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. Superb! said another.I heard the intake ofbreaths. What did I tell you? asked Mirus.I heard sounds of relish and anticipation.I began to tremble.Ilooked up at my master.He was proud of me! Too, there wereconventionized sounds, indicative of interest and approval, theintake of breath through saliva, certain sounds made with the tongueand lips, certain clickings and smackings, and such, of the sort thatmight cause a free woman to swoon with dismay, but are addressedappropriately enough, and usually to her pleasure, to slaves.Too, Iheard whistles and sex calls.Some men, by such noises, summon agirl, running, to their feet.If she is close enough, of course, noisesof the preceding sort may also be used for this purpose.180  Please, please sirs, said Mirus, in mock protest. Desist! This isa virgin! You will embarrass her!There was much laughter.This was a splendid joke, I gathered.Who, after all, cares for the feelings of a slave? No, woman like that, said a man,  with a collar on her neck, isa virgin!There was more laughter.I gathered that that was supposed to be a compliment.I glancedup at Hendow.How pleased he seemed to be to own me.How proudhe seemed to be! I was afraid, but I was pleased, too, and grateful,that he was pleased with me.I wanted to be pleasing to him.He wasmy master. But she is a virgin! laughed Mirus. Who cares? called a man.There was more laughter. Among our guests this evening, said Mirus, gesturing,  is onewell known to you all, Tamirus, He indicated a good-natured-looking fellow, sitting to one side in green robes.This fellow liftedhis hand, in good humor, to the crowd. later, said Mirus,  whenour lovely chain-daughters in attendance, Tupita, Sita and Ina,whom some of you well know, and intimately, and whom Irecommend to you all, as I also do my lovely assistants, Aynur andTula, have presented to you another chain-daughter, this lovely slut,their sister in bondage, we shall call upon Tamirus for hisattestation.There was a good-humored cheer, acknowledging whichTamirus, grinning, once more lifted his hand.The attestation, Igathered, was little more than a formality, but, I supposed, some ofthe fellows would want it.I stood toward the center and about a third forward from the rearof the floor, my arm still in the grip of Hendow, my master. I will buy another ostrakon! called a man.I saw Aynur andTula glance at one another.Aynur s bowl was no longer empty.Tula s now held less. We shall reopen the sale of ostraka presently, called Mirus.The musicians were on my left. Hendow, called Mirus, dramatically,  my employer, and dearfriend, Hendow, are you not the master of this tavern? I am, grinned Hendow.There was laughter.I was afraid my arm would be bruised where Hendow held it.Hisgrip was like iron. And you own many women? Yes, said Hendow.181  We see you have a slave in hand. Yes, said Hendow. Do you own her, as well? asked Mirus. Yes, said Hendow. And it is your intention to keep her all for yourself? said Mirus. No, said Hendow, grinning.There was a cheer. She is then to have the same status as your other women, and tobe available to your customers, and such? asked Mirus. Yes, said Hendow.There was another cheer. She is then to be not a private slave, but a public slave?inquired Mirus. Yes! said Hendow.This announcement was greeted with another cheer. If she is a treasured private slave, noble Hendow, said Mirus, take her swiftly to your chambers.If she is not, but is as your otherwomen, then, noble friend, we pray you, step back from her, leavingher upon the floor before us.I felt Hendow s hand release my arm.He stepped back.there wasa cheer.I did not know where he was.I supposed he might besomewhere behind me, and to my left.I felt very much alone.To besure, the other girls were still near me.But we were all slaves,before men. Come forward, come forward, said Mirus, coaxingly,beckoning to me.I came forward, in the cuffs and leashes, clutching the sheet, thegirls with me.I now stood back about a third from the front edge ofthe dancing floor.The men could see me very well now.Themusicians were now back, and to the left. I will buy an ostrakon! called a man. And I! called another. And I! said another.I watched Mirus take tarsk bits from these men.He dropped thecoins into the sack at his belt.From the distention and apparentweight of the sack I gathered he had already taken in several tarskbits.I supposed that I should feel flattered.I clutched the sheet uphigher about my neck.I wondered where Hendow was, somewherebehind me, I thought.When a fellow had paid his tarsk bit Miriswould reach into the copper bowl carried by Tula and draw forthfrom it one of the small, glazed three inches long and an inch wide,thin, flat, brittle, glazed, baked-clay ostraka.They were oval and,along the long axis,182 slotted.The ostraka are lovely and fragile.A number, the samenumber, was written at the bottom and top of each item.I winced asMirus snapped one of the ostraka in two, giving half to thepurchaser and throwing the other half into Aynur s bowl. Goodluck! he said. What is her name? called a man. Doreen, said Miris. At least that is the name by which she isknown to Borko.I shuddered, and the men laughed, seeing my fear.I did not thinkthe nature of Hendow s Borko, that massive hunting sleen, wasunknown to them.I heard the snappings of ostraka. Bring her over here, so we can see her better,  said a man. And over here, said another, on the other side. Come, frightened urt, said Tupita.She guided me to the right,where I must stand at the edge of the floor, there, and then further tothe right, and back.I then saw Hendow, my master.He was standingback, near the wall at the back of the tavern, near the threshold withthe beaded curtain, that through which I had entered.I was then moved further to the right, in a circular pattern, and Ithen stood at the back, right corner of the dancing floor, as onewould see it from the front.I was then a moment later, conductedagain to my right, and I now stood in the vicinity of what would bethe front, right corner of the floor, as one would see it from thefront.I was near the edge.Tupita apparently wanted me to be closeto the men, that my proximity, I suppose, might stimulate them.I heard the snappings of more ostraka. Oh! I cried.I was frightened.I could not pull away. Stand asyou are, said Tupita. Yes, Mistress, I said.A man, sitting nearthe edge of the floor, had put out his hand and held my left ankle.hethen, with his thumb, rubbed slowly below and behind theanklebone, and then, with his fingers, up, just below the calf.Ishuddered at his touc.I went up an inch or two on the toes of myfoot. Look at that, called a man. That is no virgin, said another. She is a virgin, averred Mirus, snapping another ostrakon, noteven looking about. You will shortly have the attestation, he said. I will take another ostrakon, said the fellow who had touchedme. I, too, said another.183 My ankles released, Tupita, aided by Sita, again put me towardthe center of the floor, near the front, much where I had stoodbefore.I was trembling.I could not help how I had moved under histouch.The men looked at me.I heard laughter.I blushed.There was more laughter. In time, however, said Mirus, continuing his transactions,  weexpect her to feel at least some minimal slave heat.There was laughter [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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