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.A food manufacturer, or for that matter a farmer, is in businessand has to sell more of his product and produce that product at alower cost to make more money.So what farmers do is say, "Hmm,how can I grow the most apples or the most carrots or the mostonions on my field? How can I produce them in the shortest periodof time, at the lowest cost, so I can sell them at the highest possibleprofit?" The answer is: Mess around with mother nature and changethese natural fruits and vegetables with some man-made concoctionthat came out of a laboratory so that they grow bigger and fastertotally against the natural course of things, and are resistant todisease."That way I can make sure I have a full crop and I can sellmore of my produce and make more money." So through genetic 78 Natural Cures "They" Don't Want You to Know Aboutmodification, your all-natural carrot is no longer all-natural, it isreally a man-made product.But it gets worse, because that farmer has to squeeze in and pro-duce more carrots per acre in order to make more profit.He useschemical fertilizers and chemical pesticides and herbicides that hesprays on these natural products like carrots.When you then takethat natural piece of fruit or vegetable, it is loaded with toxic chemi-cals.It also has much less nutritional value than it would have fifty orsixty years ago.It has been said that you would need to eat up to fivetimes the amount of food your grandparents did just to receive thesame nutritional value.That's why if you are going to eat fruits andvegetables or any food for that matter which I highly encourage ofcourse, they must be organically grown.Grains such as rice and wheatare the same.You need to be buying organically grown food.In America, as opposed to many other countries, virtually everythingyou put in your mouth is toxic or contains toxins.Virtually everythingmade by man is toxic.This does not mean everything that is natural isnot toxic.There are plants that are poisonous and if consumed couldkill you.But, virtually everything made by man is a poison.Today, weput more toxins in our body than ever before.Virtually everything that you put in your mouth has pesticides,herbicides, antibiotics, growth hormone, genetically altered mate-rial, or chemical food additives.Even when you eat an apple you aretaking in all the deadly chemicals that were used in the growing andharvesting of that apple.All of our fruits, vegetables, grains, nuts andseeds are grown with highly poisonous chemical fertilizers, pesticidesand herbicides.Many have been genetically modified, turning theminto poisonous material.Even when you consume fresh fruits andvegetables, you are ingesting small amounts of poison.The same conditions apply in the meat industry.Like farmersand other food producers, the meat industry needs to create a lot ofproduct cheaply and quickly, and sell it for as high a profit as pos-sible.To that end, the industry uses growth hormones to speed ananimal's growth (contributing to the record levels of obesity and earlypuberty in our children); antibiotics to keep the animal healthy inunsanitary and inhumane, though economical, conditions (explainingthe contemporary failure of antibiotics the wonder drug of the 20thcentury in humans); feeds the animals unnatural feed diets that notonly pump more chemicals into the meat, but also so upset the animals'systems that they become out of balance, and diseased, and pass those Why Are We Sick? 79mbalances and diseases along to those who consume the meat.Manyimeat products are also "aged." This means the dead animal flesh isallowed to rot, permitting deadly bacteria to grow.Remember, if it's notorganic, if man has made it, don't eat it!The same holds true with dairy products.Because of the use ofdrugs, growth hormones, pasteurization and homogenization, dairyproducts today are a major health concern unless they are organic,not pasteurized, and not homogenized.There are two main things toconsider when looking at dairy products, one of which is pasteuriza-tion and the other homogenization.Pasteurization simply heats thedairy product to a very high temperature to kill any bacteria.Themajor problem is it also kills the living enzymes that are in the milk,making it much harder to digest in the body and thus making the milka totally unnatural product.But more importantly, and more danger-ous, is homogenization.Do you remember the milkman? We used to have the milkmancome to the house to deliver milk.Why did we have to have a milk-man? Why couldn't we just buy our milk in the store? The reason isthe milk went bad very quickly.It spoiled within just a few days.The food industry said "We're losing money by not selling milk inour stores.We can't sell milk because it goes bad too quickly." So theindustry came up with an incredible solution, a process called homog-enization.When the milkman delivered our milk, you may rememberthat the cream separated from the milk.You had to shake up the milkbefore you drank it.The process of homogenization actually spins themilk at a very high rate breaking down the clusters of molecules withinthe milk so that you don't have any separation of the cream and themilk.Therefore the milk will not spoil within a few days, it can actu-ally last a few weeks before going bad.Now that the food industry canhave milk shipped to them, they can put it on the store shelf and theycan sell it, there is no more need for the milkman.The problem ishomogenized and pasteurized milk, and all dairy products, are unnatu-ral.The clusters of molecules are so small that when you ingest themthey virtually scar your arteries.They clog up your digestive system,making it very difficult to digest food, which is one of the major causesof acid reflux disease, obesity, allergies, and constipation.And the scar-ring of the arteries causes the LDL cholesterol to attach itself to theartery, which is one of the major causes or arteriosclerosis, which isone of the major causes of heart disease.The bottom line is pasteurizedand homogenized dairy products are unnatural; raw 100% organic dairy 80 Natural Cures "They" Don't Want You to Know Aboutproducts are natural.Organic, raw, natural dairy products are natural.Remember Jack LaLane said, "If man made it, don't eat it."When you eat fish you are only slightly better off.Many kinds offish are "farmed," meaning that highly toxic feed and chemicals areused to make the fish grow unnaturally fast to unnaturally large sizes.Other poisonous chemicals are used in the processing of the fishbefore sale to consumers.When you consume this "man-made" fish,you are also taking in all the poisons and toxins that have been usedin its production.Fish in the wild are much better.However, becauseof the massive dumping of poisonous chemicals into out lakes, rivers,and oceans, many wild fish have been found to have abnormally highlevels of toxic chemicals in them as well.When you eat ANY food thathas been produced by large food manufacturers, the fact is that youare 100 percent guaranteed to be ingesting highly toxic and poisonousman-made chemicals.I know this sounds terrible.I know you are probably wonderingwhat do I do; how do I eat? The good news is there are some verySIMPLE and EASY solutions which I will explain in a later chapter.I amtrying to point out to you here that you are highly toxic, that you areconstantly loading your body with toxins, which are one of the leadingreasons you develop disease and are susceptible to viruses and bacteria [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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