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. You re welcome, and you deserve to be treated right.I haven t ever& pursued anyone like I ve done with you.Please keep that in mind whenyou open the gift you ve got there. It is from you. Drake s relief had Ian wondering who else he d thought the box might be from.Drake filled him in. It s just been soamazing, getting two boxes in a few days.I was afraid to just assume, because even though I don t think he has this address, or that he dspend any money, part of me was still worried Rigo was going to ruin this by sending me something hateful. Where s the box from? Ian asked even as he struggled to keep the anger out of his voice.He hated that Rigo was intruding on thiscourtship, even as a phantom fear. Uh, it s from some place called Ventrison. It s from me. Ian felt a surge of panic.This gift wasn t a cuddly teddy bear. If you don t like it, you can send it back and  I m sure I ll love it, Drake panted as sounds of the box being ripped open reached Ian through the phone. Oh, gosh, it s so soft! Yousend me the softest things.Ian sighed in relief.It didn t seem as if Drake hated the cashmere blanket. I wanted you to have something that felt good around you,to  hold you  snuggle into.There was a moment of silence, then Drake spoke again. I think, as much as I love touching this blanket, I d rather try snuggling withyou.And just like that, Ian s cock was hard, his belly tight with need. Can I see you tonight? Yeah, please.Can you come here? I ll feed you, but we ll eat alone because I am sure Carlos, Troy and Will would tease us both about,uh, last time.Ian could handle being teased, but the idea of having time alone with Drake was too good to pass up. Tell me what time, and I ll bethere.I get off shift at six today.It wouldn t hurt me to go home and shower, put on some jeans instead of my uniform. Hm, I don t know, there s something about those handcuffs that you have on your belt  I ll bring them, Ian rasped, his cool façade slipping as the meaning of Drake s offer became clear.At least, Ian hoped he wasn t misinterpreting things. Does this mean you re willing to try some things out? I have lots of things I d like to discuss with you.I m not sure if I really want to try them, or if they re better left in fantasies, but I vebeen watching some of the videos at LeatherDaddyDoms.com, and I don t think I ve ever beat off so much, Ian.Ian gulped down a moan as he closed his eyes.That particular website was run by true BDSM enthusiasts.There were some lightervideos on there spanking and orgasm denial, boot-licking but for the most part, harder core videos were the norm. We ll talk tonight.Maybe you can show me some of your favourites. Ian would be hard-pressed to keep from jerking off and markingDrake s skin with his cum while they watched them. I  Drake hissed in a breath then blew it out noisily. I m not usually so forward, and this is easier to talk about over the phone, but Ithink I d like that, if I don t keel over from embarrassment. Don t be embarrassed, Ian urged him. There s nothing wrong with sharing what turns you on with me.I ll show you some of myfavourites there, too. Okay.Um, can you be here by seven thirty? That way I can have the dinner dishes taken care of, and we can have the kitchen toourselves before going to my room. It s a date, Ian assured him. I m really looking forward to seeing you again, Drake, even if we don t do anything more than talk overdinner.I just want to spend time with you. Sappy, and he felt like a dumbass for admitting it, but it was the truth.He wanted to look atDrake, to talk with him, and yes, if Drake was willing, do so much more than that.They ended the phone call shortly thereafter, and it took Ian a good fifteen minutes to walk off his erection so that he could go backinside.He thought he was given a suspicious look or two, but Ian didn t slow down or offer an explanation for his phone call.He d never hada personal call before while he was working, except when Drake had left him that voicemail inviting him to dinner the first time.His co-workers hadn t known about that, but they would surely try to nose their way into his business if he let them.Ian settled his coldest look in place and started in on the pile of paperwork on his desk.If he snarled, maybe everyone would scatter.That, or he d be sent for a psych eval.Ian would rather not deal with one of those.He kept his head down and tried to look like he was totallyinto what he was doing.He was doing well until his partner Frank Sweeny stopped at his desk and poked him on the shoulder. What s this I hear about some sweet young thang calling you at work?Ian barely kept from scowling at that. I had a phone call.It happens. If he protested too much, he d just be in for more ribbing fromFrank. Gonna tell me who this girl is? Frank asked, poking him again.Ian wasn t ashamed of being gay, but he did have enough sense to be cautious.Cops were chest-thumpers, for the most part, takingmasculinity to an obnoxious level at times.If he and Drake worked out as a couple, he wouldn t hide it.Drake deserved better than that, andso did he.Ian stood up and stretched until his back popped. It s lunchtime, isn t it?Frank narrowed his eyes at Ian. Trying to distract me, son?Ian hated being called that, but he kept his prickly response to himself. I m going to the diner [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]

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