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. Anyway, the fight endedwith Luke face down in the carpet, for reasons I won t repeat.And as I was walking out the door I told him,  I think that s how Ilike you best. So Mac knew that the phrase would make me thinkabout getting down on the floor either way.At which point thefire safety thing clicked too. As long as it worked, the negotiator said.She turned toMac. I have to get going, she told him. I ll send you a copy ofmy report.By the way, you did good.If you ever want a changeof career, call me and I ll recommend you for training to do myjob. Thank you, Mac said,  But I d rather be boiled in oil.The negotiator laughed and headed off to her car.The three LIFE LESSONS 259men watched her go.She eased her bulk into the driver s seat withsurprising grace and pulled away. Man, she reminds me of my grandmother, Oliver said.Tony nodded. I wish my grandmother reminded me of her, Mac said.Oliver punched him lightly in the arm. I ve got to get backto the scene, he said. I want to keep my eye on that money untilit s back under lock and key.Why don t you get Mr.Hart headedback to the precinct and come help with clean-up. Right, Mac agreed.He watched Oliver walk back towardthe house.The paramedic taped a bandage on Tony s secondwrist.A few minutes of checking Tony over, another severalfilling out the required forms, and she was finally done. Comeon, Mr.Hart, Mac said.He reached up and caught Tony s elbowto help him down out of the truck. Let s find you a ride. He ledthe way toward the patrol cars lining the perimeter. Can t it be you? Tony asked in a barely audible voice asthey walked.Mac winced.He wanted to, desperately.A drive backwould surely allow for a few minutes alone in the car to just holdonto this man.But he couldn t.He shouldn t. I wish, Mac breathed,  But no.I can t.I m responsible forthe scene here. After a moment he added softly,  By the way,that was a great story about the way I like you best.You re onehell of a liar, Mr.Hart.Tony s eyes glittered. Aren t I just? Thank you, Mac said. Really, I appreciate it. For you, anytime.But try not to make it often.They were too close to the uniformed officers for a reply.Mac called a man over and arranged to have Tony driven back tothe precinct to make his statement.He stood watching as Tonyrode off in the black-and-white.The kid didn t look back.He wasbetter at this fucking closet stuff than Mac was.Mac went back to work.The scene was secured, the house 260 Kaje Harpersearched for drugs and weapons, the money taken into safecustody.Parker was long gone in the ambulance, siren wailing.The SWAT cops on scene were giving a guy named Harry a hardtime about being two inches off target.The radiator where Tonyhad been tethered was sprayed with blood, a blank white spacemarking where Tony s body had taken the spray.It had been thatclose.Mac felt a little sick.Keep working.It was hours later, back at the precinct, when Mac heard aknock behind him and looked up from his reports.Tony stoodthere in ill-fitting sweats, rapping a knuckle on another desk, andsmiling at him tiredly. Someone got me these sweats and my spare keys back andstuff, but they took my damned clothes again, he said. I mgoing to have to go shopping, and I hate shopping. Sorry, Mac said helplessly.He clenched his hands in his lapto keep from reaching out. I m done, Tony said,  And I thought I d stop by and seeif you wanted to provide taxi service.But from the look of yourdesk, you ll be a while. Yeah.Sorry.Tony nodded. Any word on Brad? He s still in surgery last I heard.But it doesn t look good.You know, those SWAT guys have to go for the kill shot.Theycan t afford to miss.It s a miracle Brad didn t die at the scene.Tony sighed and hitched his hip on the corner of the emptydesk behind him. Is it awful of me to hope he dies? he asked. Life in prison won t help that kid, and anything less would bewrong.And I d love to avoid the trial. I hope he dies too, Mac said.He tried to keep the maliceout of his tone, but apparently not successfully because Tonylooked worried. Mary Pinski s going to make it, Mac added. She s what? Tony asked, startled. Really? Good, that sgood.I thought I sat there and watched him kill her so& that s LIFE LESSONS 261better. There will still be at least one trial, Mac pointed out. I thinkwe can tie the brother in to the drugs, and of course harboringa fugitive. Not to mention telling his brother to go ahead and shootme. What! Mac leaned forward. When was this? Read my statement, Tony said tiredly. Lots of fun foreveryone in there.But don t let that bastard Ronald go untilyou ve read it.If Mary survives you may have to charge her too.Apparently she knew Brad killed Westin, and may even have set itup for him. He rubbed a hand across his face and stood. Well,if you re tied up, I ll go call a cab. He held out his hand to Mac. Thank you for my life, Detective. Don t make me do it again, Mac said, taking his hand [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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