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. Heslapped his hands over his clothes, brushing off the dust andcobwebs. Ready to go then?Unable to help himself, Carson stepped forward, grabbedthe nape of Jared s neck and pulled him into a hard kiss.After releasing him, he whispered,  Now I m ready.To his surprise, Jared chuckled and leaned forward togive him another quick kiss. All right then. He turnedaway and Carson let him go, following him through thedoor.Declan laughed quietly, but only said,  Pascal, come withus.The others should know ye on sight, but better safe thansorry.The four of them piled into the elevator and to his shock,he watched Jared lean forward and scan his own eye whileswiping Pascal s pass-card.Jared met his gaze and winked. Why do you think it took me so long to rewire it? Hepinned a stare at Declan. You should let your group know44 Goading The Enforcerthat if they can get hold of a pass-card, they can use theelevator to follow us.The retinal scan activates the shaft, butit doesn t actually verify who is using it anymore.Declan nodded as the elevator started moving.He spokequietly into the radio, ordering certain groups to stay aboveand guard their asses, plus one pair of shifters to remove thethree men from the accountant s office, while other groupsneeded to sweep the first floor labs and the cages on thethird floor.Seconds later, they stopped on the second floor and ran assilently as possible down the hall.Declan held Pascal backsince he was the noisiest, leaving Carson and Jared up front.They came to the room Carson had memorized on the mapshe d found and stopped at a door.He tried the handle, butfound it locked. Shit, he hissed. Hang on, his mate murmured, leaning close and staringat the locking mechanism.Jared pulled out a roll of cloth andunfolded it.He pulled three slender rods from the cloth,tucked the wad of linen back into his belt and inserted twoof the rods deep into the lock with one hand.With the thirdrod, he began to poke and prod, shift and slide them aroundthe small, oval hole.Carson shifted impatiently, glancing upand down the hall uneasily.Jared must have seen themovement from his peripheral vision, for he said,  I malmost done. The last word was punctuated by a faint click. Nice, white man, he murmured, pushing the door open.Something in his chest warmed at the soft smirk on hismate s face.He found Dagus curled up on a cot, recognizing him fromthe myriad of pictures Drake had left with them.The dark-skinned man jerked to a sitting position and backed awayfrom them. Who is it? Dagus whispered. Easy, Dagus.My name is Carson Angeni.I m withDeclan.We re here to help you.45 Charlie RichardsHe kept his tone soothing and prayed Dagus would comeeasily.He didn t want to knock out the already traumatizedman.The captive s words came as a shock. I want to hearDeclan s voice. I m right here, Dagus, Declan responded from behindthem. Yer brother is worried sick about ye, lad.Let s get outof here, aye?Dagus s chest released a breath and a relieved smilecurved his lips as he pushed to his feet. Thank you forcoming.Carson went to him, resting one hand on his shoulder andthe other on the small of Dagus s back. We never leave ourown, he promised. Do you know if there are others on thisfloor?Dagus nodded. I know the room to my left is occupied.I ve heard noises, but can t identify them.When they firstput me here, there were noises from the room on the right,but I haven t heard anything for two days. We ll start with the room on the right then, Declan saidfrom the doorway before slipping away.Jared moved to the left and Carson gritted his teeth as hedisappeared from sight. Right is empty! Declan called. Left is not, Carson heard Jared say right before a snarlechoed through the hall.Carson brushed by Dagus and skidded to a stop at thesight that met him in the doorway.A large spotted catcrouched over Jared, his incisors inches away from Jared sthroat and a low growl emanating from the shifter s throat.Acting on instinct, the instinct that told him anothershifter threatened his mate, Carson leapt forward [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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