence by one of the most glaring examples oftreacherous aggression in history.Both America and Russia had armed andabetted Israel against the Arabs.Also, when U.N.O.decided, by bribing andbullying the small nations for their votes, on partitioning Palestine, it includedthe rich oil-bearing Negeb area in the Jewish part.But Count Bernadotte'sproposals, submitted to U.N.O.reversed this decision.He was murdered and theJews forced their way into the Negeb.This outrage led to U.S.A., Britain andChina putting forward a resolution at U.N.O.for sanctions against the Jews ifthey did not withdraw from the area.But the resolution was soon squashed.The Jew, Morgenthau, ex-Secretary of the66 U.S.A.Treasury, cabled President Truman about it and Truman ordered theU.S.A.representative at U.N.O.to stop voting on the resolution.The resolutionwas dropped by the three powers and the Jews kept the Negeb and its oil.Atomic Energy in the U.S.A.is run by Jews: Bernard Baruch, L.L.Strauss,J.R.Oppenheimer, etc.Eisenhower, Baruch's stooge puts out ideas aboutAtomic World Banks.Obviously the Jews wish to obtain full control of theworld's supplies of atomic energy because this, combined with their control offinance, which might get shaky, would greatly strengthen their grip on nationalgovernments throughout the world.General Sir Frederick Morgan, head of the European U.N.R.R.A.Missiondiscovered and stated that the organisation was being used:(1) to feed and clothe the mass exodus of Jews from Russia and CommunistEastern Europe to Israel, and later(2) that the Communists were using U.N.R.R.A.for espionage purposes.For (1) he was made to cross the Atlantic and apologise to the U.N.R.R.A.Director-General, the Jew, Herbert Lehman, Wall Street Banker.For (2) he wascurtly dismissed by the half-Jew fellow-traveller, La Guardia, and replaced bythe Jew, Meyer Cohen.Morgan was then placed on the retired list by the 'British ' Government and was later proved to be right on both statements.Statistics have revealed that U.N.R.R.A.operated mainly behind the IronCurtain although financed solely by America and Britain [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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