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.He couldn t help himself.Kevin reached out and ran his handthrough the soft, unruly strands of dark blond hair. You really dosmell horrible, he teased softly. Could be worse.Kevin dropped his hand as if, well, burned.He swallowed hard,76 LOVING SOMEONE EXTRAORDINARYclosing his eyes tightly. Yeah, he said hoarsely. At least you renot dead. Neither are you.And Gridenko s locked up.All in all, I d sayit was a pretty successful night. Successful! Kevin s eyes popped open so he could stare indisbelief at Alex. You call losing complete control of my powersand nearly killing you successful? Not to mention the fact that Itorched God only knows how many blocks of prime waterfront realestate and outed myself as a Pyro. Hey, hey, Alex called gently.He grabbed Kevin s hands,giving them a quick squeeze. You re okay.I m okay.Thatparticular area needed some revitalization, anyway.And no oneknows about the Pyro thing but you and me.I know you re nottelling, and I m certainly not, either. Gridenko knows, Kevin pointed out. And so do his men.Alex grimaced. Well, as to that& there aren t really any menleft. Say what? You kinda& well, they were going to kill you, after all. Oh, shit.I killed them? Kevin couldn t breathe.He started topanic, a strange whimpering sound escaping his lips. Breathe, babe, Alex ordered.He moved from his crouch topull Kevin close, rubbing circles on Kevin s back with one hand. Breathe.Do I need to get a paper bag?Maybe.Shit, he d never hyperventilated before.It was kind ofhorrible.After a few terror-filled seconds, his lungs heaved, drawing in ablast of much-needed air. Shit.All of them? Yeah, all of them.It was impressive, to be honest.77 LOVING SOMEONE EXTRAORDINARY Gridenko, Kevin choked out. Yeah, well, he might be a problem.But I ll be sure to have alittle talk with him, huh? I think it ll be okay, though.I get thefeeling he s not going to be sharing anything with the STF, least ofall about an untapped Pyro. Why would he care? Because I don t see him as the short-range planning type,Alex stated. I m sure he s already planning an escape.He s notgoing to want a fully-trained Pyro with a grudge waiting on him toget out, either. That& makes absolutely no sense. Babe, you know as well as I that the instant the Powers ThatBe found out you were a Pyro, they d snatch you up, train you, andsend you into the field.They re not going to let a talent like yoursgo unused. No, I can t. Kevin dug his fingers into Alex s shoulders,clinging frantically. You saw me last night.It s too strong.Thefire consumes me.I can t get lost like that. I know.It won t happen.I promise.* * *Alex had never meant a vow more.He d seen firsthand whathappened when Kevin used his power.Alex had been in someincredibly dangerous situations over the course of his long andvaried career.He wasn t ashamed to admit, though, that he d beendamned scared.Kevin had been out of control.Completely.Hell, toward theend there? It hadn t even been Kevin anymore.Alex had heard the rumors, of course.Everyone in his little78 LOVING SOMEONE EXTRAORDINARYworld had.Pyros were unstable, dangerous.Too much power for ahuman being to control.Not just the amount of it, but theoverwhelming nature of the gift.Fire was violent and untamed.Itcoursed through the Super and left nothing behind but the desirefor destruction.Alex was going to do everything possible to keep from seeingthe look in Kevin s eyes that he had seen last night.The maniacalglint, the insanity.His geek had vanished, taken over by someoneunreasonable and& evil.Alex dropped a kiss on top of Kevin s head, not sure whatwords to say that would make this better.His geek was going tohave to deal with it at some point, the fact that he had killed.AllAlex could really do was hold him through it.Kevin suddenly made a small noise of distress.He brushed hisfingers over Alex s hands. Oh, he said, voice tiny and sad. I m sorry.Alex followed Kevin s gaze.Kevin was staring at Alex shands, which were red and blistered [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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