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http://wwics.si.edu/index.-cfm?topic_id=1409&fuseaction=topics.publications&doc_id=43898&group_id=13349704 FOR FURTHER REFERENCE SEE:Collections Overview on the Parallel History Project website, www.isn.ethz.ch/php:705 Records of the Warsaw Pact on the PHP website:706 IndexA-10 aircraft 503 Ålborg 150 B-1B bomber 513 Able Archer 83 exercise Alert times (see also Warning Bad Hersfeld 470621 622 times) 17, 47, 501 Bahr, Egon 519ABM Treaty (see Anti-Ballistic Almaz 2 guidance system 414 Baibakov, Nikolai 456Missile Treaty) Alsfeld 470 Balance, strategic (see also milit-Aboimov, Ivan P.AMX 30B2 tanks 503 ary balance under NATO andrebuffs U.S.on intervention in Andreev, A.M.108 Warsaw Pact) 3, 5, 11, 45, 47,Romania 68, 665 Andrei, Stefan 486, 489, 494, 495 62 63, 170, 507, 508, 511, 625Abrams tank 502 Andropov, Iurii V.83 assessed by NATO 59Abrasimov, Petr A.assessment of NATO 472 479, assessed by East German intel-replacement of, demanded by 483 484 ligence 59Honecker 57 and decision to invade Afghan- assessed by FRG 59Adenauer, Konrad 359 istan 56 and conventional forces 62, 69Advance of forces, rate of 47 and independent arms policy diminished importance of 58Advisers, Soviet 8 490, 491 during Solidarity crisis 54Afghanistan, invasion of 49, 56, likelihood of nuclear war 56, and East German membership438 469 in Warsaw Pact 69Romanian opposition to 49, and Solidarity crisis 458 459 nonmilitary determinants of435, 437 succeeds Brezhnev 56 46, 58Africa 356 Ansbach 553 and offensive nuclear weaponsAirborne Warning and Control Antall, József 678 59System (AWACS) 503 Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty tilting 37, 46, 48, 59, 69Air defense 19, 261, 414, 503 (ABM) 535, 542, 543 Balkans 505, 583AirLand Battle 507, 516 Antonov, Aleksei 133, 135 chemical weapons-free zoneassessed by Ivashutin 500, 506 Arabs 59, 526, 527assessed by Kulikov 59 60, 513 as Soviet clients 33, 44 in Warsaw Pact strategy 23significance of 60 Aristov, Boris 458 Balluku, Beqir 110 111Akhromeev, Sergei F [ 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