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.""So you said," Blaze replied.100 | Megan Derr  Sword of the King Growling at him, Erie leaned over and nipped his shoulder."Ow! Dragon!" Blaze pinched him, jerking when that justgot him another nip and bellowing in outrage when Erielunged out of his seat and tackled him to the ground."Dragon!You mph " Blaze let Erie kiss him, his fingers gripping thetank top Erie wore."You taste like cow," he said when Blazeeventually allowed him to breathe again."What in the hell iswith you?""Smell good," Erie rumble into the hollow of his throat, andBlaze realized Erie meant he smelled hot and bothered."Rafaelsmell good.Ice smell good."Blaze wondered where all his oxygen had abruptly gone.Hewas fairly certain it had just been there."Don't even think aboutit."Erie growled in discontent."I mean it," Blaze said."Behave, you crazy lizard.We'regoing to be in enough trouble soon.""What's he trying to do, besides get you naked?" Rafaelasked in amusement, making Blaze jump.He stared up at Rafael, and was suddenly painfully aware ofhow fucking ridiculous he must appear: knocked to the floor byhis dragon, who was currently plastered all over him, andsprawled on the linoleum like five year olds rough housing toget attention."He's trying to get all his mint privileges revoked,that's what he's doing."Erie growled and bit his ear."Erie! Off, now."Still growling, Erie obediently climbed off and helped Blazeto his feet."Good Erie," he insisted."Debatable," Blaze said, but captured his chin and drew himclose to kiss him briefly."Behave."Nearby, Conway growled unhappily, and there was nomistaking the envy and longing in his face as he watched them.He shifted his gaze to Rafael and growled again, the pleadingexpression on his face making something in Blaze's chest twistsharply.101 | Megan Derr  Sword of the King Rafael made a rough noise and moved around Blaze andErie, holding out a hand and tugging Conway to him when hetook it."Silly dragon," Rafael whispered, the words only barelyaudible.He kissed Conway softly, and combed a hand throughhis ruffled hair.Conway's happy rumbles filled the kitchen.Blaze tried to think of unpleasant things, but his effortswere doomed, because watching Rafael and Conway ruined anyand all ability to think.Fuck, he hadn't known just how filthy his own mind couldget, and he never pretended to have a clean mind.The way Erieclung to him, hard cock pressing against his hip, growling deepand soft in his ear, was not helping."Blaze."Unable to resist that needy tone of voice, Blaze turned andtook Erie's mouth, heart thudding in his chest, body tight withtension, with want, with a need to have someone pound himsenselessAn angry roar made them all jump and jerk apart.Theystared at each other, confused and embarrassed.Rafael clearedhis throat, but before he could speak the angry roar came again.Blaze bolted towards the front door as they recognizedNevada's voice, lust replaced by concern.Blaze threw open thefront door and then stopped so abruptly that Erie nearlyknocked him down the stairs.When the hell had Amr arrived and why the fuck did Kenhave a gun leveled at him?Blaze vaguely heard Rafael going down the hall to warn Camto stay out of the way until they gave the all clear, but hisattention was mostly on the standoff in the driveway.He randown the front porch stairs and across the yard, shooting Ken aglare, hoping he wasn't about to put an end to their still new,weird, and very tentative friendship.He stepped in front of Amrand spread his arms."Ken, man, what the fuck is your problem?This is Amr, not some goon.""I don't care who the fuck he is," Ken snapped."Move outof my way.The only way I'm letting that son of a bitchanywhere near these dragons is over my corpse."102 | Megan Derr  Sword of the King "That can be arranged," Amr said, his voice familiar andstrange all at once, because Blaze could not remember everhearing the normally congenial Amr sound so cold and deadly.Blaze jerked his head angrily at Ken, a silent order to dropthe gun, and only when he reluctantly did so did Blaze turn tolook at Amr."What in the fuck is going on here? Amr, sincewhen do you make death threats?""Oh, I threaten his kind on a regular basis," Amr said coldly,never taking his eyes off Ken."It's what they do to me and mine,after all."In reply, Ken lifted his gun again."That's because you stupidbastards deserve it.You can get right back in your car and leave,asshole, or I'll be more than happy to put a bullet in your stupidfucking face.""That's enough!" Rafael said, and on either side of him Erieand Conway growled [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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