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.You candevelop practical methods that aid others in achieving their ideals of perfection.Through humanely applying your passionate sense of order to chaotic situations in atolerant way, you can experience satisfaction and a new sense of system.Your energyis increased in the process of making these changes. (Babs Kirby and Janey Stubbs)Someone with Mars in Virgo will be moderate and self-contained.These people willhave the sensual sensitivity that all the Earth signs possess, but they will be reservedin expressing it.Sex does not matter much to them.Unlike Mars in Taurus, they haveno desire in the abstract so they are quite capable of long periods of celibacy if thereis no-one around that interests them.When in a new relationship, however, they mayinitially be very sexually active, trying to compensate for previous abstinence.While someone with Mars in Virgo still takes sensual pleasure in his / her body for itsown sake, this is tempered by a practical, matter-of-fact attitude to physical needsand desires.This is not someone who is easily drawn into the excesses of a Mars inTaurus; Mars in Virgo is far more circumspect and health-conscious.Someone with Mars in Virgo will exercise considerable caution in getting involved ina relationship.These people do not want to make a mistake, and will select a partnerwith care.In choosing, they may seek to fulfil quite particular criteria.In extremecases, a prospective partner may feel like a job applicant being measured against adetailed set of requirements to see if he / she is suitable for the position.Virgo has areputation for being choosy, fussy and critical; and for someone with Mars in Virgoall of this can be brought to bear in his / her approach to a sexual partner.Virgo is a very analytical sign, and Mars in Virgo can be analytical to an extreme.Attheir worst, these people will lose track of the inherent meaning in a situation, intrying to unravel and understand the detail.They can analyse a situation to death.More positively, they will always be prepared to talk about things and to try toundersatnd themselves and their partner.Mars in Virgo people may want a partner who is useful, perhaps someone who helpsout with practical or technical problems; and they may offer this to those they areinvolved with.Joint ventures and activities will be an important part of theirrelationships.(Skye Alexander)You are hard-working and conscientious, focusing much of your energy into your job.When something needs to be done, you are the one who does it; and you manage toaccomplish more than most people through efficient, practical organization of timeand resources.This is the position of the office manager, production supervisor orshift foreman, the dynamo behind the scenes who actually runs the show and withoutwhom the operation couldn't function.You tend to be a perfectionist, and have littlepatience with yourself or others when they make mistakes.However, your ambitionsare modest, and you have no desire for fame, fortune and power (unless Leo isprominent in your chart).Because your ego is smaller than most and you don't standup for yourself, you may not receive the credit you deserve.In fact, you are fearful of having to assert yourself, and may 'choke' in situations thatrequire aggression.Perhaps you feel weak or vulnerable, unable to protect yourselfphysically.Rather than moving outwardly with force and vigor, you often hold yourenergy in check, which results in a build-up of tension.The way you are most likely torelease this pent-up aggression is through complaining, irritability and nervoushabits.Stress and unexpressed anger also can cause you to have problems with yourstomach or digestive system.Not only are you more susceptible to stress than mostpeople, but also you don't possess a great deal of natural vitality, and therefore youneed to take good care of your health through proper diet, rest and exercise.Yoga, in particular, might appeal to you since you probably don't have much interest incompetitive sports [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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