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.5 The Reverend Father is wrong.It was not the Court, but the barristers for the Jews who attacked theProtocols as the vilest product of the printing press ever published in Switzerland.I have carefully perused the53 folio pages of the judgment and I can affirm that the Court nowhere declared the Protocols to be ' adocument written in bad faith, a malignant and poisonous forgery.' That statement is absolutely opposed to thetruth." The Court certainly made use of some very severe epithets, such as ' stupid Jew-baiting,' ' attempt to defamethe Jews as a body,' but these were employed with reference to the article Shweizermadchen hiite dich vorschandenden Juden, which had nothing to do with the Protocols, but which the Jews had cleverly included intheir case." The Court declared that the Protocols were ' shoddy or trashy literature in the aesthetic and literary.sense.'With that judgment we are in complete agreement.What remains to be determined is who is the author of this 'trashy literature.' On that point the Court declared itself incompetent."1.Extract from Les Protocols des Sages de Sion constituent-ils un faux by H.de Vries de Heekelingen (Printedat Lausanne, 1938).In May 1935, the Judge of the Lower Court of the Swiss Canton of Berne, Meyer, gavejudgment in the action taken by the Swiss Jewish Association and the Jewish Community of Berne againstTheodore Fischer and Silvio Schnell concerning the Protocols and other publications.An appeal was lodged byFischer and Schnell against the judgment, and the Court of Appeal or Higher Court of Berne gave its decisionin October, 1937.2.M.de Vries de Heekelingen here quotes the German text of the Judgment.3.M.de Vries de Heekelingen again quotes from the German text of the High Court's decision.4.M.de Vries de Heekelingen again quotes from the German text of the High Court's decision.5.Article in La Nouvelle Revue tHeologique (January, 1938, p.57) by the R.Pere Pierre Charles, S.J. APPENDIX IIITHE RULERS OF RUSSIAOn the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet the following are all Jews: N.Shvernik, Chairman; A.F.Gorkin,Secretary; A.M.Kirchenstein, Deputy Chairman; Ilya Ehrenberg; S.V.Kaftanov (5 out of 12).On the Council of Ministers L.M.Kaganovich, L.P.Beria, while of the remaining 10 three members aremarried to Jewesses Stalin, Voroshilov and Molotov.On the Politbureau of the Central Committee all the above are included with only four others.And there is aJew at the head of every one of the following Ministries: Agricultural Stocks, Building Industry, Food andMaterial Reserves, Heavy Industry Construction.The Information Services are under the control of the Jew S.Lozovsky.The Jewish control of Russia was even more apparent immediately after the Communist Revolutionwhen the Jew content of the Government became close on 90%, from having been none under the Tzardom.Puppet Governments of Communist Europe.In Poland the Jew Jacob Bergman exercises most control, supported by six other Jews out of eleven membersof the Politbureau, besides a Jew at the head of the Ministry of Education, as Public Prosecutor and Chief of theYouth Movement.In Hungary the Government of five members is all-Jewish.In Czecho-Slovakia the Secretaryand Deputy Secretary of the Communist Party are both Jews.In Yugoslavia the man behind Tito is the JewMoishe Pjade.In Roumania the Jewess Anna Pauker is the real ruler.Names of the Jews in the above appointments have been published in FREE BRITAIN and will be provided,where asked for, as will the names of the six Jews who led the Dock Strike of last year and the Jews at the headof the Communist Movements in Canada and South Africa.In Britain the most important one is Ivor Montagu,one of the leading members of the " British " Communist Party and son of a Jew Peer.These are the People you would have to fight for in anotherWar.Here are some of the appointments in the United Nations Executive and in its Agencies; they are all Jews:Department of Economic AffairsSpecial Adviser: A.Rosenberg.Economic Stability Director: D.Weintraub.Department of Public InformationAssistant Secretary General: Ben Cohen.Films Division Director: J.Benoit-Levy.Legal Department: Chief: A.H.Feller.Director of Interpreters: G.Rabinovitch.Administrative DepartmentDeputy Director: Max Abramovitz.Executive (Personnel) : M.Bergmann.International Labour OfficeDirector General: A.Morse.UNESCOEducational Reconstruction Director, J.Eisenhart [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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