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.There was nothing tame or refined about anything he did.His tongueand his finger worked in sync, each taking her roughly, giving her nochoice but to surrender to the thrill, to surrender herself to whateverdecadence he had in mind.Bas s body tensed as he ravished her mouth.His fingers thrust insideher once more and then were gone, replaced with the full length of him,filling her completely, making her moan and arch her back.He took her, thrust into her over and over roughly, the cultured manshe d known replaced by this sensual predator.She squirmed underneathhim, so inundated with pleasure and wildness she struggled to breathe.Sheheard herself cry out, although the sound was unlike any she d madebefore.Gaea struggled to free her hands even though she didn t reallywant to.She felt more in tune with her body than she ever had, eventhough her moves were uncontrolled and foreign. You re mine, he growled, the tone leaving no room for argument,taking control of her body, her mind, her soul.155 Exception to the Rules Stephanie MorrisGaea wrapped her legs around his waist, meeting each plunge of hiswith a thrust of her own, two bodies coming together like two halvescompleting a whole.Her orgasm came fast, with such intensity she could only cry outincoherent, quivering.She gripped him both with her legs and her innermuscles, and he went over the edge, too, his shout interlacing with herslike their bodies.When it was over, he released her wrists, crumpling on top of her in aheap.Gaea didn t care.She wanted to feel his chest rise and fall.She stillhad him inside her, and that, she wasn t ready to give up.Lightheaded from the exertion, her body continued to contract withaftershocks of the ferocious climax, and every time she did, he respondedthe same way.Finally, long after everything seemed to return to normal, he exhaledheavily, then kissed her.Kind-hearted Bas had returned, but now she knewthat there was another side to him, rugged, sinful, and she didn t knowwhich she preferred. I don t want to, he whispered,  but I have to.She groaned. Please, no. I m sorry.Cramp in my leg.She kissed his shoulder. Poor baby. It s your fault. He rolled to the side, leaving her empty and cold. How is it my fault? You make it hard for me to think.I have no self-restraint when I mnear you. That has nothing to do with me.That s all you. No.It is definitely you. How?He turned his head in her direction. Because it hasn t happened withanyone else. Really?He shook his head. I don t know what to do about you.156 Exception to the Rules Stephanie Morris That makes two of us. Sometimes I wonder if I should just leave you alone.Go back to thebeginning and concentrate on the research.Get territorial around Arnold,then pretend you don t exist. It is what we agreed upon. But then we re alone, and the research is the last thing on my mind. I m not supposed to think of anything other than this fashioncampaign.There are only a few more days left and I can t afford to getdistracted.This is everything I ve worked for and my future is dependenton the outcome.So what is my solution? I spend every free momentthinking about you. That s not good. Tell me about it.Bas rolled onto his side, resting his head on his hand. What should wedo? Your guess is as good as mine. We could try to start over again.Go back to the original plan.We canlook all we want but no touching.I ask questions, you answer.She nodded. Are you sure? We haven t been successful this far. True.But we re both mature adults.We should be able to curtail ourinsatiable lust for a few days. Uh.sure.Especially since we ve um. Yes.Consider it just taking the edge off, so to speak. I couldn t have phrased it better. Gaea laughed. So it s settled.We ll be mature adults.You ll sleep out here, I ll sleep in there.You llask questions, I ll answer.This is going to work out great. She rolledtoward him, facing him, copying his pose exactly. We ll be the perfectexamples of propriety. Platonic. Yet affectionate.He cleared his throat. But you realize we ve pretty much ruinedtonight.157 Exception to the Rules Stephanie Morris Technically, you re right. The more I think about it, the more I realize we need to get all thissexual distraction out of our systems.You know, sex each other until wecollapse.Then it will easy to be perfect examples of respectability. I can see why you re so successful in business.You re good atrationalizing. Yep.I look at the big picture. Yes, you do, she responded. Now, I say after I use the bathroomand get a little water, we rendezvous in the bedroom. Hmm.a change of setting.She chuckled. You did say we need to get it completely out of oursystems. Very smart woman. Okay then.I ll see you in the bedroom shortly. I m just going to get rid of this used protection, get a few moresupplies, then join you.Gaea leaned over and kissed him. I really like the way you think.Thefeeling is mutual.* * * *Bas awoke to a note next to him instead of Gaea.I ve gone to get ready for the Geocaching event.I should be back bytwelve.That s it.Short and sweet with no reference at all of the night thathadn t ended until the sun peeked over the horizon.He lay back down,wondering if he should get up and do something productive.Instead, hedecided to relax and order room service.He knew Arnold would be withGaea for the Geocaching event, but given the state of mind Bas was in, hewouldn t be much help until he got his act together.Gaea had told him about the all day stunt that would begin just afternine this morning.All of the winners from a write-in campaign, almost158 Exception to the Rules Stephanie Morrisfifty of them, would be given a portable global positioning system and amap.Their task was basically a treasure hunt [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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